I still hate jews - Printable Version

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- Jack - 12-02-2002

Wait... Somebody in a Best Buy waited on a customer. No Fucking Way. Liar. Confusedneak:

Actually, I take it back. I have been helped in Best Buy before. When I already had what I wanted to purchase after waiting for 45 minutes for someone to get it down off the top shelf for me, I decided to grab the ladder and get it myself. As I was heading toward the cash register someone stopped me and asked if I needed help. I hate Best Buy.

Edited By Jack on 1038835488

- FollowThisLogic - 12-02-2002

Quote:and for that matter, is the rain really that bad in Oregon?
Kind of depends on how you look at it... from October to April or May, it rains. A lot. When it's not raining, it's just gray. Hardly ever snows, cause it hardly ever drops below 40. But then, from April/May to October, the sun is out. All the time. And there's very low humidity, so you can be comfortable in jeans even if it's 95 degrees, cause it's not all sticky and disgusting like it gets here.

That's your weather forecast, now back to Bill and Jan in the newsroom.

- LyricalGomez - 12-02-2002

I say they should just hire monkey's to run the BB stores.

You still wouldn't get help, but at least it would be funny to watch them swing around the store flinging shit at people

- Brokenjaw - 12-02-2002

string that they have up around their yards,
then they just can't leave the house at all.

In the Jackson/Lakewood area of Jersey, there are a shit load of Jews. They have string up on poles in their yards going around the property. Now from what I am told, on certain days of the week/holidays whatever, they can leave the house, but can't go past these strings, if one falls, they are not allowed to touch it to fix it, until the day is over. So I always though it would be fun to take that string and put it right up against the front, back, and sides of the house so they could not leave. Not because I hate jews or anything like that, just for the fun of it.

- Sloatsburgh - 12-02-2002

Quote:Do any of you ACTUALLY hate Jews? That's so bizzarre to me. It's like hating...Irish-Americans. They pray different. A percentage of them are assholes or smell or whatever, but it's hard to find any group of people who don't have those percentages...

Fucking Irish Suck. I hate them. I really really hate them.

O.K., that was a gag from about 20 boards ago that no one bought. At least I hope my "I Hate Clowns" stuck........

- JerseyThunder - 12-02-2002

Quote:In the Jackson/Lakewood area of Jersey, there are a shit load of Jews.

Deal has a large infestation as well. These fuckers actually climed up the phone poles around the entire town and put that string up. I think they tried it in Edison and ocean twsp as well. It was a pretty big news story down here last year. Imagine, not being able to walk anywhere where there was no string. Ugh. Not to mention the fact that they (and by they I mean the hassidic) fuck through a hole in a sheet. Just another reason orgainized religion is so fucked up. I don't remember reading anywhere in the bible that you had to fuck through a sheet, :crackhead:

- HollywoodJewMoses - 12-02-2002

you can read?

- PlasticMan - 12-02-2002

Quote:Plasticman ... is Pittsburg really as depressing as they say? Is there a good punk scene there? and for that matter, is the rain really that bad in Oregon?
First, yes, Pittsburgh is depressing. Never liked the town. It's....poor. The downtown (the Golden Triangle) is beautiful, but unless you're going to a bank, there's no reason to go there. The Strip is full of bars and clubs and is cool if you're of drinking age and disposition. Punk scene? I dunno. I don't much like or follow punk.

FTL's answer notwithstanding, I don't mind the rain in the Willamette Valley at all (2/3 of Oregon is desert, but no one lives there). It keeps everything green. It's never cold, so you just get used to being wet often. Of course, I've lived here for 20 years, so I've had TIME to get used to it. And yes, we have the best summers ANYWHERE!

- Sloatsburgh - 12-02-2002

Well, the nice thing about the Amish is that they completely segregate themselves. The Hassids want their own culture uninfluenced by anything, yet they demand all of the benefits of city life. If you are going to be an island, BE A FUCKING ISLAND.