Stingray - has lost his damn fool mind - Printable Version

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- HollywoodJewMoses - 03-13-2005

haha ok the part about TH is funny

- Goatweed - 03-13-2005

Laz, comment?

- diceisgod - 03-13-2005

Let's see: chubby chaser (assuming this means Gooch), herione addict, sucked Laz's dick. There's some wild shit going down in queens. The sticker she's holding says it all: WOW.

- Black Lazerus - 03-13-2005

diceisgod Wrote:I learned something new again today. TH sucked Laz's dick.
holy fucking shit that rumor has been floating around and i didn't know about it... it's not true or i would have mentioned it before this.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 03-13-2005

gettin brain in the rental?

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-13-2005

Here's a gem from the latest round of Matty vs. Stingray...

He now believes Keyser and I are the same person.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 03-13-2005

omg, are you serious?

- The Sleeper - 03-13-2005

the worst thing about this is that casual observers will think tenbatz is an accepted member on cdih

- HollywoodJewMoses - 03-13-2005

yes thats true.

to everyone reading this that doesnt already know, tenbats is also an outcast here.

- diceisgod - 03-13-2005

but making a case for most improved...

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-13-2005

I don't know if it's worth anything or not, but here's how the latest chat with Sting went.

He first named my IP, which I guess was a tactic to make me freak out. He then made a legal spiel about how I have to remove all the material from Wackbag (mind you, not the IM conversations, but the material from wackbag) immediately.

I told him that I never posted material from Wackbag, and I'm not sure exactly what he's talking about.

He then accuses me of being Keyser.

I tell him that OAUncensored is Keyser, and because of the way the OAU blog is set up, I can't touch Keyser's posts even if I wanted to.

He said it was very suspicious how the hack happened and then Keyser "disappeared". Yes folks, OAUncensored is actually Dr. Richard Kimball.

Tenbatsuzen: BTW...
Tenbatsuzen: I don't have anything posted from Wackbag. Smile
Tenbatsuzen: So try again.
Tenbatsuzen: Dummy.
Wackbag: you copied a post from
Tenbatsuzen: Um... where?
Tenbatsuzen: Other than the IM convos, nothing under WB's precious copyright has been posted.
Wackbag: the post titled "Ant Responds To Complaining Wackbagger " is the property of
Wackbag: well, i dont know that
Tenbatsuzen: Can you read the bylines?
Tenbatsuzen: post by "Oauncensored" - Keyser.
Wackbag: your not keyser?
Wackbag: i mean oauncensored?
Tenbatsuzen: No.
Wackbag: how would I know that? just because you say so
Tenbatsuzen: Why the hell would I post under two names on the same site?
Wackbag: beats me, its your site
Tenbatsuzen: IT'S NOT MY SITE.
Tenbatsuzen: IT'S KEYSER'S.
Wackbag: didnt you just slander me all over that site?
Wackbag: i would assume its yours
Tenbatsuzen: Any of those posts, you have to take it up with Keyser.
Tenbatsuzen: Not me.
Tenbatsuzen: I have no control over those posts, nor can I take them down, nor can I edit them.
Tenbatsuzen: Blogger has protection against that.
Wackbag: arnt you actually keyser, oauncensored and tenbats?
Tenbatsuzen: Um... no?

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-13-2005

Now, repeat the conversation 3 more times and that's what happened last night.

Sting trying threaten me with legal action over content I have no control over, then me explaining to him that I can't control the content that's not mine even if I wanted to, and then him accusing me of being Keyser.

Then telling me "I'm not nice" for posting IM logs.

- Mad - 03-13-2005

Hit him with counter charges of cyber stalking, what a fucking nut job.

- diceisgod - 03-13-2005

Per our discussion and your request, let me know if you have anything else that needs to get posted on Uncensored

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-13-2005

Here's the rest of the chat.

