Yankees try to finish what boston couldn't. - Printable Version

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- Black Lazerus - 02-15-2004

:bouncer: :loveya: :banana:

- Gooch - 02-15-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:i dont have my thesaurus with me today. what does that mean?
that was funny damnit. you know what it means!!! argggg

- Arpikarhu - 02-15-2004

no, i dont. i am not very well read so big words confuse me without my thesaurus.

- Paper Boy - 02-15-2004

does jeter have a clause in his contract that he is to be the highest paid yankee? and also, i thought jeter and a-rod didn't like each other, how will they feel playing next to each other for 180 games a season?

- HedCold - 02-15-2004

i think arod had some sort of clause about being the highest paid player in baseball by a certain percentage

- Arpikarhu - 02-16-2004


- GonzoStyle - 02-16-2004

Quote:as for no player loyalty and teams buying pennants, go back to the past and root for the senators where you belong.leave the present for us.

Or maybe the 96 yankees, or the 98, 99, 2000 yankees.

You keep arguing stats, I dont think anyone here has said Soriano was better than A Rod, you keep missing the point. Plus adding a great player doesnt guarantee a victory, the yankees been adding and adding and summin out to zero in the end. Stats are for not as you said, batting average may not be important to you but neither are home run stats. What good does it do to hit 3 homers in a game you are winning by 8 runs? It's all about timing and being clutch and a rod has been neither.

I can't wait now for this to blow up in everyones faces, especially when Torre retires next season... if george doesnt fire him mid season cause he lost back to back games or won a game by ONLY 1 run.

This team will implode, especially with all these egos on one team. They keep this up and the yankees will become the baseball version of the NY Rangers over the next few years. Yeah keep on adding more and more all stars cause thats how the marlins won.. and arizona... an anah... nevermind.

- diceisgod - 02-16-2004

You know life is good when you get A-Rod....and you STILL have complaints.

Edited By diceisgod on 1076891556

- Arpikarhu - 02-16-2004

Quote:It's all about timing and being clutch and a rod has been neither
nobody was more clutch in seattle than arod, so i dont know what you are talking about. according to bill james arod hit more game winning hits than arod in a 3 year period while he was with seattle. making up numbers will not bolster your claim.
as for texas, there was no pitching. man cant do it alone. arod has given the yankees the best lineup in the game. the only people unhappy with todays deal are mets and red sox fans. you must be one of them.

- GonzoStyle - 02-16-2004

I am not as much complaining about having A Rod, he IS the best player in the AL no doubt about it. It's not the point I am making, it just cheapens the game.

It's like playing MLB 2004 on PS2, putting it on easy and drafting an all star team then feeling slick that you win 130 games and the world series 4-0.

- Arpikarhu - 02-16-2004

Quote:batting average may not be important to you but neither are home run stats
and this is total nonsense. there isnt a knowledgable fan of the game who will say that BA is a stat of any importance. home runs however calculate into both OBP and slugging, both important stats. if you dont agree i suggest you take it up with billy beane and theo epstein and bill james and countless other people who put together teams and subscribe to the OBP system.

- GonzoStyle - 02-16-2004

I am talking about HR's themselves.

- Arpikarhu - 02-16-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:I am not as much complaining about having A Rod, he IS the best player in the AL no doubt about it. It's not the point I am making, it just cheapens the game.

It's like playing MLB 2004 on PS2, putting it on easy and drafting an all star team then feeling slick that you win 130 games and the world series 4-0.
those are the rules of the game and the yanks are playing by them. dont blame the yanks. blame all of the owners and the players union.

what do you want , parity? that system has resulted in an nfl with mediocre play and the end of the golden dynasties like the steelers, the cowboys, and the 49ers.
every team is 8-6.boring. and talk about player movement!

- Arpikarhu - 02-16-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:I am talking about HR's themselves.
what about them? they score runs , which help your team win, and he hits lots. he also hits lots of doubles and singles. all good things.
his total bases stat is awesome!!

- GonzoStyle - 02-16-2004

Hey I understand how the game works, if I was cashman I would have pulled off the same deal if I could have. As a fan of the sport even as a yankee fan, I would have liked to see boston get A Rod instead.

- Arpikarhu - 02-16-2004

to say that proves you are not, nor have ever been, a true yankee fan. that is fucking sacrilege!

- GonzoStyle - 02-16-2004

I'd rather see competition instead of a boring 162 game season just waiting to get into the post season cause the yanks always do... it's boring.

- Arpikarhu - 02-16-2004

not a yankee fan. its all lip service.

- GonzoStyle - 02-16-2004

Go get your pink yankee hat fitted.

- The Sleeper - 02-16-2004

The Patriots went 14-2 under the same cap as teams that went 3-13. Why? good coaching, good defense, good draft picks, etc. not cause they payed up their asses for the star player. Saying every team is 8-6 is a ridiculous exaggeration. So what if the NFL playing field is more even now, it gives everyone a chance and the ones that truly deserve to win are the ones that do. When the yankees won in 96, it was great because they did it with home grown players such as jeter, bernie, pettite, rivera, etc. and they made some shrewd moves like getting john wetteland. They didn't have to rely on outbidding other teams for the best players. It makes me sad that this is what they are relying on now and I've lost interest in them because of it. Trading a solid player that could become a beloved yankee for Arod DOES cheapen their team. I wasn't around to watch the Washington Senators, but I was around when the Yankees won cause they deserved to, not cause they had the biggest checkbook.