Red Sox - Yankees - The Final Showdown - Printable Version

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- Galt - 10-21-2004

What have the Lakers done that is anywhere near the choke that the Yankees did? The only thing I can think of is that guy in the US Open (or the Masters or some other golf thing) where the guy was up by like 5 strokes with two holes to play and still found a way to lose.

But this is on a much larger scale, with much more history behind it, and so it gets magnified.

- IrishAlkey - 10-21-2004

Make it stop.

- Galt - 10-21-2004

It shant.

- IrishAlkey - 10-21-2004

I was at the doctor today and I walked into the little room to get my vitals taken and the first thing the nurse said was, "so... Yankees or Red Sox?"...

I wanted to jab the thermometer in her neck.

- GonzoStyle - 10-21-2004

wbk said there were no deaths, they reported on cold pizza that a man shot 3 red sox fans after the series last night.

I mean I am a fan and I respect what schilling did but fuck the sox and I really hope they lose. Everyone is saying OMG the curse is over and they're partying as if they won the series. I can not wait to see the collapse in the world series, that will be the bittersweet revenge.

They beat the yanks and hey you gotta respect that but i'm not turning into these faggy fans who are all like "hey man I hope they win now" Nope, not here hope they lose and lose in the expected fashion.

1 meltdown doesnt equal 80 years of meltdowns, no matter how embarassing this one was. It will always be on the lips and mouths of all baseball fans that the yanks lost but basically it's like comparing ass rape to a toe stub.

Only if they win the world series is the curse over, thats the curse.

- IrishAlkey - 10-21-2004

The Cardinals will win and I will fucking laugh at that sorry, greasy, Soul Glow looking bunch of degenerates.

Cabrera looks like he should be cutting the grass on the infield instead of playing on it.

- GonzoStyle - 10-21-2004

I'm pulling for the cardinals but if I was betting it'd be on houston.

- The Jays - 10-21-2004

I'm pulling for the Cardinals so I can see Jason Marquis start a World Series game.

- GonzoStyle - 10-21-2004

I just saw Jeters interview with reporters right after the game and you could just tell that there was no chemistry at all this year.

He was asked about the success from 96-2000 and jeter quickly said "not this team, its not the same team, this team hasn't won".

And he's absolutely right, its a team of stars, not a team. Kurjian said it also that a team will always beat a star. Thats what won it in 96 and the other years, the unity, a bunch of not greats but goods. I was livid when they traded away Tino for giambi, sure giambi had the numbers but its not always the numbers, its the intangibles, its the leadership skills and he unity of a team. Now we got Giambi for 4 more years and 80 million dollars. They need to dump all the stars all the old "I used to be awesome" players. The reason the marlins, diamondbacks and angels won was cause even if for that one year, they were a team.

- The Jays - 10-21-2004

Quote:everytime a team goes down 3-0, the yankees will be mentioned.

forever, the 2004 yankees will be known as the biggest choke in the
history of sports.

today, you dont get to talk about 26 championships, today is the day
when fans of every team can bask in the catastrophic defeat of a
franchise that, often smugly and arrogantly, buys its way to a pennant
year in and year out.

today is the day the yankees get to know what the rest of the world feels like.

Do you even enjoy life? Do you spend your days in misery, but basking in the knowledge that all of your failures in your life can be blamed on someone else?

It's a fucking sport. Fans who are spending today on suicide watch because the Yankees lost are just as bad as fans like you who celebrate, not that the Red Sox won, but that the Yankees lost. You're ready to declare Oct 20 a national holiday, and why? Because, in your mind, you've found a way to blame the Yankees for EVERYTHING wrong in your life.

Quote:the catastrophic defeat of a
franchise that, often smugly and arrogantly, buys its way to a pennant
year in and year out.

hey genius, Yanks didn't get the pennant yesterday. Pay attention to yourself.

Spending alot of money certainly helps, but it don't guarantee shit. How long are you gonna keep complaining about it? Besides, you're a walking contradiction; you've admitted before that you wish you had a person like George Steinbrenner who would spend money for the Mets.

- GonzoStyle - 10-21-2004

It reminds me when my uncle spend like 2 grand on scratch off tickets and won 50 bucks off one ticket and was all excited cause he won 50 bucks.

- Galt - 10-21-2004

Oh, I wish I could hold you all and taste the salt from your tears.

Let it rain.

- GonzoStyle - 10-21-2004

Oh man the yanks haven't been to the world series since 2003, damn curse!!!

- The Jays - 10-21-2004

I see that it's ok to be smug and arrogant, as long as you're not a Yankee fan.

- Galt - 10-21-2004

I'm always smug and arrogant.

And after decades of talking to Red Sox fans like they are retarded stepchildren, revelling in the failures of the Sox, and deriving so much joy from the plight of Sox fans, Yankee fans have to expect and accept that they will get shat upon now that the Yankees have been embarassed at the hands of the Red Sox.

- The Jays - 10-21-2004

Do you think there was like some huge bonfire in the Bronx every year where all us Yankee fans gatehred to celebrate every time the Sox didn't make the playoffs, or didn't win the pennant?

Red Sox fans flagellate themselves, Yankees just give them the whip.

- Galt - 10-21-2004

please. Go back and read the beginning of the thread. Read any thread where the Sox are mentioned. The Red Sox were perenially discounted. They couldn't ever make it. They sucked. No matter who was on the team, the fact that they were Red Sox meant that they couldn't win. Red Sox fans were losers. They were tortured souls. They were laughed at and mocked because no matter what they couldn't beat the Yankees when it mattered....ever. They were openly mocked. I write in the past tense, but it's probably still true. Even if the Sox do win the world series.

The NY papers openly mock the Sox and their fans for being pathetic. The arrogance was just incredible. But what can Sox fans do about it? Nothing. You were right. The Sox hadn't been able to win. It was infuriating because I just wanted to wipe that smirk and luster off of every Yankee fan who just laughed at the Sox like they were some triple A team who never had a chance, and laughed at Red Sox fans for somehow being so stupid to get pulled in every year that this could be the year.

All that Sox fans ever wanted was to finally shut the fucking Yankee fans up. Stop the "you are pathetic and your team is pathetic" attitude. Now one series probably won't do it. But if any ONE series could do it, it would be this series because of how close the Yankees were, and how horribly they blew it.

If the pathetic losers can kick the shit out of the Yankees when being down 3-0 and down to their last three outs, then what does that say about the perfect always-find-a-way-to-win Yankees?

Edited By Galt on 1098400874

- The Jays - 10-21-2004

It's hard to argue against what you have constructed in your own mind as the end-all and be-all of baseball.

- Galt - 10-21-2004

take your medicine.

- GonzoStyle - 10-21-2004

There's always next year!!!

I'm kinda enjoying this, to be honest.