Your musical morals - Do you have any? - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 05-16-2002

Quote:but if someone else who i can reasonably believe have a decent reason for liking them and like what i like in someways i'll be more inclined to give them a listen. any recommendation from any media seams so unpure.
I will take a recommendation from anyone. I'll give stuff an unbiased listen. But, there are sources that I trust more than others. I almost NEVER go by any recommendation from a media source. They all have an agenda.
I've actually checked out alot of stuff that people from the board are listening to. I love the "what are you listening to" thread. It's great. And from that, I've learned that there are certain people here that have similar music interests, so I will certainly check out one of their recommendations. Then there are others, that listen to stuff I just hate, so if they come to me with a new band, I may listen to it once because it's something new, but I won't rush out and buy it.

- BeckyDC - 05-16-2002

yes. I have music morals. MUST BE LOUD, heavy, and gives you an adrenaline rush every time. NO more no less. \m/ :-D \m/

- criticslovesnatch - 05-16-2002

My musical tastes have changes a lot since I got to college last year. My roomate is into a lot of really cool punk music, and by hearing it often, i got into it too. A lot of punk-type bands that now are on TV/Radio I had been listening too before i heard them on mass media. i've been straying away from what i hear on tv and radio and more into stuff that i get from my friends who have similar tastes as me.

Also, bands i see live at big shows that i hadn't known about gets me into them. for instance, i saw midtown, element 101 and a few other cool bands at skate and surf, and I went back home and downloaded a lot of their stuff after hearing it and liking it live.