Hey fucknuts! - What the fuck? - Printable Version

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- Luna - 04-11-2002

Did you ever notice...the more you try to control something the more chaotic it becomes?

- Ken'sPen - 04-11-2002

That is a good slogan for your Dog Obedience School {Wink}

- Keyser Soze - 04-11-2002

kid nobody is saying you don't have the right to post whatever you want but you just sound like an ass by doing the same thing as the people you are bashing.

you want an interesting thread?


- NaughtyAngel - 04-11-2002

keyser is so sexy!

- Keyser Soze - 04-11-2002

stop, you are gonna make luna and grumpy hate me even more.

- Sean Cold - 04-11-2002

Quote:Although you may not agree with my post, do I not have as much of a right to post it as anyone else does to post a game thread? I made this post to speak my mind, not to get the approval of anyone here. I knew when I posted it that it would be met with as much resistance and tomfoolery as it has been, and that's fine.

However, feel free to kiss my ass if you don't like my opinion, because I don't particularly care for yours either.

Don't flatter yourself there, I have niether the time nor the ammount of lip needed to kiss your ass, junior. You want to bitch and moan, thats fine by me. But, I so think I have the right to tell you you are acting like a fuckin ass when ever I choose. Maybe the only way you actually enjoy posting is if you are the heel, the marked bad guy. I enjoy ridiculing you at times, so, feel free to keep it up. You are nothing more than chicken little at this point, always looking for the negative to give yourself some sort of purpose on this board. You truely have made your persona here an exact duplicate of your famous bitching and whining style from

I truely don't give a fuck if you stay or go actually. I hope you stay in a way so I can watch you get your ample black ass handed to you time and time again.

Now, pleasently go fuck yourself and try and have a nice day.

- Grumpy - 04-11-2002

Quote:Now, pleasently go fuck yourself and try and have a nice day.

I just want to know when did sean get manners? Pleasantly? sheeessshhhh...what's next? Please and Thank You? Stop it sean, I'm not used to you being a nice guy! {Big Grin}

- Hosp - 04-11-2002

Look who's getting all upitty.

(Just using one since I'm at a real comp)

- Luna - 04-11-2002

Did you ever realize/notice that for every action there is a reaction?

Edited By LunaBabe on April 11 2002 at 11:47

- Kid Afrika - 04-11-2002

Quote:I truely don't give a fuck if you stay or go actually. I hope you stay in a way so I can watch you get your ample black ass handed to you time and time again.

Now, pleasently go fuck yourself and try and have a nice day.
I have a nice day everyday, but thanks for the well-wishes.

It's funny how people say that all I do is complain, while it's not true. I complain often, but only because I feel if you don't say anything, you haven't done anything. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've tried to post things that I find interesting, but they are constantly met with resistance. Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, my coming off ass a whiny complainer is as much a result of your preconceived notions of my behavior as it is of my own actions?

- Arthur Dent - 04-11-2002

Defiling in motion tends to stay in motion. Defiling at rest tends to stay at rest.

- Grumpy - 04-11-2002

according to the laws of gravity, if you take a retard ::coughcoughARPIcoughcough:: and drop him out of an airplane, he will fall at a velocity of 122 MPH (terminal velocity). Therefore it would be advisable to strap a rocket pack to his ass to increase the speed of falling, thus then splatter his body in an equal and artistic proportion that can then be photographed and sold as ART.

- Metalfan - 04-11-2002

Quote:Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, my coming off ass a whiny complainer is as much a result of your preconceived notions of my behavior as it is of my own actions?

Hmmmm....interesting counterpoint. However, you've come across as a whiny ass complainer since post #1 on the other board.....before we came to realize the true greatness that is you.

- The Sleeper - 04-11-2002

Let's give "The Anti-Thread" another shot. That's a good idea right?

- Keyser Soze - 04-11-2002

Did you ever realize that for every bean full of weevils God supplies a blind grocer.

- Grumpy - 04-11-2002

When women ask - Do I look fat in this dress? :

What Men Say: Of course not. You look great!
What men think: Yes! ya fat horse. how about you do a little exercise and get me a fuckin beer!

- SLASH - 04-11-2002

Quote:Lunababe posted:

Did you ever realize/notice that for every action there is a reaction?

I have realized, but I have never noticed. {Wink}

- Metalfan - 04-11-2002

But why go out for milk when you have a cow at home?

- Grumpy - 04-11-2002

Against all logic - giving cows chocolate to eat does not produce chocolate milk. just cows with serious diarhea.

- Sean Cold - 04-11-2002

Quote:It's funny how people say that all I do is complain, while it's not true. I complain often, but only because I feel if you don't say anything, you haven't done anything. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've tried to post things that I find interesting, but they are constantly met with resistance. Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, my coming off ass a whiny complainer is as much a result of your preconceived notions of my behavior as it is of my own actions?

Fair enough, but, I never said all you do is complain actually. Your complaints draw more attention because it is what people, even me, have come to expect from you. You complaining has nothing to do with my actions, because I only reacted to this thread. This thread is you bitching and moaning about game threads and the lack of a serious topic that you may find worthy to enlighten us all of your point of view. The only thing I see wrong with me replying is adding to a victem stigma you may or may not have wanted applied to yourself. In a round about way, your thread is a homerun because now you got a somewhat stimulating conversation. I enjoy debating shit with you, I admit to that. I just wish it was about something with a little more depth than discussing the finer points of you posting like you wear a skirt and if your rouge is smeared.