Your Turn To Play God - a hypothetical situation - Printable Version

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- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

Quote:I'm actually surprised nobody chose A.

Quote:A:Thin the herd

Edited By LyricalGomez on 1043266790

- Sir O - 01-22-2003

Oh, sorry Gomez...I wrote my reply as you were posting.

Ladi, you'll have to give me some time there...maybe later when I feel the right inspiration :fuggin:

- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

I think most people would say b until one of the people dying was related to them, then everyone is fucking special and deserves to be saved.

- OAS - 01-22-2003

Not everybodydeserves to be saved Gomez. I have my "not to be saved" list.

- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

Yes, but I think if you'd do a poll on this most people would say it's not right to sacrifice a life and would opt for B, but if they were directly affected by the situation they would quickly change their minds and say the three should be saved.

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

Quote:We can't just go around harvesting the organs of criminals, just because they are there


I would personally slap person E to death. Only if I was paid a large sum of money by these "very successful businessmen". They got the money, in america nothing is free. Life is cheap in our society, especially some mook living in the basement of his mothers house, so yes I would kill lent and sell his organs.

- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

If a criminal was in jail for the rest of his life, tell me, what good would that do? Would you rather have him just sit in jail or would you rather he wound up contributing something back to the society he took something from?

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

The businessmen are no better than the criminal. The businessmen just have more money, so I would use that to my advantage, i don't honestly care if they die.

- Hey Ladi - 01-22-2003

There is always those stories about how people who recieve organs, take on characteristics of the previous owner. So the business men may become (even more) unscrupulous, & they are better off this way. :lol:

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

As long as my bank account recieves a large deposit, I dont care what characteristics they take.

- Hey Ladi - 01-22-2003

wait..... say it again please? I don't get it..... so, you're just in it for the money?? Did I understand right?

- QuickStop - 01-22-2003

but you're god. you dont need money.

- Mad - 01-22-2003

Blasphemy! I will now smite you, QS!

- Hey Ladi - 01-22-2003

Quote:Actually, I probably titled this improperly. "Playing God" was in reference to the fact that a life and death decision was in your hands. I meant it figuratively, not literally

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

Quote:but you're god. you dont need money.

No, the point of this hypothetical situation would be that you were 'playing god' as a decision maker with these peoples outcomes, not that you would actually be God.

- Sir O - 01-22-2003

When I wrote this up, I was basically asking a question that's been debated over since the beginning of civilization: Which is of greater importance, the rights of the individual or the betterment of society as a whole. In this situation, I think option A represents the sacrifice of indvual liberty for the good of the group, while option B holds the individual in highest regard. I tried to make it obvious that this hypothetical world would be a better place with these first four men than without them, while the fifth man is much more of a burden on society than he could ever be a benefit.

So I was thinking about this a bit, and decided to look at it from a different angle. Same 5 people - four prime movers, one degenerate. No organ transplants this time around. We now find our four pillars of society all hospitalized and in critical condition. They've all been badly burned in a hotel fire, and all are in desperate need of skin grafts. As in the first scenario, the only potential skin donor is the degenerate. No black market, no artificial skin. To save the lives of the four men, the fifth must die.

The catch: the fire that put them in this condition was accidentally started by person E. What do you do?

I think this one's a bit tougher. My answer for the first scenario is very easy, this one though, I'm a bit less sure...

- diceisgod - 01-22-2003

Let them die then eat the degenerate's skin.

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

In a perfect society, I would say that person E must pay for his crimes and set things right.

But once again I would look out for my own personal monetary gain in this one. Cause in a society like ours which is not perfect, I can pretty much guarantee that persons A-D wouldn't piss on me if I were burning.

- TheGMANN - 01-22-2003


- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

Yeah two whole paragraphs, want some water?