Wackbag: In regards to your site; I am officially in forming you that you have material copyrighted by Please delete the copyrighted material in question. Or I will be forced to contact your ISP Official email to follow tonight. hopefully this matter can be resolved without your ISP being involved.
Wackbag: I have your ISP as *redacted*, Please correct this If I am mistaken. Thank you
Wackbag is away at 10:17:11 PM.
Wackbag returned at 12:16:21 AM.
Tenbatsuzen: You actually would be mistaken.
Wackbag: has the content been removed?
Tenbatsuzen: You really are dumb.
Tenbatsuzen: That ISP would have zero to do with this, because none of the content was posted from there
Wackbag: really?
Tenbatsuzen: So they would be like, "What the fuck is this moron talking about?"
Tenbatsuzen: uh, yeah.
Wackbag: besides the webhosting company I am required to contact you isp
Tenbatsuzen: Ok, listen to me very, very carefully.
Tenbatsuzen: Again.
Wackbag: i think they did, I have the IP's to prove it, wanna paly? we'll play
Tenbatsuzen: No, you have IP's from my posts on Wackbag.
Tenbatsuzen: Which DO originate from that ISP.
Wackbag: ahh but they do
Tenbatsuzen: But I can assure you, that the posts on OAU and CDIH and Postwhores most certainly DO NOT originate from that ISP.
Wackbag: I can check that if you like, I can show you what posts originated from where including "deleted" post which are not really deleted
Tenbatsuzen: Oh, you can check IPs on CDIH, OAU, and Postwhores?
Tenbatsuzen: This I'd like to see.
Wackbag: no, only on wackbag
Wackbag: I would have to assume that since your posts on wackbag originated from there , then so did the oauncensored
Tenbatsuzen: You would assume wrong.
Wackbag: gotta reboot
Wackbag signed off at 12:41:58 AM.
Wackbag signed on at 12:43:22 AM.
Tenbatsuzen: BTW...
Tenbatsuzen: I don't have anything posted from Wackbag. Smile
Tenbatsuzen: So try again.
Tenbatsuzen: Dummy.
Wackbag: you copied a post from
Tenbatsuzen: Um... where?
Tenbatsuzen: Other than the IM convos, nothing under WB's precious copyright has been posted.
Wackbag: the post titled "Ant Responds To Complaining Wackbagger " is the property of
Wackbag: well, i dont know that
Tenbatsuzen: Can you read the bylines?
Tenbatsuzen: post by "Oauncensored" - Keyser.
Wackbag: your not keyser?
Wackbag: i mean oauncensored?
Tenbatsuzen: No.
Wackbag: how would I know that? just because you say so
Tenbatsuzen: Why the hell would I post under two names on the same site?
Wackbag: beats me, its your site
Tenbatsuzen: IT'S NOT MY SITE.
Tenbatsuzen: IT'S KEYSER'S.
Wackbag: didnt you just slander me all over that site?
Wackbag: i would assume its yours
Tenbatsuzen: Any of those posts, you have to take it up with Keyser.
Tenbatsuzen: Not me.
Tenbatsuzen: I have no control over those posts, nor can I take them down, nor can I edit them.
Tenbatsuzen: Blogger has protection against that.
Wackbag: arnt you actually keyser, oauncensored and tenbats?
Tenbatsuzen: Um... no?
Tenbatsuzen: Look.
Tenbatsuzen: 90 percent of the posts that attack you on that site are written by Keyser.
Tenbatsuzen: not me. Keyser's SN is SoupSoupAD
Tenbatsuzen: He'll be in Monday morning, take it up with him, I can't control it.
Wackbag: listen, I am required to first contact you to see if it can be worked out first, will you remove the content? yes or no?
Tenbatsuzen: You aren't listening.
Wackbag: yes or no
Tenbatsuzen: Even if I wanted to remove the content, I CANNOT.
Tenbatsuzen: All I can do is edit, modify, and delete my own posts.
Tenbatsuzen: Since none of my posts have content from Wackbag... You're talking to the wrong person.
Tenbatsuzen: I can't even go into the source HTML and remove the posts. Blogger shuts me out of that.
