Ninjas vs. s.e.a.l.s - Not even close - Printable Version

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- Sephiroth - 02-10-2002

Doc Wrote:I'm sorry, after all the movie ninja talk, I just can't get the mental picture out of my head of Steven Segal getting his butt whooped by Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donaltello, and Raphael
The 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' were not true ninjas. They were a Anti-Ninja propoganda campaign created to maliciously slander the good name of Ninjas everywhere.

- Sluggo - 02-10-2002

Quote:I'm sorry, after all the movie ninja talk, I just can't get the mental picture out of my head of Steven Segal getting his butt whooped by Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donaltello, and Raphael
I can't get the picture of him RUNNING out of my mind...
Now that's one of teh funneyist things I've ever seen!

- Doc - 02-10-2002

Quote:They were a Anti-Ninja propoganda campaign created to maliciously slander the good name of Ninjas everywhere.
What, you mean the S.E.A.L.s control Hollywood too, those sneaky bastards!!!1

- Galt - 02-11-2002

It's quite transparent that the biggest ninja proponent is banking the outcome of this inevitable battle between good and evil on the hopeful failure of good's weaponry.

Sans weaponry and in hand to hand combat, a lone ninja with a broken arm and a bad back would still be able kill a S.E.A.L. platoon in less than a blink of an eye.

However, now-a-days the US has their weapons made in America where nothing fails.

Seals carry no less than ten deadly weapons on them at any given time: 9 mm revolver, 357 Magnum, carbine automatic M4, grenade launcher, moratars, 12 gauge shotgun, Mk43 machine gun, submachine gun, anti-aircraft and tank rocket launchers, M14 sniper rifle, plus anthing else they feel like carrying around such as knives, and their own fists of fury. They shall be invinvicble unless, of course, their 10 weapons fall victim to ten separate misfortunes and are unable to be used. But that will never happen. Three misfortunes, that's possible. Seven misfortunates, there's an outside chance. But ten misfortunes? I'd like to see that!

Pish-tosh I say in regards to ninjas having better camoflauge abilities. Yes, they are more stealthy, but with only one outfit, they can't hold a candle to the S.E.A.L.s. Ninjas may have rudimentary telepathy skills. That I conceded. But they are rudimentary. We're not talking X-men here.

Due to the S.E.A.L.s better planning and more established organizational structure, they would be able to order things so that they are always able to keep the ninjas at bay and can just pick them off at long range with the helpless Ninjas unable to mount a defense due to their outdated practices.

- Hybrid - 02-11-2002

you're both insane.

btw.......ninjas would totally destroy the s.e.a.l.s. kind of like this :punch:

- AdolescentMasturbator - 02-11-2002

Bah communists would get both of them just by labeling them enemies of the people.

- Sephiroth - 02-11-2002

Quote:However, now-a-days the US has their weapons made in America where nothing fails.
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHA, What a crock of shit. What about the M-16's carried by American Troops in Vietnam? They were almost legendary in their ability to fail. A small amount of dirt in the chamber and the chamber would lock up, rendering the weapon useless. A SMALL amount of dirt, in a country with maybe 5 paved roads.
Quote:Seals carry no less than ten deadly weapons on them at any given time: 9 mm revolver, 357 Magnum, carbine automatic M4, grenade launcher, moratars, 12 gauge shotgun, Mk43 machine gun, submachine gun, anti-aircraft and tank rocket launchers, M14 sniper rifle, plus anthing else they feel like carrying around such as knives, and their own fists of fury. They shall be invinvicble unless, of course, their 10 weapons fall victim to ten separate misfortunes and are unable to be used. But that will never happen. Three misfortunes, that's possible. Seven misfortunates, there's an outside chance. But ten misfortunes? I'd like to see that!
Wrong. Modern SEALS teams consist mainly of 5 members, varying from the standard 7 man troop in other military branches. So right there, half of those weapons go right out the window: namely the anti-aircraft and tank rockets and about half of the guns you've mentioned. Also, the one thing all of theses weapons need is Ammo. However, the troops arent a armory to themselves, they can only carry so much. Last time I check, a Katana needs nothing else besides the occational cleaning (except Squall's Gunblade from FF8, but that thing was completely impratical in battle anyway). So, a ninja could concievably just wait until the SEALS ran out of bullets, then gut them like the fish they were. And since we all know that Ninja's can outrun bullets, this really isnt a problem. hell, most of them can catch bullets with their teeth just to impress chicks. They could just stand their, smoke a cigarette, and laugh with their Ninja buddies while the foolish SEALS plinked away at them with whatever they have.
Quote:Pish-tosh I say in regards to ninjas having better camoflauge abilities. Yes, they are more stealthy, but with only one outfit, they can't hold a candle to the S.E.A.L.s. Ninjas may have rudimentary telepathy skills. That I conceded. But they are rudimentary. We're not talking X-men here.
Again, Im gonna assume they are fighting at night, because both sides rarely, if ever, fight during the day. Granted, all they have is the standard Black Uniform, and SEALS have various camoflage outfits. But Ninja's have one thing to blend into the SEALS dont: THE NIGHT ITSELF. The darkness of night is their cover, and they use it to it's fullest. They walk among the shadows. And when the night is your cover, those stupid black outfits dont seem so stupid, eh?
Quote:Due to the S.E.A.L.s better planning and more established organizational structure, they would be able to order things so that they are always able to keep the ninjas at bay and can just pick them off at long range with the helpless Ninjas unable to mount a defense due to their outdated practices.
There is one thing they cannot plan for, the unexpected. What if a ninja they are looking for isnt where he is supposed to be? What if they find the body of a comrade instead? Enraged, the SEALS would blindly lash out against everything they see. Blinded by their rage, they would never see the 20 ninja's behind them. And all they slowly die, they can mutter to themselves for one last time......

".... t..that wasnt in the plan......."

- IkeaBoy - 02-11-2002

AdolescentMasturbator Wrote:Bah communists would get both of them just by labeling them enemies of the people.
Yeah right, three ninjas could wipe out all of the communists because communism doesn't work

- AdolescentMasturbator - 02-11-2002

IkeaBoy Wrote:
AdolescentMasturbator Wrote:Bah communists would get both of them just by labeling them enemies of the people.
Yeah right, three ninjas could wipe out all of the communists because communism doesn't work
That's because of pussies like Gorbachev moving away from tried and true Stalinism. Tell me a ninja and a seal would both shit their pants they saw this guy...
[Image: stalin.jpg]

Edited By AdolescentMasturbator on Feb. 10 2002 at 8:18