The return of Confessions - the confessional is open - Printable Version

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- fbd - 01-09-2003

i think my brother is addicted to coke. he's had a nose bleed constantly for the past month and a half, but refuses to go to a doctor, and i cant think of anything else that would fuck up a nose hardcore like that

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2003

Stress can do that, hypertension can cause nosebleeds.

I used to get constant nosebleeds years ago. What makes you think he is on coke, have his actions changed?

- snowballschanceinhell - 01-09-2003

The dry air from the heater can cause nosebleeds too..

- IrishAlkey - 01-09-2003

I hate dry air. Rolleyes

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2003

Go snort some coke off your newly acquired doors albums.

- fbd - 01-09-2003

he hasnt changed his actions much, its just that all his friends are openly drug addicts. even he frequently referes to them as the crack heads. functional, but all are druggies. my brother might be clean for all i know, but the nose bleed+refusal to go to the doctor made me think. i hope its just stress...3 of my uncles almost died from the shit

- snowballschanceinhell - 01-09-2003

I don't do coke.

- IrishAlkey - 01-09-2003

I don't have Doors albums.

- snowballschanceinhell - 01-09-2003

I don't have the albums either. discs. I only got into them a little over 3 years ago.

- Keyser Soze - 01-09-2003

im watching the bachelorette

i feel ashamed to admit that

- Goatweed - 01-09-2003

Quote:You'd make a great parent

thank you for that :loveya:

I think I will be too, I've just had so much shit come down the pipe to me in the past 2 years, it's a little overwhelming.

I like Jack a lot - we don't speak very much, but from his posts and what little convos we have had, he reminds me a Hell of a lot of myself - past and present. I hope he manages to get his ass to NYC at some point this year...

I also think I like Star Trek a little bit too much...fanatical even. There are worse things to be into I suppose.

- NaughtyAngel - 01-09-2003

Quote:I have grown to hate long-distance relationships, and I'm starting to realise that they just don't work
they either dont work or they work for a bit then crumble. i have learned that time and time again.

im not going back to school this semester. i dont know if i ever want to go back until i figure out what it is i want to do with my life. what i thought was my dream, isnt really my dream anymore.

i want to get a job but i have done nothing to go about doing that. i get mad at FTL when he pushes me but i know in my heart that he just wants the best for me. hes truly my best friend right now and i know i piss him off by seeming careless about my life and thats the last thing i want to do.

my anxiety and panic attacks stop me from doing what i need to do to move on in life and i need to get over them but i dont know how.

in december i fucked up a great relationship i couldve had with someone and i still care for them deeply and it pains me that we have to remain friends and nothing more. when i look into his eyes i know i tell him how much i care, but i hurt him and i will never be fully forgiven for what i did. i have tried and tried to show him i am a better person but nothing i say will ever change his mind. deep down inside i think/hope he still has feelings for me too but he puts up a wall. i think about him a lot. i want to move on but its really hard.

the friendships i once made on the boards arent the same anymore. the people i looked up to the most arent as close to me as they once were. it upsets me. i always look to the past for the good times because i know they will never happen again.

im scared for gagootz, hes been a good guy to me ever since i started chatting with him. i hope that he writes to me as soon as he gets there and that we keep in touch,

((in a less serious note, im addicted to a voyeur site))

Edited By NaughtyAngel on 1042080623

- FAST FREDDY - 01-09-2003

I smoke too much pot and ignore responsibility.

As for confessions, I like girls with giant tits who love hockey.


- Hey Ladi - 01-09-2003

every one is so distraught by stuff ... I'm finally happy, things have been looking up for the past few months. the whole holiday season has been very pleasant, from Thanksgiving, thru my birthday & vacation, on to Christmas, more vacation, & now it's a bright new year.

I want to move out, I could do it, but I know there's stuff that I haven't even thought of that will come up. But it will be good.

I've tried to stop focusing on my job & just do it. I post too much & I don't know if I :fuggin: too much, or just kinda often.

Yes, VG I thought maybe you mentioned it to G. VG is cool.

- fbd - 01-09-2003

i really cant wait for college next year, but at the same time i really dont want to go
i cant wait for the freedom of living away from home, without my parents nagging me all the time, but i'm pretty sure i wont be able to function without the structures of home and high school. not to mention the fact that i'm not sure what i really want to do when i get out. i know most people dont, but i dont even have that many things that would interest me to do, and the subjects i'm good at now are the ones that are useless in the real world

- virgingrrl - 01-09-2003

Quote:Yes, VG I thought maybe you mentioned it to G. VG is cool.

i win. :thumbs-up:

my friend had a death in the family tonight, im sad now.

- crx girl - 01-09-2003

i'm moving next week. i'll be living entirely alone for the first time in my life. i know it's what i need to do but i'm a little worried about having so much me time. i don't always get along with myself too well.

i like my job, but the money is seriously dwindling, i don't know if i'm even gonna be able to pay any bills after my rent, especially after i pay the deposits and fee for the apartment.

- crx girl - 01-09-2003

oh, i forgot the whole actual confession i was going to make. i lied on my application for the apartment, couldn't have them calling my real landlord. thanks dru :loveya:

- drusilla - 01-09-2003

Quote:I miss my big-eared, large post count one that Seph made.

me too

i've been told that i have turned into an awful person in the last few months. that i have become selfish. this upsets me.

Edited By drusilla on 1042097520

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2003

Quote:i've been told that i have turned into an awful person in the last few months. that i have become selfish. this upsets me.

Are the people telling you this your friends or just trifelin ass bitches who you wouldn't give a fuck any day of the week? I don't see you being a selfish person.