Wackbag: will you delete your most recent stuff as a gesture of good will?
Tenbatsuzen: Let me get this straight. You've threatened me with legal shit up the wazoo about stuff I'm not responsible for and have no control over, and now you want a sign of good will? What part of "I've done nothing wrong" do you not understand?
Wackbag: then we have nothing more to talk about.. Good day sir
Tenbatsuzen: Oh no no no.
Tenbatsuzen: You do NOT get off that easily.
Tenbatsuzen: I hear ANYTHING from my ISP about this... you will fucking regret it. Big time. You have SERIOUSLY crossed the line in your stupidity.
Tenbatsuzen: You have gone so fucking overboard it's unbelieveable.
Wackbag: is that a threat sir?
Tenbatsuzen: You've been threatening me all night.
Tenbatsuzen: Here's the score, Sting. Just so you know.
Tenbatsuzen: All the posts you have issue with... other than the AIM logs - which aren't protected and I have had reason to post - were written by Keyser.
Wackbag: no, i havent. I have asked you as is required before contacting the ISP and web host. That is the procedure and I'm following it
Tenbatsuzen: Listen to yourself.
Wackbag: did you write "Sting, I told you this before. You seriously barked up the wrong tree, and now it's time to reap what you sow, motherfucker."
Wackbag: ?
Tenbatsuzen: Yes, because you have to explain yourself.
Wackbag: so you admit to threatening me on
Tenbatsuzen: How is that a threat? You've done nothing but hit me up with legal shit the past two nights.
Wackbag: read it, sounds like a threat to me, and you wont remove it
Wackbag: did you write "Watch as I own him worse than Kunta Kinte.
Tenbatsuzen: If that's all your concerned about, fine. That WAS a little harsh, and it's been removed. There's your sign of good faith.
Tenbatsuzen: That's not a threat. That's a pretty funny joke.
Wackbag: really? i find it threatening
Tenbatsuzen: Do you know how insane that sounds, considering what you've been saying the last 24 hours?
Wackbag: " I am out-and-out HARRASSED by Stingray" you were harrased by me?
Wackbag: did you not engage in coversation?
Tenbatsuzen: Did you not IM me out of nowhere last night and proceed to accuse me of hacking, repeatedly?
Tenbatsuzen: That's harrassment.
Tenbatsuzen: You had no evidence.
Tenbatsuzen: Any evidence you have is purely circumstancial. re: I write for OAU
Wackbag: did you say at any time that I was bothering or "harrasing" you?
Tenbatsuzen: I think you're just going after semantics now, Sting.
Tenbatsuzen: You have been bothering me, repeatedly, the past two nights.
Wackbag: could be, but isnt that what your doing to me?
Tenbatsuzen: No. Y'see, when you attack me - which you have been doing - I'm letting the public know what you're up to.
Wackbag: I attacked you?
Tenbatsuzen: Yeah, by accusing me of hacking/spoofing. And accusing Keyser too... when I'm pretty sure you'll find nothing on him either.
Tenbatsuzen: You do realize that Galt fed you that line about Keyser being involved.
Tenbatsuzen: Just to fuck with your head.
Wackbag: actually I finally got that email off of boogaloo
Tenbatsuzen: Yeah... and since you'll find nothing tying me to that... I believe OUR business is done.
Wackbag: did you write "The Last Temptation of Stingray " ?
Tenbatsuzen: Yes. And there is no perveivable threat in that piece, so shut up.
Wackbag: so you admit to that?
Tenbatsuzen: It's got my name on it.
Wackbag: thank you,
Tenbatsuzen: Um, Sting?
Tenbatsuzen: You have nothing there.
Tenbatsuzen: There are no threats, and there's no copyrighted information, so you have nothing.
Wackbag: I think we are done, I have contacted you as required, You refuse to remove the content.
Tenbatsuzen: Sting..
Tenbatsuzen: WHAT CONTENT?!!??!!?!?!?
Tenbatsuzen: I have told you this...
