Another sniper attack in virginia - What does it take to catch this guy - Printable Version

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- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-17-2002

As long as there are laws in place that prevent the government from going too far, there is nothing wrong with it. The fact of the matter is that there are people within this country who are up to no good, but the laws of this country prevent law enforcement from doing more to uncover their true intentions. I'm not advocating the government should have access to all that we do, that's just ridiculous, but there should be an extention of their surviellance capabilities in order to further intelligence efforts domestically. There has to be a happy medium that can be reached that will ensure that all rights granted in the Bill of Rights are never violated, but that also ensures the fact that the government can protect us.

- Mad - 10-17-2002

Quote:Those who believe in compromising their rights need to rethink what it means to be free.

It is un-American to give up any of your freedoms.

Quote:<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Those who give up liberty for the sake of security deserve neither liberty nor security.

--- Ben Franklin</span>

Truer words never spoken. Our forefathers fought and died for this thing called <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>LIBERTY.</span>

People have been conditioned to believe that Government is good and would never do anything to harm us. Look at WACO. See what your Government has done to it's own people? Woman and children gassed and gunned then burned to death over a tax stamp.

Very sad.

Specter to FBI: Probe Iraq Involvement in OKC, WTC '93 Bombings

- Teenweek - 10-17-2002

for those interested america's most wanted is having a special about the sniper at 9pm on fox.

- OAS - 10-18-2002

Quote:An Al Qaeda suspect in custody in Belgium told American investigators he saw members of the terror organization training snipers in preparation for attacks on U.S. soil, a source told The New York Post Thursday night. One of the planned attacks targeted U.S. senators on a golf course.

It's no surprise that Al Qaeda has taught its operatives sniper techniques.

Al Qaeda terror manuals found in Afghanistan have sections on assassination -- and ABC News last night aired film of Al Qaeda trainees practicing shooting from the backs of pickup trucks.
Well this can't be true. According to Galt, this can't be terrorisim because they have never been known to have done these types of things. :disappointed:

- Mad - 10-18-2002

Shooting to spread to other cities?

Lets see does 9 dead over 11 days mean anything?

- Galt - 10-18-2002

Quote:attacks targeted U.S. senators

Not random civilians dumbass. Terrorist have often killed individuals in the past, but it's been targeted: political figures, judges, celebrities, etc. Not just random civilians. And when they do kill random civilians, it's in groups. car bombs, buses, and shit like that.

- Teenweek - 10-18-2002

Anyone see today's daily news .

Quote:No cream-colored van. No busted taillight. No AK-74. No olive-skinned shooter. And maybe no .223-caliber bullets. The massive hunt for the Beltway sniper suffered a major setback yesterday when authorities threw out the detailed statements of a man who claimed he had an upclose view of the shooter when a woman was cut down in a Home Depot parking lot Monday night.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 10-18-2002

i was beggining to doubt your cut and paste skills, good find my good man

- Teenweek - 10-18-2002

thank you whackbag. it has been some time. :-) :toast:

- Mad - 10-20-2002

The devil is in the details.

Excellent article on possibilities.

- ClusterF@#$ - 10-20-2002

douchebag just struck again. ponderosa in VA. 8 pm.

- ClusterF@#$ - 10-21-2002

This just in. Possible suspect.. white minivan seized. From

Edit. make that suspect(S!) two men apprehended. one in a van, one in the vicinity. Bastards.

Edited By ClusterF@#$ on 1035212287

- Arthur Dent - 10-21-2002

White House has said repeatedly over the weekend they have no evidence of any connection to foreign terrorists.

Hope they got him. This bastard deserves to suffer. I can't imagine turning around and seeing the person you were just talking to, someone you really care about, lying on the floor bleeding or dead.

- mikehern - 10-21-2002

I live about 90 miles east of DC and, while I concerned about this sniper I never felt really threatened.
If he is going all the way to Richmond I have reason to worry.

Edited By mikehern on 1035214002

- Jinny - 10-21-2002

This discussion is excellent...with valid arguments for all opinions.

Let me preface my opinion by saying that I have both academic and clinical training in profiling, including the opportunity to interview a lesser-known serial killer and a cannibal. (Very interesting cases.....and a good lesson on how the media is fed very limited, but calculated information.)

Not knowing any more information than has been presented by the media and given my training, I believe we are looking at one individual. There is a phenomenon known as "folie a deux" where people in association with a deluded or otherwise psychotic individual acquire that person's delusions. Both scenarios are possible.

