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- Gooch - 11-03-2004

I'm moving to Canada with Hottie.

What niggles at me is how can the EXIT POLLS be so wrong. I find that disturbing. and wonder of how many dirty games are going on...either on the polls themselves...or, perhaps the darker itself. The polls, especially Zogby, saw a clear move to Kerry. Some, based on Exit polls, thought it would be a Kerry sweep. And then, once again, it has eked out to a Bush win. Very odd.

Kerry not getting the jew vote in FL killed him

- Rooner - 11-03-2004

I read the first and the last page of this thread, interesting how it developed.

- Galt - 11-03-2004

yes! Sir O is calling for the murder of George Bush!

This aftermath is even better than I had hoped.

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Edited By Galt on 1099490845

- Galt - 11-03-2004

I never got polled.

Polls have a margin of error. And for some reason, polls have always underreported republicans. Whether they aren't asked, or they intentionally lie, or they refuse to answer, I don't know. But I remember it when Jesse Ventura won the pollsters were shocked. When Bush won the first election (more states than just Florida) when the pollsters were way off. It happened here. It happened a few times in Boston when Mitt Romney was supposed to get destroyed by Ted Kennedy and he almost beat him.

Why it happens, I don't know, but it happens pretty much all the time.

- Sir O - 11-03-2004

No, I'm not. I'm speaking in broader terms...take out Dubya, Cheney steps in. Same shit. Take out Cheney, in goes Dennis Hastert. Take out get the picture. Put down the phone, no need to call the Secret Service just yet.

- Galt - 11-03-2004


- Sir O - 11-03-2004

Quote:When Bush won the first election (more states than just Florida) when the pollsters were way off.

Polls had Bush up in 2000 by about 4-7% nationwide right before the election. So yeah they were off, but not in the way you meant...

- Galt - 11-03-2004

the exit polls had him losing Arizona, Florida, and New Hampshire I believe. The shows were talking about that all last night about how wrong the exit polls have been.

- Gooch - 11-03-2004

Geroge W. Bush is the new Rutherford B. Hayes

- Galt - 11-03-2004

as much as I'm hearing about how Bush somehow stole this election (like Sir O's contention that his cohorts manufactured 500,000 votes in Florida alone), this was a rousing defeat for the republicans.

Bush won the popular vote by 3.5 million votes. Popular vote doesn't matter, but everyone was clinging to how Bush wasn't a valid president because he lost (arguably) the popular vote last election. With record turnout, Bush and the republicans only improved their showing. Bush (I have been told) got more votes than any president ever (beating Reagan) this election.

Dashcle, the Senate's top Democrat lost largely because he was an obsructionist for the republican agenda.

The republicans gained additional seats in the senate and house and therefore control more of the house and senate, and the obstruction from Daschle has been removed.

After a decade now, you'd figure the democrats would learn their lesson and move from the demonization of "big business" and the rich and move toward being a champion for personal rights and freedom which the God-boys on the right will now feel like they had a mandate to tell everyone what God says they can and can't do.

- Mad - 11-03-2004

Sir O Wrote:Damn, I'm all hung over, woke up to find that shit still hasn't been decided but Dubya probably won. 227 years as a country and we somehow manage to put the worst president in our history back in office for another 4 years...

I guess I'll try to find something positive...My thinking is Kerry isn't gonna rescind the Patriot Act, he's not going to stop the wars that have started in the Middle East, and he's not a voice of change, but rather just another motherfucker who's probably sucked the dick of little runaway boys at Bohemian Grove while Colin Powell snapped digital pics. The way I look at it, this coalition of rich bastards are trying to control the world's populace, but the nature of things is if you push the pendulum too far in one direction, it gets heavy and comes swinging violently back in the opposite direction. I'm ready and willing for that to happen, so maybe it's better to have Bush's giant gallops towards that Armageddon than Kerry's baby steps in the exact same direction. Either way we're fucked, but at least with Bush, we know we're fucked so we can start doing something about it instead of continuing pussyfooting around.

