24 the new season - Starts tonight 10/29 - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 12-05-2002

Quote:What about Reza fucking implicating Warner in the terrorist transactions....fucking slimy bastard!

...but what if he's telling the truth?

- fbd - 12-05-2002

i'm almost positive reza was telling the truth...he confessed after the threat of being arrested in front of his parents, plus everyone is still there. he's not a terrorist, white boy is. why else would the guy know so much about the connections, or lack there of

- Sloatsburgh - 12-05-2002

These plot twists blow.

Hey, the town is going to get nuked, so let's go into the burning building to kidnap a dipshit kid.

Boyfriend STARTS off with a roundhouse? You have to set it up first.

Wife is acting like a psycho ex-girlfriend?

The white boy is behind everything and the daughter is overly stereotyped whiney and selfish.

Jack Bauer is the only cool thing. I have money that the agent heard on the phone that he should act like he was drugged and that the water was completely clean.

- QuickStop - 12-05-2002

i doubt that...but i did notice in the scenes right before that, they were drinking entirely too much water. I kept asking myself "Is this some sort of ritual or something? drinking 18 bottles of water."

- Arthur Dent - 12-06-2002

Quote:Boyfriend STARTS off with a roundhouse? You have to set it up first.

Yeah, absolutely. But, the dipshit woman beater probably couldn't handle a guy who wasn't a blackbelt either. And I don't know about you, but I've gotta stretch before pulling off that kick. :lol:

I think the ex-wife is definitely in on the plot. And I'm thinking the replacement Sec of State is going to get implicated as a misdirection, the same way they made it look like Radioactive Boy was the big bad last season.

And the whole thing with the daughter and the little kid is just ridiculous. If she and her boyfirend had half a brain between them, they would realize they can EASILY prove the father is beating his kid and not be in trouble.

- Teenweek - 12-08-2002

anyone see the commercial for 24 before the Ginats game? The cops pull im and the spic over and ask to look in the trunk and she freaks out. Who wants to bet the wife is dead in the trunk?

Edited By Teenweek on 1039371190

- Mad - 12-08-2002

Quote:Who wants to bet the wife is dead in the trunk?

No bet, to obvious.

Why would the cops look in the trunk in the first place?

The wife-beating kid toucher must have tipped them off when his car got jacked in the parking lot by a spic and kidnapper. I wonder if there is a shovel, quick lime and some plastic bags as well?

- Teenweek - 12-11-2002

I am surprised no one mentioned last night's episode. It fucking ruled. When Jack and everyone broke into the building was fucking awesome. Seeing that guy drop from the ceiling and shooting the bad guys was incredible. It was funny that they only showed Kim for the last 5 minutes. Maybe Fox is listening to the internet and reading their messageboards on their website.

I think last night was the first time I liked Mason.

- Mad - 12-11-2002

Quote:I think last night was the first time I liked Mason.

Same here. I always thought he was kind of a douche. However the scene with his son was really deep. Pissed off kid becomes emotional crushed inside of a minute.

I thought for sure Jack would have capped that bitch. But he held off for now.

No T bounce!?! Looks like Kim and the spic will be nuked after all. Sucks to be them.

The blood leaking out of the trunk was classic. You'd think the douche would have lined it with plastic first.

I wonder what his plans were for the kid? Maybe sell her into slavery or kiddie porn? What does the scum bag do anyway for a living?

- Suzie - 12-11-2002

Mason's son was SO hot!!!!!
Dead bitch in the trunk was awesome, I just hope the kid didn't see the body. Kim's getting quite the jail record.

- Teenweek - 12-11-2002

what was up with the scars on nina's back when she had to strip on the plane. anyone else think she will help jack somehow either by saving his life or helping him with the cops who pull guns on him next week.

- Mad - 12-11-2002

Wasn't he fucking her during the separation from his wife? Maybe she got the scars during some interrogation/training or S&M session?

She'll save his ass at some point. And then they'll end up fucking again. You know going out with a big bang.

- Teenweek - 12-12-2002

I think those scars have to do with something bigger than an s&m session with jack. Maybe I am wrong, but There still is no clear explanation of why she turned on jack and ctu and killed jack's wife. I'm probably looking into things, but maybe she was forced to do things she did not want to do and was threatened with her life or something.

That back shot of her with the scars and they looked really bad was too prominently displayed just to go nowhere with it. It has to have something to do with a future storyline or maybe I am just totally seeing something that isn't there.

- Arthur Dent - 12-13-2002

If you just stole a car from someone you know is coming after you, wouldn't you dump it and get another ride somewhere?

I think Jack kept Nina alove cause he doesn't know for sure yet if the guy in the shop is the one the want, if they can get anything out of him, or if they'll need Nina for more leads. He'll kill her ONLY when they've found the bomb.

- Teenweek - 12-13-2002

i do not think jack will kill nina. i guarantee she ends up helping him. You know he will need it because the cops pull guns on him next week I guess to arrest him.

Besides the scars, why did Nina take the $50 gift card.

- Mad - 12-13-2002

Quote:why did Nina take the $50 gift card.

It can used as an improvised weapon or to open doors.

- Teenweek - 12-13-2002

i don't think it was activated so she can't shop with it

- Metalfan - 12-18-2002

She may not be able to shop with it, but it sure slits a fucking throat nicely, now don't it??

OK, who figures that Nina dies in the plane crash....before divulging any information. But, the hottie at CTU filters the recording and deciphers it....possibly in the next hour.

I also think the President's bitchy wife authorized Leland's release and subsequent live report.

Is Buck Warner dirty? Discuss......

Is Kim Bauer stupid? Yes....but she has a great rack, so I, for one, can overlook that aspect of her :toast:

- Teenweek - 12-18-2002

Quote:She may not be able to shop with it, but it sure slits a fucking throat nicely, now don't it??
That was fucking great. She still has the other half of the gift card. Can she still shop with half a gift card.

Quote:OK, who figures that Nina dies in the plane crash....before divulging any information. But, the hottie at CTU filters the recording and deciphers it....possibly in the next hour.

I think everyone dies but Jack and Nina. But I do think Nina will be seriously injured, probably life threatening, where they can milk her for more episodes.

Quote:I also think the President's bitchy wife authorized Leland's release and subsequent live report.
No, too obvious. The way this show works, it has to be someone you are not thinking of. Lynn maybe.

Quote:Is Buck Warner dirty? Discuss......
Yep. Who kidnapped Kate? Were those guys terrorists or CIA who saw that they were looking at confidential government files and were alerted when the deletion program kicked in.

What the fuck is up with the terrorists with the bomb now. 2 of them are dead.

- Metalfan - 12-18-2002

Quote:Yep. Who kidnapped Kate? Were those guys terrorists or CIA who saw that they were looking at confidential government files and were alerted when the deletion program kicked in.

They may be CIA, but where the fuck were they? Sitting right outside Warner's house? Was that an encryption device the friend plugged into the back of the PC before playing around?

2 terrorists are dead, and the one that's left appears to be the most scared of the 3.....but, won't you know, he'll probably turn evil and attempt to complete the task....the jumpy little shit!

Where is the kid anyway?