However, I believe it is one person, male, mid to late 20's, currently single (with a history of multiple, failed heterosexual relationships). This person holds a "menial" job, meaning his job entails rote, mundane, non-taxing tasks that require no special training....such as a delivery person or techinal assistant. He is a worker bee who answers to a hierarchy of supervisors. He is does his job, but it is not the occupation he sees as worthy of his intelligence or "skills"...the skills he feels he possesses, but these skills are not adequate for job or career placement. He would be described as an average worker who has a clean work record. He does his job and goes home....he does not socialize with his coworkers. His IQ is high relative to his peers, but his social inadequacies limit him from holding a white collar job. And he knows it. His upbringing was relatively unremarkable, other than he could be described as a quiet kid.

Where does the shooting come in? Well, he does obviously have experience shooting a gun, but does not necessarily have formal training in discharging weapons or target shooting...although he may target shoot recreationally. A .223 is easy to shoot, even at long range. It is a relatively light gun compared to most hunting rifles. The caliber tells us that he wants recogntion for the shootings, because he has never gotten recognition in his life. The .223 round is a small round that rarely creates an exit wound. It remains in the body as his calling card. The range he chooses to shoot from indicates his comfort level with other people.

With respect to the previous posts regarding if these shootings fit into the serial killer mold....
Serial killings have the following elements: selection of victims, the crime scenes, MO, and timeline. This guy is selecting his victims, albeit randomly. His victims are people out in the community that he feels uncomfortable with...everyday people. In addition, these people are doing mundane, rote activities. The crime scene in all cases is his vehicle or the immediate surrounding area. His MO is anger and control....although serial killers rarely display rational or clearly defined motives because of their delusions and psychosis. The time line is rather short, but will vary over the course of his killings. The media's reports (based on what the authorities will tell them) will dictate the frequency of the we have seen.

The one component that this case lacks is the shooters ability to have a tangible trophy from the victims. Media coverage does not satisfy this component. Generally serial killers, especially sexually motivated killers, have a strong need to take a part of the victim or an item from the body. This leads me to believe that although he may have sexual problems, they are not germaine to his motivation.

How will this all end? Well, the media will play a large role. He has shown us that he listens to/watches the coverage of his "work". He is so narcissistic that he feels that he can outsmart anyone. The use of military planes and drones is getting him off. The more high-tech the investigation becomes, the more he will kill to prove himself. The more he is challenged by the police, the more he will kill. Ultimately, it will be his narcissism that will be his downfall. His intelligence will fuel his delusions, throwing him into a state of fantasy and God-like power. He will begin to feel increasingly more invincable....causing him to make costly mistakes.

That's my two cents....I may be wrong on a number of points. I am curious to see how this all plays out. And I hope that this nonsense ends quickly before many more people are killed.

- fbd - 10-21-2002

jinny scares me...

- mikehern - 10-21-2002

Quote:jinny scares me...

But she is beautiful..

- Jinny - 10-21-2002

Why do I scare you?

- Arthur Dent - 10-21-2002

Quote:Let me preface my opinion by saying that I have both academic and clinical training in profiling, including the opportunity to interview a lesser-known serial killer and a cannibal.

Sounds like Polly has a new role model. :rofl:

Very well thought out.

Quote:However, I believe it is one person, male, mid to late 20's, currently single (with a history of multiple, failed heterosexual relationships). This person holds a "menial" job, meaning his job entails rote, mundane, non-taxing tasks that require no special training....such as a delivery person or techinal assistant. He is a worker bee who answers to a hierarchy of supervisors. He is does his job, but it is not the occupation he sees as worthy of his intelligence or "skills"...the skills he feels he possesses, but these skills are not adequate for job or career placement. He would be described as an average worker who has a clean work record. He does his job and goes home....he does not socialize with his coworkers. His IQ is high relative to his peers, but his social inadequacies limit him from holding a white collar job. And he knows it. His upbringing was relatively unremarkable, other than he could be described as a quiet kid.

Of course, this could effectively apply to at least half the men in menial jobs. Not a criticism, just pointing out that these profiles seem more useful AFTER a suspect has been caught.

- Jinny - 10-21-2002

True! Profiling is a less-than-perfect "science". It is intended to provide a focused investigation, ruling out some of the population. More of the killers traits are known to the authorities....this information is not for the public. If I knew more details, I could provide a more detailed profile.