Survivor Series Thoughts and predictions - Tell what you think will happen - Printable Version

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- Teenweek - 11-18-2002

I thought this PPV was great. Not one bad match on the card. The opening match was great and Jeff hardy and Spike took some good bumps. When the Dudleys reunited that was awesome.

The women's match was good, the cruiserweight match was good, the tag team elimination match rocked. With all the hype that Big Show was getting you knew he was going to win it outirght or win by Dq. Heyman turning was so obvious but was done great. The F5 on Big Show was awesome.

The Elimination Chamber was amazing. I like it better than Hell in the Cell. Rvd was great. I see a HBK and Jericho prgram starting, maybe as early as tonight. I can't believe Booker lost so early. Kane did a great job.

Definitely the PPV of the year and every match delivered.

- Gooch - 11-18-2002

Triple H got injured from RVD's frogsplash. His shin hit Triple H's larynx. There are rumors that Trip's larynx is crushed. Then again, those are just rumors. What did happen is Trips had to go to the hospital. No info beyond this.

- LyricalGomez - 11-18-2002

That would be sweet, no more speeches from Triple H

Although I'm sure he'd find some stupid gimmick to make sure he is still on ever Raw segment

- Jack - 11-18-2002

Great... now RVD has no chance in Hell of ever winning the title. Triple H will destroy his career.

- JerseyThunder - 11-18-2002

Quote:There are rumors that Trip's larynx is crushed
We could not get that lucky.

Quote:no more speeches from Triple H

See above.

- Gooch - 11-18-2002

I'd actually love to see Trips out of action so that he couldn't keep Jericho down anymore...b/c Jericho is clearly the #1 heel right now, but stuck being 2nd banana to banana-nose.

- JerseyThunder - 11-18-2002

Quote:but stuck being 2nd banana to banana-nose.

LMAO. That just reminded me of when they were doing that whole steph preggers thing and Angle came into the ring with that baby carriage and pulled out that monkey with the huge nose. :rofl: :rofl:

- Peachy - 11-18-2002

Quote:That would be sweet, no more speeches from Triple H

Ah goody... "Raw IS Charades"... Confuseduicide:

- PatCooper - 11-18-2002

I watching it right now and so far it's pretty good. So far i noticed the Hardy boy missing his cue and ricco yelling out "Jeff Godammitt". and looking around while waiting to be knocked off the top rope by him. Hopefully the Dudleys are back together now.
The ladies match was entertaining but most hadcore matches are.

- Hybrid - 11-18-2002

engine down - in on the kill

- JerseyThunder - 11-19-2002

This was on

Quote:Swollen neck slows Triple H

Triple H suffered some swelling in his neck during the Elimination Chamber Match on Sunday night at Survivor Series. The swelling put pressure on his esophagus and trachea, which made breathing difficult. The Game is expected to be released from the hospital this afternoon.