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- GonzoStyle - 01-08-2005

it proves that spankings should be delivered with more viciousness and more frequently, these kids gotta be toughened up or else they grow up to be sappy fuckin bitches.

- fbd - 01-08-2005

hi...another person with little right to do so will be butting in now, just two quick points.
first, if it is ok, why is it called cheating?
secondly, what is a wedding other than an agreement not to fuck other people?

- Galt - 01-08-2005

fbdlingfrg Wrote:secondly, what is a wedding other than an agreement not to fuck other people?
post of your life.

- diceisgod - 01-08-2005

If husbands and wives are such "best friends" why don't we see some people's "best friends" on the board where they spend a lot of their free time. I think everybody is full of shit. Poeple trolling the interent, flirting, trying to be a big shot, living another life to compensate or validate how great they think they are. We're all guilty, but the level's of hypocracy are relative. I have never been in a serious relationship. Almost once, but only to confim what I knew already and what I just said. How I grew up affects my current lifestyle and my philosophy, I understand this. But some people have the attitude of "oh I'm 30 and I'm going to die alone." That's a lot of pussy bullshit. Some people are perfectly happy being alone (reminds me of a quote from Heat). There's nothing wrong with it, but you have all these big mouth, stupid motherfuckers preaching and trying to put other people down and how they choose to live. Now there's nothing worng with people that get married if that's what they choose and they are happy with it. I think a lot of times marriage is a validation of their own "normalcy", the act of showing everyone "look at me! I'm normal, I'm a real slick person." These are the people I love to attack (moreso than everyone else, although it's always a pleasurable experience regardless). I'm not saying that someone couldn't come along and change everything, but my outlook is always going to be the same: to each their own, I don't care to make assumptions about anyone's lifestyle. You're married? Good for you? You cheat on your wife? Wow, I'm truly impressed. You single? Oh there must be something wrong with you, you must be a faggot, a loon or a retard.

- The Jays - 01-08-2005

yeah, cuz if I was married, I'd be sitting right next to my wife, and be like, "Hey hunny! Let's read the internet together."

- Gooch - 01-08-2005

i got much more about DIG from his last post than from his interview.

- The Sleeper - 01-08-2005

I love DIG

- Arpikarhu - 01-08-2005

i love ice cream sandwiches. so what

- Hop Sing - 01-08-2005

Galt Wrote:So does that prove the point that I only feel this way because I came from a nuclear family, or does it blow out of the water the theory that I only feel this way because I came from a broken home and my dad cheated on my mom and used to beat me?
Are you really asking this board as a whole to analyze you?

If so, I'd say: Galt, OOAWITE...Shitdick!

- Arpikarhu - 01-08-2005

your first post- absolute genius!

this post- a confusing mess.

- diceisgod - 01-08-2005

See? I'm not alone, I have The Sleeper. We're going to be ground breakers and make gay e-marriages legal.

- The Sleeper - 01-08-2005

I would definitely gay marry you

- Buttmunch - 01-09-2005

Gay e-marriages rule.

- Arpikarhu - 01-09-2005

really? they RULE?

- diceisgod - 01-09-2005

Buttmunch and Armymad will be the best e-men

- Arpikarhu - 01-09-2005

can i be e-ring bearer?

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2005

I'm just giddy whenever dig uses "slick" in one of his posts.

- The Jays - 01-09-2005

Yeah, so my girlfriend just dumped me because she wants to fuck another guy, but at least she had the decency to tell me that she wanted to, instead of giving me the whole "i just want to be friends" or "its not you its me" crap.

- Galt - 01-09-2005

she should just show you how much she loves and adores you by just fucking other dudes behind your back and keep you ignorant. Now that's real love.

More importantly, I want to know how Hoon handled the wifey situation yesterday.

- GonzoStyle - 01-09-2005

not the same situation we are talking about married people, not flings.