American liberty vs. european liberty - Printable Version

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- AdolescentMasturbator - 08-08-2002

Yeah I think ETA is a terrorist group. But so is the IRA. But I don't think the British should ban Sinn Fein.

Besides you know the Spanish are just going to use this to shut up the more sensible groups. This is just what the Spanish government has been looking for to crack down on Basque seperatists.

EDIT-Banning political parties is like banning an idea. And I don't anyone here agrees to banning ideas.

Edited By AdolescentMasturbator on Aug. 07 2002 at 9:21

- Is Don on the phone? - 08-08-2002

When Sinn Fein sat down at the negotiating table, I respected them. Prior to that, in my opinion, they were the same terrorists as the IRA. When the "political wing" of ETA begins to honestly work towards a peaceful settlement of the Basque question, I will give them the same props. And I don't think the Spanish government can afford to ban all separitist groups - the Basque parties who have renounced violence are untouchable on this front. Granted, if Batasuna is banned, it will only be replaced by another "by any means neccesary" band of thugs. So maybe we should just turn a blind eye to the extortion of Basque run businesses to support both Batasuna and the ETA.

And I do not condone ANY government restricting the free expression of ideas- I may think white supremists are wrong, but I would not stop them from being mistaken. But when they start throwing bombs, they force the hand of the government. It would be irresponsible to not take a stand against an armed terrorist group, even if they have a political wing.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 08-08-2002

My difference of opinion is this. I think most of the members of the Batasuna, if the spanish government has proof of their involvement in acts of violence, should be arrested. However banning political parties is a bad precedent. Not only will they just change their name and have the same people involved it will draw more people to them.

Just look at France and Germany banning far right groups definitely involved in violent acts. They just ban political parties out right. And they have the worst problem when it comes neo-fascism in Europe.

Edited By AdolescentMasturbator on Aug. 07 2002 at 10:00

- Is Don on the phone? - 08-08-2002

Okay, I'll settle for that. Make your call to the Left Coalition, and I'll try the moderates. Who's got the right wing?

- AdolescentMasturbator - 08-09-2002

I would say Galt but I don't know if they got that many randroids in Europe.