Tenbatsuzen: I did not... post anything... from Wackbag... on OAU.
Wackbag: Is it not a "hate" site
Tenbatsuzen: It's a news and opinion site.
Tenbatsuzen: Which is protected under the first amendment.
Wackbag: ahh
Wackbag: I am a public figure?
Tenbatsuzen: Was your real name used in any of the pieces?
Tenbatsuzen: No?
Wackbag: AKA
Tenbatsuzen: Semantics. And still, what I posted was facts and opinions.
Tenbatsuzen: Which I'm entitled to.
Wackbag: Semantics works
Tenbatsuzen: Look, sting. If you want to run under the DMCA to protect wackbag, fine. As you can see, I didn't post anything from Wackbag.
Tenbatsuzen: Anthony, however, IS a public figure - so his posts are fair game.
Tenbatsuzen: You're 0 for 2.
Wackbag: you did break your word,
Wackbag: thats not nice
Tenbatsuzen: No, I said I wouldn't post on OAU
Wackbag: is my aim on OAU?
Wackbag: under your post
Tenbatsuzen: I didn't post that, and I can't delete that comment.
Tenbatsuzen: As I said, that falls under Keyser's control.
Tenbatsuzen: Galt posted that.
Wackbag: can we end this convo please
Tenbatsuzen: No, because I still think you're going to go after me when you have nothing.
Tenbatsuzen: I want to make some things perfectly clear.
Tenbatsuzen: 1) The ISP has nothing to do with this
Tenbatsuzen: 2) Any posts containing wackbag material are posted by Keyser, and you have to take that up with him, because I can't touch those posts.
Tenbatsuzen: 3) Again, you have nothing on me.
Wackbag: i have never fucked with you, or anyone else from other sites, why go after me?
Tenbatsuzen: Dude, you dont' call what you did last night fucking with me?
Tenbatsuzen: I don't take accusations lightly.
Wackbag: no, my email was hacked, as a representitive od OAU I asked you about it
Tenbatsuzen: You accused me and Keyser.
Tenbatsuzen: You said in your thread today "my hacking friend".
Wackbag: its pretty plain to see
Tenbatsuzen: And I told you - repeatedly - that I for a fact had nothing do wit it
Tenbatsuzen: and I told you that Keyser doesn't have the know-how to hack/spoof
Wackbag: I will protect my site
Wackbag: period
Tenbatsuzen: Fine. You're entitled. But take it up with Keyser.
Tenbatsuzen: Posting those AIM logs was to protect myself. Posting that story was to protect myself.
Wackbag: protect from what?
Tenbatsuzen: You run a messageboard with over 10,000 users. Users who have taken down other messageboards and fucked with people repeatedly.
Wackbag: do you honestly think i have something against you?
Tenbatsuzen: Let's say you mention on the board that I hacked your site.
Tenbatsuzen: even with no proof.
Wackbag: I wouldnt do that
Tenbatsuzen: I woul dhave to deal with the Army fucking with me.
Tenbatsuzen: Fuck you, you already said Keyser did it today, with no proof.
Wackbag: I believe he did
Tenbatsuzen: You BELIEVE he did.
Tenbatsuzen: But you have no proof.
Wackbag: not yet, but I hear its on the way
Tenbatsuzen: So again - protection.
Tenbatsuzen: I have no proof to believe that you're not responsible for the acts of cybercrime you've commited... like a DOS attack on the Danza message board...
Tenbatsuzen: but hey, that's just a random theory
Wackbag: dude, I'm a really nice guy believe it or not, I dont start with anyone.. but I finsh when someone starts with me,
Tenbatsuzen: OK, now answer me this...
Tenbatsuzen: Did I, in the past two weeks, "start with you"?
Tenbatsuzen: Other than my posts about my banning... did I attack you in the last 3 weeks?
Wackbag: dos attack on the danza message board?
Tenbatsuzen: denial of service
Wackbag: from me?
Tenbatsuzen: semantics, answer the question about me "starting with you".
Wackbag: did you ever read the fag?
Wackbag: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> em#faq_invade
