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- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-22-2002

I don't think I want to go to grad school next year.

I don't know if I really want to go into my field or if I got interested in it because I thought my professor was good looking.

- fbd - 10-22-2002

Quote:i can't stand spending time with most of my relatives.
me too...i hate the vast majority of them

i frequently have thoughts of shooting up my school, or just killing one or two specific people
i've serriously wanted to fake my own death so that i can see how people react

- Hybrid - 10-22-2002

Quote:i've serriously wanted to fake my own death so that i can see how people react
i sorta did that. when i went to florida i didnt tell anyone and ftl thought i died. :thumbs-up:

- virgingrrl - 10-22-2002

i NEED to look people in the eyes when i am speaking to them.
if they are in another room, even though i know they can hear me. i need to see their face. my sister tells me im too intense and refuses to do it most of the time.

- drusilla - 10-22-2002

i am hey ladi

(minus the 53 year old dude part)

- fbd - 10-22-2002

yeah...i've wondered what would happen if i didnt tell anybody and went on a long vacation from here, but i meant a fake death, and just watch a tape of my funeral/wake

- LyricalGomez - 10-22-2002

I enjoy going on vacations and not telling a soul where I am...I trcked through Germany for an entire Summer vacation not telling anyone where I was

- Keyser Soze - 10-22-2002

i love performing oral sex on women.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-22-2002

I accidentally almost killed myself July 4th weekend and cost my family $15,000 in medical bills as a result of it.

- GonzoStyle - 10-22-2002

Quote:i NEED to look people in the eyes when i am speaking to them.

Same here, mainly cause you can tell a lot about people by their eyes. As well as their reactions to what you say.

I am afraid a lot that I will never find a good job, let alone a job that will make me happy. I don't wanna go back to school, yet I feel I will have to. For a different field that is, it scares me a lot. Mainly I really want to help my mother, as well as the fact I hate not working and not having money.

- Keyser Soze - 10-22-2002

i feel obligated to give homeless people money, even if they might spend it on booze or drugs.

- LyricalGomez - 10-22-2002

I had a period in my life where I enjoyed toying with people's emotions...And I don't mean just as a joke, I mean seriously fuck with them....I've hurt some of my closest friends and nearly lost my best friend who I've none since we were both in diapers....

Despite acting funny most of the time I am quite an emotional guy...Most people view me as the class clown but don't know the side of me that enjoys Opera, Art, fine Dining, good writing, poetry and other pleasures of this life.

- Hey Ladi - 10-22-2002

I've always wanted to run a restaurant ... or a bed & breakfast. (but I would not want to wake up to make them breakfast)

I make up a new job for myself every week, but I am toooooo "lazy" because I am afraid of faliure .... :disappointed:

- Keyser Soze - 10-22-2002

im slacking right now when i should be working on the new feature we are working on for the site.

- virgingrrl - 10-22-2002

im afraid i'll never get married.

i would love to be a soccer mom.

im have a panic attack when i think about my future schooling/jobs.

- drusilla - 10-22-2002

Quote:I am dissapointed in silera and alkey.

por que?

- LyricalGomez - 10-22-2002

I stay in a relationship that I am pretty sure will not work out because of the career choices both I and my girlfriend have made...It makes me sad because I know the love of my life has to take a backseat to my career, but I don't want to give it all up and wind up hating her 10 or so years down the road

- drusilla - 10-22-2002

i have tendencies towards always having someone waiting in the wings for me when i break up from a relationship & then go out with the person who was waiting.

- Hey Ladi - 10-22-2002

i feel obligated to have kids sometimes

I wonder what it would be like to never get married

- Keyser Soze - 10-22-2002

i dont want to get married until im like 34