Make me an admin - Printable Version

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- Jack - 04-21-2003

Who is Opus? :clueless:

- Jack - 04-21-2003

For that matter... who is Gip?

- The Sleeper - 04-21-2003

ahem Jack, me...admin...thanks

- Arpikarhu - 04-21-2003

Quote:arpi, giving you mod-status is like giving DIG a DJ Shadow CD
i am not hip to what you kids are grooving to today. what is a dj shadow and how does that pertain to DIG?

- Hybrid - 04-21-2003

i didnt get the dj shadow reference either

- Gooch - 04-21-2003

Quote:Oh really then why does my new board have 40 members sinceyesterday and over 1,000 post?

b/c you left the link to it here, and there are 40 CDIH sleeper agents?

- Arpikarhu - 04-21-2003

jack, me and my focusees do not support sleepers quest for admin position. just putting that piece of info out there.

- Gooch - 04-21-2003

DIG: nu-metal fan.

DJ Shadow: electronica


- Jack - 04-21-2003

Who is Opus and who is Gip?

- Galt - 04-21-2003

I support DIG, I don't support DIG. Galt is admin, not admin. Arpi not mod, Arpi mod.

Sleeper doesn't have the determination or sticktoitiveness that will be required to lead when many people might not agree with all his decisions. He seems to be a Clinton-like leader with his finger in the air wait for the wind to tell him which way to go rather than going where he decides because he knows it's right.

I used to support Arpi, but then he got on the "make me mod", "everyone here sucks and the board sucks and I'm the only funny one", and "allow me to critique every members' every post and complain about their gimmicks" for a very long time, and became nothing more than a gangly white version of Kid Afrika. If the first three of his five promises are adhered to, it shant be long before my support is back in Arpi's corner.

However, he will never be mod if I have anything to do with it.

- Arpikarhu - 04-21-2003

Quote:DIG: nu-metal fan.

DJ Shadow: electronica
what a shitty reference that was!!

me and my focusees throw our full support behind gooch in opposition to sleeper!

let gooch reign supreme!!

- Gooch - 04-21-2003

i'd support Galt, even though he has his head up his arse on his politics.

Edited By Gooch on 1050894248

- The Sleeper - 04-21-2003

Quote:Sleeper doesn't have the determination or sticktoitiveness that will be required to lead when many people might not agree with all his decisions. He seems to be a Clinton-like leader with his finger in the air wait for the wind to tell him which way to go rather than going where he decides because he knows it's right.
it may seem like being wishy washy to you, but in fact, I am laying out my decision making process in front of the public. Most people in positions of power must consider both sides before making a decision. That is simply what i did. The important thing is i will still make changes such as allowing nudity in the put, changing the background, and letting people see the secret mod forum. These are more important than who i decide to allign myslef with. That is all bullshit politics that I'm mostly playing around with.

- Gooch - 04-21-2003

too much rhetoric. thanks for playing.

- Galt - 04-21-2003

you must rule with an iron fist. You make a decision and demand that people follow. Aake them think that if they do not they will miss something really cool, like candy or a party or something.

You just aren't commanding respect.

- Gooch - 04-21-2003

too much analysis. thanks for playing.

- The Sleeper - 04-21-2003

but, but I made tricia cry!

- Gooch - 04-21-2003

and for that, you get to stay out past curfew!

- The Sleeper - 04-21-2003

you forgot "BOY!"

- IrishAlkey - 04-21-2003

Quote:The important thing is i will still make changes such as allowing nudity in the put

Will there be female nudity or will this be a club strictly for males who like to put?