Gay Marriage - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 02-20-2004

In that point I am not 100% sure, I think the country clerk issues you the civil union and off you go, I don't think that the union is recognized as a marriage license in places of worship.

You'd have to do some research on that one.

- Arpikarhu - 02-20-2004

where is the "slap myself in the forehead cause i cant believe what a moron this guy is" emoticon?

- GonzoStyle - 02-20-2004

Guide to civil unions

check out that website, I didn't look it over but it came up in the google search. Should probably answer most of your questions.

- The Jays - 02-20-2004

Quote:where is the "slap myself in the forehead cause i cant believe what a moron this guy is" emoticon?

You are the one who hasn't been able to answer a single one of my questions, and yet I'm the moron because I ask them.

Also, somehow I am ignorant because I am seeking more information about a subject I don't know much about.

The only thing you can call me is gullible, gullible enough to play along.

- GonzoStyle - 02-20-2004


- Arpikarhu - 02-20-2004

The Jays Wrote:
Quote:where is the "slap myself in the forehead cause i cant believe what a moron this guy is" emoticon?

You are the one who hasn't been able to answer a single one of my questions, and yet I'm the moron because I ask them.

Also, somehow I am ignorant because I am seeking more information about a subject I don't know much about.

The only thing you can call me is gullible, gullible enough to play along.
you are right, ignorant is the wrong word. i apologize. i should have just used stupid!

- The Jays - 02-20-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:Guide to civil unions

check out that website, I didn't look it over but it came up in the google search. Should probably answer most of your questions.
I'm reading the page now. One of the pages is this

Quote:Because lesbians and gay men cannot marry, they have no right to . . .

Accidental death benefit for the surviving spouse of a government employee;

Appointment as guardian of a minor;

Award of child custody in divorce proceedings;

Beneficial owner status of corporate securities;

Bill of Rights benefits for victims and witnesses;

Burial of service member's dependents;

Certificates of occupation;

Consent to post-mortem examination;

Continuation of rights under existing homestead leases;

Control, division, acquisition, and disposition of community property

Criminal injuries compensation;

Death benefit for surviving spouse for government employee

Disclosure of vital statistics records;

Division of property after dissolution of marriage;

Eligibility for housing opportunity allowance program of the Housing, Finance and Development Corporation;

Exemption from claims of Department of Human Services for social services payments, financial assistance, or burial payments;

Exemption from conveyance tax;

Exemption from regulation of condominium sales to owner-occupants;

Funeral leave for government employees;

Homes of totally disabled veterans exempt from property taxes;

Income tax deductions, credits, rates exemption, and estimates;

Inheritance of land patents;

Insurance licenses, coverage, eligibility, and benefits organization of mutual benefits society;

Legal status with partner’s children;

Making, revoking, and objecting to anatomical gifts;

Making partner medical decisions;

Nonresident tuition deferential waiver;

Notice of guardian ad litem proceedings;

Notice of probate proceedings;

Payment of wages to a relative of deceased employee;

Payment of worker's compensation benefits after death;

Permission to make arrangements for burial or cremation;

Proof of business partnership;

Public assistance from the Department of Human Services;

Qualification at a facility for the elderly;

Real property exemption from attachment or execution;

Right of survivorship to custodial trust;

Right to be notified of parole or escape of inmate;

Right to change names;

Right to enter into pre-marital agreement;

Right to file action for nonsupport;

Right to inherit property;

Right to purchase leases and cash freehold agreements concerning the management and disposition of public land;

Right to sue for tort and death by wrongful act;

Right to support after divorce;

Right to support from spouse;

Rights and proceedings for involuntary hospitalization and treatment;

Rights by way of dour or courtesy;

Rights to notice, protection, benefits, and inheritance under the uniform probate code;

Sole interest in property;

Spousal privilege and confidential marriage communications;

Spousal immigration benefits;

Status of children;

Support payments in divorce action;

Tax relief for natural disaster losses;

Vacation allowance on termination of public employment by death;

Veterans' preference to spouse in public employment;

In vitro fertilization coverage;

Waiver of fees for certified copies and searches of vital statistics.

The wording just seems funny. Those don't sound like rights, they sound like benefits. A right is something that no one can take away from you, unless you go to jail I guess. But, something like tax relief for disasters, the government can take that away.

I'm just trying to understand both sides of the issue, and formulate an opinion. One side says that the purpose of marriage is for the procreation of and raising of children. And the other says...?

Can you please just bare with as I try to understand this?

- Arpikarhu - 02-20-2004

this is like when i have had too much pasta and i am trying to work up a good fart to relieve the pressure.

- IrishAlkey - 02-20-2004

The other part is that the family is considered the nucleus of society.

Mothers, fathers, siblings...

It's a traditional way of looking at it considering adoption and artificial insemination are also options.

I dunno. It's all a bunch of crap.

- Arpikarhu - 02-20-2004

the idea of the nuclear family was necessary when humans were a mainly agricultural society. this is no longer the case and the old concept of family is antiquated and outdated

- IrishAlkey - 02-20-2004

That's great.

I didn't realize that.

Considering that's still the way a lot of people think, your opinion doesn't exactly move this conversation in the direction I believe Jays' was hoping.

- The Jays - 02-20-2004

He just moved it exactly how I wanted to. Finally, he provides a reasonable response. All I'm trying to do is understand what the hell the big fucking deal is, and what the hell is going on.

What direction did you think I was moving it to?

- Arpikarhu - 02-20-2004

you are right. i am a bad person for typing that

- Arpikarhu - 02-20-2004

The Jays Wrote:He just moved it exactly how I wanted to. Finally, he provides a reasonable response. All I'm trying to do is understand what the hell the big fucking deal is, and what the hell is going on.

What direction did you think I was moving it to?
ha ha. jays just made a monkey of alkie! :21:

- IrishAlkey - 02-20-2004

The fact that ideas that are outdated and antiquated are still common practice in this country was the fucking reason I brought that up. I didn't bring it up to debate whether it was right or not. Jesus fucking Christ.

You can both blow me.

- Arpikarhu - 02-20-2004

now threaten us! :bouncer:

- IrishAlkey - 02-20-2004

Yeah, let's all try to discuss something while at the same time being uppity and catching a fucking attitude!

This is fun!

Meanwhile, Arpi can run around with crap on his lips and poke people with a stick until they slap him on his furry, monkey ass and he runs away yelping!

- Arpikarhu - 02-20-2004

i agree with alkie! this is fun!!

- IrishAlkey - 02-20-2004


- Arpikarhu - 02-20-2004
