Star wars episode two thoughts - Printable Version

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- fbd - 05-30-2002

the sith were once a civilization with an empire spanning thousands of star systems.they were lead by the sith lords, most of whom had the force, but they all used the dark side, since the empire was formed by jedi expelled from the order for using the dark side.eventually, the sith empire and the republic found each other, and the sith got their asses kicked.from then on, the sith changed its became that there were 2, a sith lord and his apprentice.the lord is usually more powerful, and ruled over them.the apprentice wasnt really a learner, more of a general, and at times they would take multiple jedi to their side.exar kun was lord over ulic quel-droma, and they had about 50 jedi with them, and later vader and palpatine trained a few of their own.yoda was dooku's master of jedi learning, while sidious is the evil master

- Skitchr4u - 05-30-2002

your knowledge of this is amazing, you must have a vast array of dark horse comics around to know all this!

- Sean Cold - 05-30-2002

Quote:your knowledge of this is amazing, you must have a vast array of dark horse comics around to know all this!

I am a pretty big SW fan, but, when I need to know something about the stories, I either turn to Fblingaling of Dent for they know all.

- Skitchr4u - 05-30-2002

the force is strong with dingaling

- LZMF1 - 05-30-2002

a great knowlege of star wars, he has amassed.

- Arthur Dent - 05-31-2002

the sith were once a civilization with an empire spanning thousands of star ...yadda yadda yadda

fbd's knowledge surpasses my own. I thought the Sith only lost becasue all the Sith masters started fighting each other for ultimate control. That's why there is only one master after that.

I thought the Naboo yellow fighters are pretty nice. Like the starship version of WWII fighters. The Jedi Fighter was cool because it detached from those huge hyperspace engines before going into battle. I think that's the only reason it was able to out run a torpedo. 100% of it's engine capacity was for pure speed.

I really need to watch it again. Got an e-mail newletter from the official Lucas site about how there is an x-wing and a tie fighter in the background of the speeder chase, Millenium Falcon type freighters parked on Naboo, a replica of Tallon Karde's "Wild Card" next to them, etc.

- Sean Cold - 05-31-2002

I got the email and will be seeing it again this weekend looking for this shit. I am such a mark.

- Skitchr4u - 05-31-2002

Quote:I thought the Sith only lost becasue all the Sith masters started fighting each other for ultimate control. That's why there is only one master after that.
i got that feeling too after reading "the fall of the sith empire", but hey, there may be more than one reason for it...

is it worth seeing in a digital theater? was it that much better, or should i just stay local?

- fbd - 05-31-2002

that, too, with the lords fighting each other, but they got their asses kicked by the republic in the fall of the sith empire, and between the republic and each other, only naga sadow survived, and eventually they set up the master/apprentice system.i dont know when or in what, though, since i was only told some of this by a freind of mine 2 weeks ago.i have no knowledge of my own between the fall and freedon nad

- Spitfire - 06-04-2002

Finally saw it Sunday...Most of you guys look at movies too critically, especially ones like this which are just escapist entertainment, a galactic fairy tale.... I wasn't expecting good acting, good dialogue, etc. They couldn't be found in any of the other Star Wars movies...

I took the movie at face-value, watched it as I had the other movies---It made me feel like I was a little kid again, the movie was great! Definitely better than the last. (oh yeah, and the sound efefcts from the seismic charges were soooo cool) All the pieces are falling into place, the dark side is playing both sides. The creatures in here were cool. The CGI, if you didn't completely focus on it, wasn't bad. I loved it!

- Lord Magus - 06-05-2002

Quote:I either turn to Fblingaling of Dent for they know all.
Hmmph!Confusedneak: :fuckoff:

- Sloatsburgh - 07-15-2002


because I just saw it Saturday.......

and I thought Anakin was going to attack Padme.

- IkeaBoy - 07-15-2002

Quote:and I thought Anakin was going to attack Padme.
Attack? Rape was the word/dream/hope that kept coming to my mind in their relations. (There's always an episode 3)

In addition, I saw it again awhile ago and I even liked it less.

- Sloatsburgh - 07-16-2002

I shouldn't have sad Padme.... I meant Ama Ama .... Natalie Portman, and yet attack in some way, Rape, mind attack, etc... (Is it still rape if you use a Jedi Mind trick to make her think that she wants you?)