24 the new season - Starts tonight 10/29 - Printable Version

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- Teenweek - 05-14-2003

Boring show last night. Not too much happened. Especially for the 2nd to last episode. Alex died. You knew that was coming. Tony and Michelle are arrested. That was cool. Jack having a heart attack was cool. Who else thought Kim was going to lose it and shoot Kate or pull a gun on her at least. Good episode but I was expecting so much more with only one episode left. Who the Hell is the guy on the yacht?

- Metalfan - 05-14-2003

Fuck the guy on the yacht....who was the hot bitch that Kingsley plunged the knife into? What a rack on her!

- Danked - 05-14-2003

I've never seen this show.

- Metalfan - 05-14-2003

Thanks for that insight, buddy

- Suzie - 05-14-2003

I agree, last night was disappointing. It would be a plus if Jack didn''t make it. Surprised Pres. Palmer was willing to lie, especially as a favor to the current administration. Maybe in the final hour he'll resign?

- Metalfan - 05-14-2003

Novick knew Palmer would make the call if only to save the bomber pilot's lives. He places a great deal of value on human life so it was an easy chance to take.

I don't think Jack will survive the last hour, but he will recover enough from last night's little accident to at least make it to the Coliseum. In the previews, Sherry was I'm piecing together that Jack was able to get her there because I doubt she'd go on her own.

Oh yeah.....that back-stabbing Carrie bitch needs to get taken down!

- Teenweek - 05-14-2003

Well whatever happens it continues through to next season. It ends in a cliffhanger.

- Teenweek - 05-20-2003

Tonight is the final episode. I am so pumped :5:

- Suzie - 05-20-2003

I'm psyched too. But no cliffhanger, they'll wrap it all up. I hope Pres. Palmer gets reinstated.

- Gooch - 05-20-2003

I've found that the 2nd half (post Nuclear explosion) just hasn't been as good as the first half. Good season, overall...but really lost alot of steam.

- QuickStop - 05-21-2003

i watched tonights episode a few hours ago, and it was quite good. Seriosuly dont read anything past this line unless you want the episode to be completely ruined for you:

<!-- spoilerKillit --><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#000000" size="1">Spoiler (Highlight to Read):</font>
</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><!-- spoilerKillitEnd --><!--txtStart-->both jack and sheri are fine. tony and michelle are released from custody and ctu is helping jack again because mike novick got some info about kingsly and believed that the cypris audio was forged. jack puts a wire on sheri and she goes to talk to kingsly. they have a direct feed to the president so that if she gets him to admit the audio is fake, they will stop the war. she gets him to say it, but he then realizes that she was bluffing and that she doesnt have the nerd. he tells a sniper to take her out, but jack has killed the sniper and proceeds to pick off a bunch of kingsly's guys. sheri runs to safety, and jack, after killing most of the assholes, has another heart problem and is all fucked up. kingsly is about to shoot him, but a ctu chopper flies up and kills him. everything is good and the vice president guy and all the asses that voted against palmer resign, but he lets them keep their jobs, except for mike novick. The ending was a total surprise though. That guy on the yacht that metalfan said "fuck him" was apparently like a big boss guy, and he says that they'll "have to do it another way." so Palmer is giving a speech in public and shaking everyones hand and being applauded, when some bitch shakes his hand, then goes behind a building and peels of this film from her hand. she calls that guy, and is like "its done" palmer then collapses and appears as if he will die in seconds and it goes to black<!--txtEnd--><!-- spoilerKillit --></td></tr></table><!-- spoilerKillitEnd -->

- Mad - 05-21-2003

WOW! That was an awesome ending. Can't wait till next season.

- Galt - 05-21-2003

what a short memory.

That "some bitch" is Mia Kircshner who was the lesbian terrorist chick from last season who killed the photographyer and blew up the plane in the first episode last year.

- Suzie - 05-21-2003

Quote:But no cliffhanger, they'll wrap it all up

OK, so maybe I was a little bit wrong. I think she gave him SARS!!!!!

- Mad - 05-21-2003

Quote:a little bit wrong


Hell, no that be some nasty skeeva disease stick your dick in and the shit explodes!


- Metalfan - 05-21-2003

Yep, you were right QS, I totally underestimated the importance of the Asshole on the yacht. However, my fuck him comment was in favor of knowing who the hot chick was LOL. He was fucking Kingsley's boss....nice twist.

Galt, thanks for bridging the gap, I never saw season 1, and I just thought she was some creepy chick, maybe going to pull a gun on Palmer...never expected bio-terror assassination at close range....whoa!!!

- Teenweek - 05-21-2003

Her name is Mandy. What was up with Marie in the Hannibal Lecter cage and what did she mean when she said to kate, that she is not safe.

- Metalfan - 05-21-2003

I think it was a bit of foreshadowing that Marie knows much more about what has happened and will happen than she initially led us to believe.

- Galt - 05-21-2003

so does the cliffhanger mean they are going to spend 48 straight hours without sleep?

- Teenweek - 05-21-2003

or going to the bathroom.