Game threads - Should they exist - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 05-14-2002

Quote:I was wondering if the creation of a seperate forum would keep people out of the Pit and it's discussions. Sometimes people looking to post in a game thread will read the other threads and respond in there as well...maybe all the jumping around would really lead to an issue.
IF a new forum was created for games and chat, I don't really think people would stop reading the Pit. But I suppose that is a possibility.

- Keyser Soze - 05-14-2002

I think it depends and would also speak volumes about what kind of board we have become, or perhaps, always was.

- DGW - 05-14-2002

I come here to bullshit, and frolic in the grace of you all.

- Maynard - 05-14-2002

Quote:I think it depends and would also speak volumes about what kind of board we have become, or perhaps, always was.
Do we really want to define ourselves like that? I think we should just let things be. They've fallen into place, wether its the intended place or not.

- Keyser Soze - 05-14-2002

We define ourselves with or without it.

Maybe clearing the Pit of game threads will give people a forum for posting things with more content behind them?

- Maynard - 05-14-2002

Quote:Maybe clearing the Pit of game threads will give people a forum for posting things with more content behind them?
I don't know about you, but I think that regardless of what other threads there are, when someone has something to post they do.

That's just my opinion though.

- diceisgod - 05-14-2002

My favorite game is the one where everybody complains about game threads.

- Keyser Soze - 05-14-2002

Hmmmm, maybe this idea will rob everyone of the privledge of complaining about the chat threads. I wouldn't want to ruin dice's favorite game.

- Kid Afrika - 05-14-2002

Quote:Does that mean some people only come here for the game and chat threads? Do any of you mainly come here for that?
Some people do. It's beyond me why they do, but they do.

I guess it's a way for them to pass the time. I say read a book.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-14-2002

Quote:I guess it's a way for them to pass the time. I say read a book.

But reading a book at your desk looks like your slacking, at least when you post in a games thread, they hear you typing. :-)

- Galt - 05-14-2002

If there's going to be a different forum for games and chats, can we have a different forum for K1d's constant bitching? Can we have a different forum for all the same tired jokes about Grumpy's mom, homosexuality, blah blah blah.

I don't even go in forums. I only view this board through the "new post" section, so there are no forums to me. I open threads that I have no interest in. Instead of getting upset that someone else is interested in something that I'm not, I just move on. Why is that so difficult?

Why are the people who are the most vocal about professing their individuality the ones that try and rain on someone else's parade? The people who constantly have the "I'm who I am take it or leave it, if you don't like what I say, don't read it", tough guy exterior, the same ones who are doing the exact opposite, and have to constantly try and force everyone else to do things like them?

Just shut the fuck up about the game threads already, or I will fucking rape you.

- Skitchr4u - 05-14-2002

aren't the rules for the pit anything goes and no crying? if we are taking telling people not to play games, we are saying that anything except for games and chat goes...right?

- Ken'sPen - 05-14-2002

Galt, I want to have your baby!

- Sloatsburgh - 05-14-2002

Should I start a GTA3 thread or should we keep all of them in one place?

- diceisgod - 05-14-2002

I hate threads where they post stuff about things. I mean, go read a book or something. Geez.

- Weird NJ - 05-14-2002

Can we put game threads in Uber Geek, or would that upset some sensitive balance? And what's wrong with chatting in the pit? You guys chat it up in most threads anyways. Rolleyes

Edited By Weird NJ on May 14 2002 at 2:14

- Ken'sPen - 05-14-2002

I liked weird NJ better.

- OAS - 05-14-2002

Skitch's point is valid. The Pit - anything goes.
If Keyser and Kid would be happier, start a My shit doesn't stink and I'm better than you forum.

I'm really begining to like Galt!

- Skitchr4u - 05-14-2002

do my eyes deceive me? did someone say i make sense? thank you, i quit! i am going home!!

- Keyser Soze - 05-14-2002

I have nothing against these kinds of threads. I'm saying that there are so many of them that they should have their own forum. Just like we have a forum for sports, entertainment, music, etc...