Most disturbing scenes ever filmed - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 03-05-2002

IkeaBoy Wrote:when Michael closes the door on Kay at the end of the Godfather. Just something about that single moment.
When Al neri closes the door on her in part 1?

Or when Michael actually closes it on her in the kitchen in part 2?

- IkeaBoy - 03-05-2002

my mistake. When Neri closes it on her in Godfather part 1.

- GonzoStyle - 03-05-2002

IkeaBoy Wrote:my mistake. When Neri closes it on her in Godfather part 1.
I actually prefer the scene in part 2 when michael does it.

The scene in the house in reno when Michael disowns Fredo is also a very chilling scene, the music totally makes the scene.

- Keyser Soze - 03-05-2002

I think in one of the final scenes in Casino where they beat Pesci's brother with bats while they hold Pesci and make him watch and then beat Pesci and bury him and his brother alive could be the most disturbing scene i've witnessed on film outside of faces of death.

The brutality of the men applying the beatings and Pesci's reaction to his brother as well as their moans as they bury them is truly disturbing.

Edited By Keyser Soze on Mar. 05 2002 at 3:29

- Banana_juice - 03-05-2002

here are the most disturbing scenes that I remember:
1. The teeth to the curb scene in american history x
2 The rape scene in "The accused"
3. Arm infection in Requim for a dream.
4 I know this is gonna get a few laughs, but there was a movie in the 80's called "best of the best" with eric roberts. there is scene in the movie where he gets his shoulder dislocated and they have to pop it back in. i find that disturbing
5. the last scene in hannibal where ray liotta is eating his own brains. the part where hannibal peels liotta's head back to get to his brain nauseates me every time.
6. The anal rape scnene in the jail showers in american history x, when they show the blood in the water as he is laying there.
7. the blonde haired kid getting the shit kicked out of him by ed norton junior in fight club.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 03-05-2002

Some of these may sound lame but..
-The scene in Enemy at the Gates where the little boy is hanging
-rape and curb scene in American History X
-Any scene with Jar Jar Binks in Episode I
-The end to A Clockwork Orange with him getting off scot-free.

- Hybrid - 03-05-2002

any battle scene in saving private ryan. there are a couple of sick deaths.

- Mr. Brownstone - 03-05-2002

Quote:Requium Of A Dream: The fuckin ass to ass scene was fuckin horrible in it;s context. It just sceeved me to no end.
damn you, that was my choice. That whole movie was a fucked up scene.

- The Sleeper - 03-06-2002

Castration scene in "I Spit on your Grave"

- Galt - 03-06-2002

Squeal piggy squeal

- Metalfan - 03-06-2002

Poltergeist, the first one where the guy is eating the chicken and BAM, there's maggots all over it, then he runs to the bathroom and begins peeling his face off. That and when the steak crawls across the counter.....ewwwwwwww

- Galt - 03-06-2002

Old people fucking in Happiness

- Luna - 03-08-2002

Quote:Caligula: most of the whole fuckin movie
I agree...that is one insane movie.

Quote:How about the obvious. Silence of the Lambs. 2 scenes, the one where she's in the hole is just fucking twisted. And the scene where she's walking around in the dark and he has the night vision on. That fuckin freaked me RIGHT out.
That scene always gets me, too.

Indiana Jones: When they throw him in the pit with the snakes....I have to leave the room.

Saving Private Ryan: The beginning scene.

- IkeaBoy - 03-08-2002

Linda sitting in the doorway saying "we're gonna get you"