A Rod & Vlad Gurerro sign with the mets - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 12-01-2003

Would you deny the fact that there is at least one homosexual player on the Yankees?

- Goatweed - 12-01-2003

I dunno, I don't have fag-radar installed - I never got the upgrade.

Chances are there is at least one, but like I said if there is, he isn't givin' off the vibes to the press or public that he's gay - which these days is still the smart thing to do.

I don't recall the Yankees ever having a press conference to discuss any player's sexual orientation.

- Keyser Soze - 12-01-2003

Piazza never did anything to bring the gay rumors up, it was all media fabricated. If one of the Yankees were ever held out to dry the same way they would had to do the same thing. Don't get me started about Yankee press conferences. They held one to announce a fucking batting coach for christsakes. Whats next? The fucking equiptment coordinator?

- Goatweed - 12-01-2003

because hiring Mattingly - a HUGE fan favorite - as batting coach isn't something to have a press conference about...

- HedCold - 12-01-2003

they should have had one when he shaved his mustache

- Paper Boy - 12-01-2003

the yankees were/are being sued by a former homosexual clubhouse employee that claims he was teased in the clubhouse because of his gayness. he also claims that he had a relationship with derek jeter.

these papers were filed years ago. i don't know why it has never made the papers.

- Goatweed - 12-01-2003

he should grow the stache back, he looks awful without it.

- Galt - 12-01-2003

because the gay mullatos run the media

- HedCold - 12-02-2003

castillo resigned with marlins Undecided

- GonzoStyle - 12-02-2003

I don't even know why the mets were so interested, at the money he wanted he was not worth it plus he's not that impressive of a player. No one would really care or know who he was if it wasnt for the hitting streak he had in 2002.

My predictions are
A Rod ends up in boston.
Vlad ends up in Baltimore.
Nomar and Manny won't be red sox by the new year.

with the addition of those players that makes it a very interesting division with the yanks, boston and baltimore who will really improve themselves me thinks for next season.

But the yankee line up is still amazing, especially with Shef in the line up now. Soriano, Jeter, Sheffield, Giambi, Matsui, Bernie, Posada.

Alls we need is atleast 1 more starter, better more 2.

- Galt - 12-02-2003

The Yankees rotation:

I'd say the Yankees are in the market for at least three starters.

I doubt the Sox end up with ARod. If they could trade Manny for Arod, and then Nomar to one of those California teams for a handful of prospects, Boston would be in a happy place. Sure losing Nomar would suck, but it would allow the Sox to pretty much sign everyone else who is going to be a free agent next year

- HedCold - 12-02-2003

for 4 - 5 million castillo is worth it. hes a gold glove second baseman who gets on base, slaps the ball around and can steal bases. if they were to get him and cameron they'd have a strong defense up the middle, and while they won't be averaging 5 runs a game it would help their pitching.
anyway, considering the mets offered castillo less then what the marlins were offering, i doubt they were that serious about getting him

maybe (but probably not) they'll just go young and play scutaro or the other guy they got from the dodgers when they traded burnitz, instead of throwing the money away that they "would have spent on castillo" on some over priced player.

- Galt - 12-03-2003

I'm pretty impressed with the Marlins actually spending to keep their people. Lowell, Castillo, they're going to pay for AJ Burnett, now they're trying to keep Ivan. Especially after what he did after they won in '98, I'm impressed with that trillionaire owner spending money

- HollywoodJewMoses - 12-03-2003

its the same owner still?

- Galt - 12-03-2003

I think Hyzinga has owned them for a while. That's why they were able to spend all that money on Leiter, Brown, Sheffield, Bonilla, Connine, all those other guys.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 12-03-2003

um, Loria owns the Marlins.

- Galt - 12-03-2003


- HollywoodJewMoses - 12-03-2003


cockass :thumbs-up:

- Galt - 12-03-2003

when did Hyzinga sell it?

- Goatweed - 12-03-2003

I heard a rumor from 2 different radio shows that the Yankees are looking into trading Weaver for Kevin Brown - it was mentioned in Newsday as well.