Tenbatsuzen: Stop answering a question with a question, Marion
Wackbag: if that was done, it was done off my board
Tenbatsuzen: Did I "start stuff with you" in the past three weeks?
Tenbatsuzen: I'll answer it, you space evader: No.
Wackbag: no
Tenbatsuzen: You however, started with me with your threats and accusations last night.
Tenbatsuzen: And you continued to threathen me tonight, even though you're beginning to realize that you have nothing on me.
Wackbag: THREE attacks against wackbag, one with a link giving specificatons to my email server
Wackbag: within a few hours then I get hacked
Tenbatsuzen: Three opinion pieces - which are perfectly legal - with one having information readily available to the public - and NONE OF THEM I WROTE.
Tenbatsuzen: Believe me, the WHOIS piece is garbage
Tenbatsuzen: and I'd take it down if I could because it's so wrong
Tenbatsuzen: but I cannot.
Wackbag: it had my email server info in it
Tenbatsuzen: Readily available information, Sting.
Wackbag: go look at it
Tenbatsuzen: readily...available...information
Wackbag: then a hack within the hour
Wackbag: who exactly was researching my server?
Tenbatsuzen: How do I know? Without the email in question I can't even tell you what you're dealing with
Wackbag: who put th info up on OAU that contained infor to my exim email server?
Tenbatsuzen: that would be "Oauncensored" - Keyser.
Tenbatsuzen: The bylines are under each piece
Tenbatsuzen: it's not too hard to figure out who wrote what
Wackbag: so you think I would be way out of line for thinking he did the hack which happened an hour later?
Tenbatsuzen: I'll tell you why you're out of line.
Wackbag: after he was researching my ser info
Tenbatsuzen: Why would he post the info and then do a hack. It's the same as putting up a huge neon sign saying what he's doing.
Wackbag: he not too bright
Tenbatsuzen: *shrug*
Wackbag: you can see that by his obsession with a message board
Tenbatsuzen: I've already told you, on all fronts, I've had nothing to do with this.
Wackbag: then he disappears
Tenbatsuzen: and you can't involve me in legal disputes, because you've got nothing on me there either.
Wackbag: relax man
Tenbatsuzen: I can't control any content on OAU other than my own material
Tenbatsuzen: You asked me to take down something, I did.
Tenbatsuzen: There's you sign of good faith, now I consider the matter with myself dropped.
Tenbatsuzen: Take it up with Keyser on Monday.
Wackbag: why do you feel the need to fuck with wackbag so much? because its popular or because you would run it differently?
Tenbatsuzen: I never fucked with wackbag "much"
Wackbag: monday = work, no time to talk really
Tenbatsuzen: Dude... take it up with Keyser.
Wackbag: meant to say OAU in general
Tenbatsuzen: His site, his rules, his posts are the ones you should be concerned about.
Tenbatsuzen: 90 eprcent of the anti-wackbag posts are keysers
Tenbatsuzen: again, take it up with him.
Tenbatsuzen: I don't... or at least, didn't share Keyser's anti-wackbag views til last night
Tenbatsuzen: You brought this on yourself.
Wackbag: believe me his site is a joke, but the email spoof or hack is not
Tenbatsuzen: Again... take it up with Keyser
Tenbatsuzen: I don't care.
Wackbag: poor lil guy trying to get attention because he has no creativity
Tenbatsuzen: Take it up with Keyser. We're done here.
Wackbag: later

- fbd - 03-13-2005

he takes stuff a little too many people have actually gone to jail for faking an e-mail address or writing bad stuff about some website?

- Goatweed - 03-13-2005

maybe Keyser will be the first!!!

- Mad - 03-13-2005

Has he fled the country yet?

- diceisgod - 03-13-2005

damn keyser got thrown under the bus

- HollywoodJewMoses - 03-13-2005

so wait...keyser isnt tenbats?