Another sniper attack in virginia - What does it take to catch this guy - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 10-16-2002

I'm not saying that it's not terrorism TW. It sure as Hell is!

I'm just saying that I don't think it's our middle east friends. I think it's american terrorists.

- Teenweek - 10-16-2002

that is a very good possibility. or it could be another cell. we don't know. I was just going to say about something very small scale which I consider terrorism. When they shot Daniel Pearl in the head and taped it and released it to the media.

- Hybrid - 10-16-2002

i thought they cut his head off, not shot him.

- Teenweek - 10-16-2002

sorry my bad. but the point was that it was a single person and not mass destruction

- Buttmunch - 10-16-2002

This is almost as bad as when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor and cut off his head.

- Teenweek - 10-16-2002

:rofl: thank you buttmunch.

- OAS - 10-16-2002

It's nice to see some of you terrorism and Islamic extremist experts got this all rapped up. Terrorists act on a smaller scale much more often than large. Look at Hesballah in Israel. Every time the Israeli military tightens the noose around Gaza and the West Bank the mass suicide bombings subside, but the random shootings of Israeli's increase. Terrorists will scale down their operations to more low key, high probability attacks.

And I don't know about the rest of you, but 11 shot, 9 dead doesn't sound onesy twosy to me.

In the last 14 days, al quiada attacks have increased after being dormant for a year. Washington is reluctant to point the finger at al quiada. They couldn't help doing it in Bali and it was the French, not us that acknowledged it in Yeman.

Washington will have a tough time acknowledging this as al Quiada since the administration just last month stated they have effectively disrupted al Quiada's ability to act. Don't you think it's strange that activity is picking up after that statement and after Washington has acknowledged that a recent tape from al Jazeera was bin Laden's voice? All of this distraction while we are preparinfg to attack Iraq is coincidence.

Think people, don't let your mind think pre 9/11.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-16-2002

Who or whatever is responsible for this needs to be stopped. I would feel a Hell of a lot safer if when they catch the guy, they're of the Timothy McVeigh persuasion, and I think thats the same for most of us. Smaller scale terrorism is a Hell of a lot scarier than mass destruction only because it takes a lot less planning, and will be a lot easier to pull off.

- Galt - 10-16-2002

How do we know that Al-Queda attacks have increased, when they never claim responsibility? Could it just be that any time anything happens, people say "terrorists did it" -- like you're doing in this case?

There have been people have have randomly shot people before. It didn't get the press because he wasn't as successful and continued, and the country wasn't in a climate obsessed with terrorism.

Yes, this person is causing terror, but Bin Laden didn't say, "Hey Wassim, go out to Maryland and kill 10 random hick Americans over the span of two weeks. This will really convince the infidels that Allah is more powerful, blah blah blah".

They can certainly cause more death, more terror, more chaos, and worry thousands of other ways if they had the people and plan in this country to do so.

They're not going to waste this guy getting caught, spilling the beans on who he's consorting with for a dozen dead Americans.


- Buttmunch - 10-16-2002

Quote:They're not going to waste this guy getting caught, spilling the beans on who he's consorting with for a dozen dead Americans.


Don't you ever "think" to yourself and wonder about the fact that the way you view the world, and the value system you superimpose on people's actions, may not be the same as those in al-Quaida?

Until the sniper is found, all you've got is conjecture.

It is terrorism. Foreign or domestic doesn't change that fact.

"Think", to me, means consider all possibilities, not rush to conclusions based upon what I would do.

- OAS - 10-16-2002

When they catch these guys and they are al Quiada won't America be instantly terrorized?

al Quiada never takes claim for actions. How do we know it's them? Intelligence figures it out. They do leave traces, they do have a signature.

bin Laden does not give direct orders to start shooting people in Washington but cells are trained in many tactics. All you need to do is read the manuals captured in Afghanastan. There is all types of urban attacks outlined.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-16-2002

I guess this is a little off subject, but as anyone who has read this thread knows, I'm taking a class on local law enforcement and their response to terrorism. In the class we are not only learning about that, but we are learning about other aspects of terrorism, etc. The class is totally internet based, and we're supposed to have discussions such as this on a weekly basis on the assigned readings etc. What I've found amazing throughout the day is the fact that people on this board have had more intelligent conversations than anyone in my class has had. I know none of us are going to come to an agreement, as each of us has our own way of viewing the world, but I just think its a bit sad that I can come here for free and I'm paying $1800 for a class that I'm getting nothing out of that I couldn't get from reading a book on my own.

- Buttmunch - 10-16-2002

Yeah, sure, but does anyone in your class discuss meatflaps?

- OAS - 10-16-2002

Gonzo would be happy to take an $1800 contribution for the server if this betters your education. :lol:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-16-2002

No, but there is a girl in the class who says she finds nothing wrong with suicide bombings, she also said she was happy about 9/11.

- DGW - 10-16-2002

it's not an AK-47
it's a AK-74 which is a rifle
OAS must a had potatoes in his ear

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-16-2002

Quote:Gonzo would be happy to take an $1800 contribution for the server if this betters your education.

I'll have my lender cut him a check. I'm already over $60k in the hole for my education, what's a few more?

- OAS - 10-16-2002

The original report was an AK 47. The 74 is better equipped to handle long range accuracy. If you ever looked down the barrel of one, they all look alike.

- Galt - 10-16-2002

Buttmunch. Yes, it's guessing, it's conjecture. It could be Al Qaida, it could be martians, or it could be an isolated American civilian doing what mass/serial/spree killers have done for ages.

I'm just saying that it's more likely that it's not some Afghani terrorist doing this. But people are so fearstruck by these terrorists, that any time anything happens and the culprit isn't immediately known, the kneejerk reaction is to blame terrorists, when there is no historical reason to think that terrorists commit this type of crime.

Edited By Galt on 1034794111

- Buttmunch - 10-16-2002

True, but before 9/11/01 I wouldn't have expected to see jets flying into our buildings.

It's 21st century terrorism.

We have to start changing our thinking. The time for security and complacency is long gone.