But I really don't feel any better. This fuckin' sham. A shameful sham. But fuck people who think I don't love America, because I do. Just because I hate the bitches who've hijacked our government - which is the best one I've lived under, as it's the only one I've lived under. Thomas Jefferson said some shit like the fields of democracy are fertilized by the blood of tyrants, or something like that. America's fields of democracies haven't put out bumper crops in quite some time, and I think more than anything, it's time to fertilize. And plant some fresh seeds.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-- Thomas Jefferson

Time to water, it's been long over due.

- The Jays - 11-03-2004

New York and California, two of the biggest states, and most populous, voted Kerry. While Bush has been president, New York has yet to see that federal homeland security support that the rest of the country gets. The one thing I want from a president is to protect our lives by keeping attacks from hitting our own people, and we ain't protected.

It just seems like New York always gets fucked over, when I feel that we are the most important state.

- Galt - 11-03-2004

New york absolutely got fucked. The homeland security budget was not fully split per capita. I think something like 1/3 of it was split evenly by state. So states like Wyoming got 3x the money per head than did New york or California. Those lucky red states.

- The Jays - 11-03-2004

so, what, battleground states get more money than New York and Cali, because we're all gonna throw our votes to the Democrats anyway, so no one needs to win over New York, and no one needs to campaign here.

- Galt - 11-03-2004


- HedCold - 11-03-2004

good old fark

Quote:Anyway, I can't believe how foolish my fellow Americans are. They just re-elected the Antichrist, for God's sake.

Gematria system
G = 3 (gimel)
e = 5 (heh)
o = 70 (ayin)
r = 200 (resh)
g = 3 (gimel)
e = 5 (heh)
B = 2 (beth)
u = 70 (ayin)
s = 300 (shin)
h = 8 (cheth)
total = 666

Pythagorean system
George = 7+5+6+9+7+5
Walker = 5+1+3+2+5+9
Bush = 2+3+1+8

Total = 78 = 7 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

Chaldean system
George = 3+5+7+2+3+5
Walker = 6+1+3+2+5+2
Bush = 2+6+3+5

Total = 60 = 6 + 0 = 6

George = 71+101+111+114+103+101
Walker = 87+97+108+107+101+114
Bush = 66+117+115+104

Total = 1617 = 1 + 6 + 1 + 7 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea
For the Devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows the time is short.
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast,
For it is a human number:
It's number is Six hundred and sixty six.

- Galt - 11-03-2004

I'm convinced.

democraticunderground closed their forums to non-registered (read: democrat) users.

- Velociti - 11-03-2004

I expect sleeper and laz's resignation by noon tomorrow

whoever has that chat text saved please reproduce it

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2004

what lost kerry this election in my opinion was naturally him running an awful race and not really explaining the details and just throwing out the words like the wrong war but he didnt really say what he was gonna do differently.

The other factor was what I found to be a very interesting poll which was what the most important issues were and terrorism and the war werent even the top 2 in most of these states that were closely contested. Moral Values was the #1 concern, that gay marriage issue, abortion, stem cell research, etc etc etc. Fuck the war, the enviorment, the economy, fuck everything we cant have fags marryin other fags!!!

These were the deciding voters, fuckin rubes and christian fanatics (like bush if I may add). They reported that while there wasnt the big turn out of youth voters, there was a bigger turn out of rural voters, especially in Ohio which also had 1 million more voters this year than last election.

Also, mrs. heinz, I honestly couldn't even blame someone voting against Kerry strictly cause of his cunt wife who should never have been allowed to speak.

But its astonishing that it mighta come down to such insane issues, not to say the gay marriage thing is insane but more so the voters who came out were the fuckin PC, born agains who wanna regulate everything americans do right down to the color shit you take.

The turn out was pretty good but it's still in the 50% area which is the unfortunate truth that the ones who coulda made the change didn't cause they are too fuckin lazy, full of shit and fuckin slackers.

- Arpikarhu - 11-03-2004

most people who voted for bush said that values were the main reason. yes, the coke sniffing, DUI'er.those values.
the vote was a mandate on intolerance.