First 3 Episodes Of 24 - Printable Version

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- Paper Boy - 01-14-2007

season 6 starts tonight at 8 pm. 2 hours tonight and 2 hours tomorrow night.

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2007

chloe is lookin seksi

- Keyser Soze - 01-15-2007

that was some straight up gangsta shit

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2007

my favorite kill of all

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed>

- Goatweed - 01-15-2007

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2007

Its on youtube

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed>

- Goatweed - 01-15-2007

Jack rules.

- faceman802 - 01-15-2007

the biting kill was sick and dr. bashir(for the star trek fans) stabbing that guy in the leg hurt me on the couch but anytime Kal Penn is trying to act all hardass and tough I can't help but flashback to him in harold and kumar or van wilder and the effect is ruined on me.

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2007

There is a cool segment on the season 5 dvd and I was hesitant in watching it, cause I figured it was a part of the premier episode but it actually isn't.

It's about 10 minutes long and the segment deals with Jack being tortured in the chinese prison. I tried to find it on youtube but no ones uploaded it.

Basically it's been about 7 months since Jack was captured and they are torturing him with electric paddles and cutting. Trying to get him to tell them which of the two suspected men in their organization is working with CTU.

After some time and Jack being close to death, they return him to his cell. Within a few minutes you see one of the guards take a shot to the head and two american soldiers come into the cell to rescue Jack. Jack is shaken, much like at the start of the episode. They take him out and after a shootout with the chinks, they make it to an airfield where the chinese guy in question is waiting and the soldiers ask Jack to verify that he knows this man and Jack reluctantly verifies that he is an inside man working for CTU..... BOOM! The chink gets shot by the Chinese government official and the whole "rescue" was a play by the chinks to get Jack to verify their suspicion.

And then jack was stuck there for another 17 months, that is just insane.

- Goatweed - 01-15-2007

whoa, that's fucked up. Do they show why his hand is all fucked up too?

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2007

No, in this scene you see him get zapped several times, then the chink official gets pissed and slices jack on the back. That was just one of over 700 days of torture though.

As far as his hand though, coulda been any number of things, looked like a burn to me, boiling water, acid maybe.

- Galt - 01-15-2007

I have to watch this episode again. I watched it after I got back from the bar after the Pats game, and I don't remember anything.

The only thing I remember is that Kumar and The Rod Tidwell's wife are in it.

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2007

Great episode, they brought Milo back and I dunno about that move, I didnt like him in season 1. Chloe is looking sexier this season, now that shes getting penis on a regular basis. Jack had a lost boys flashback and in all the crazy kookiness of all these terrorists attacks and jack ripping peoples throats out with his teeth.... David Palmers brother is president....

With Jacks trauma and hesitation, I believe his arc is gonna be awesome to watch. Cause you know its gonna cause him to screw up somewhere and then pull off some sick shit that eventually brings him "back". Though you cant consider him too much off after the throat kill but he is obviously screwed up and he should be! It would be cheap and campy if they had him come back unscared and all of a sudden he is superman again.

His mentality is something i'd been hoping they would delve into more. Especially after season 5 cause there were several times during the season where you just stop and think "how does he mentally deal with all of this?" I think it was the scene when CTU got hit with the nerve gas and Edgar died. Because everyone in the room is affected and is on the verge of breaking down while Jack just says "we cant do anything for them". That and what Audrey says to him about how she cant just push it aside and close off the feelings like him. But its obvious in his reactions, especially when he is alone, that his emotions are far from closed off.

- Goatweed - 01-15-2007

it was weird to see him give up so easy on the terrorist guy, backing off because he saw in his eyes that the guy didnt know anything (even though he clearly did). I like how it seems he's gonna get his mojo back by working with Assad - I mean that could clearly change but its working right now. He's clearly gotta get past those 2 yeard of torture, and it looks like he's doing so in a very realistic manner - realistic for the show at least.

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2007

Well like I explained that one scene on the season 5 dvd, that was just one day out of over 2 years of torture, day in day out. He obviously isnt the same Jack who can storm into an interrogation room and shoot someone in the leg to get info, he is obviously queasy as far as that goes now. Like he said "I dont know how to do this anymore" Assad said that he will remember and he will but it would be unrealistic to think he can pop right back into it.

Assad will probably put him into a situation which will cause him great discomfort.

- Gooch - 01-15-2007

GonzoStyle Wrote:chloe is lookin seksi

i find her completely unattractive.

- Gooch - 01-15-2007

We can safely say Kumar ain't gonna get to White Castle on 24.

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2007

Gooch Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:chloe is lookin seksi

i find her completely unattractive.

more for me!

- Goatweed - 01-15-2007


- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2007

Chloe is loyal, sarcastic and can hack you some free porn, what more can you want?