UN denies genocide once again - Printable Version

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- The Sleeper - 02-02-2005

What a bunch of pussies. Even the US is calling it a genocide. The UN just doesn't want to get involved and are playing a game of semantics.

Quote:U.N. report: Darfur not genocide
But perpetrators of violence should be prosecuted
Tuesday, February 1, 2005 Posted: 0307 GMT (1107 HKT)

UNITED NATIONS (CNN) -- The government of Sudan and militias have acted together in committing widespread atrocities in Darfur that should be prosecuted by an international war crimes tribunal, but the violent acts do not amount to genocide, a U.N. commission has said.

The commission, charged with investigating the violence that has claimed tens of thousands of lives and displaced more than 1.8 million people, found that "most attacks were deliberately and indiscriminately directed against civilians."

"In particular, the commission found that government forces and militias conducted indiscriminate attacks, including killing of civilians, torture, enforced disappearances, destruction of villages, rape and other forms of sexual violence, pillaging and forced displacement, throughout Darfur," the commission said in its 176-page report.

"These acts were conducted on a widespread and systematic basis, and therefore may amount to crimes against humanity."

However, the commission said it does not believe the atrocities committed amount to a policy of genocide, as the United States has alleged.

"The crucial element of genocidal intent appears to be missing, at least as far as the central government authorities are concerned," the report said.

"Generally speaking, the policy of attacking, killing and forcibly displacing members of some tribes does not evince a specific intent to annihilate, in whole or in part, a group distinguished on racial, ethnic, national or religious grounds."

The commission goes on to say that it recognizes that in some instances, individuals -- including Sudanese government officials -- "may commit acts with genocidal intent."

"Whether this was the case in Darfur, however, is a determination that only a competent court can make on a case-by-case basis," it said.

The commission added: "International offenses such as the crimes against humanity and war crimes that have been committed in Darfur may be no less serious and heinous than genocide."

The commission said it was withholding the names of those behind the violence, but said senior government officials and military commanders may be responsible "for knowingly failing to prevent or repress the perpetration of crimes."

It said the names were being withheld publicly to protect witnesses from retribution, to respect due process and because the commission was not vested with investigative or prosecutorial powers.

"The commission instead will list the names in a sealed file that will be placed in the custody of the U.N. secretary-general," the report said.

It also said the material should be passed on to the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court at The Hague, which prosecutes war crimes and other atrocities.

The report found that Arab Janjaweed militias in Darfur were "acting, under the authority, with the support, complicity or tolerance of the Sudanese State authorities."

The conflict in Darfur began intensifying in 2003, when two non-Arab African groups took up arms against what they believed to be the Arab-dominated government's discrimination against black Africans.

A counterinsurgency campaign ensued, in which the Janjaweed -- a term that literally means "devil on a horse" -- committed atrocities that have devastated the region.

The report found that some recruits for the Janjaweed are fighters from Libya, Chad and other nations.

The report also said Sudan's People's Armed Forces played a key role in the armed conflict, and that the National Security and Intelligence Service had a central role and "is responsible for the design, planning and implementation of policies associated with the conflict."

The commission was formed in October 2004 and its members visited Sudan in November and January of this year. Its investigative team remained in Sudan from November through January.

The commission found that the atrocities continued, even as it met with Sudanese officials.

The United Nations has estimated that more than 70,000 people have died in Sudan, the result of the violence and malnutrition plaguing the area.

But U.N. officials say the number is believed to be much higher than that, because the United Nations has documented deaths only since April 2004.

The conflict has displaced an estimated 1.6 million people within Darfur, with another 200,000 fleeing to neighboring Chad, according to U.N. figures.

- Mad - 02-02-2005

Sand golfers killing golfers and no one cares.

If they hand huge oil reserves, I'm sure someone would have cared.

- Keyser Soze - 02-02-2005

Hoon, would you like to field this one?

- Arpikarhu - 02-02-2005

what do you expect from an endemically antisemitic organization?

- fbd - 02-02-2005

so random government sanctioned atrocities are ok?

and we should care about the sudan...manute bol, loul deng, and the current ncaa leading shot blocker are from there. they make good basketball players

- Galt - 02-02-2005

We should send Kevin Bacon in.

- Buttmunch - 02-02-2005

Not Kevin Bacon.

I thought Bruce Willis saved the important people in that movie.

- Galt - 02-02-2005

Please, Jimmy Dakota would juke Bruce Willis out of his shoes.

- The Sleeper - 02-02-2005

what about johnny dakota?

- Galt - 02-02-2005

OMG! Maybe they were brothers!

- Hoon - 02-02-2005

Keyser Soze Wrote:Hoon, would you like to field this one?
Don't get me started on the uselessness of the United Nations.

- Keyser Soze - 02-02-2005

no, field why the US doesnt see this as genocide and why this isnt as signifigant as the "huminitarian mission" in iraq to "liberate" iraqis.

- The Sleeper - 02-02-2005

Keyser, you read it wrong

- Sir O - 02-02-2005

Quote:Sand golfers killing golfers and no one cares.

If they hand huge oil reserves, I'm sure someone would have cared.

Can someone explain the golfers thing to me? I know it's an O&A reference and golfers=niggers, but what's the origin?

- The Jays - 02-03-2005

Keyser Soze Wrote:no, field why the US doesnt see this as genocide and why this isnt as signifigant as the "huminitarian mission" in iraq to "liberate" iraqis.
I think the US does see it as genocide. Colin Powell called it such back in September I believe. But, the US military has been stretched between Afghanistan, Iraq, and their regular miltary installations. And, the UN and the US have been watching Sudan kill itself for the past like 40 years. It must be too hard to stop people from trying to kill each other over there.

- Mad - 02-03-2005

Sir O Wrote:
Quote:Sand golfers killing golfers and no one cares.

If they hand huge oil reserves, I'm sure someone would have cared.

Can someone explain the golfers thing to me? I know it's an O&A reference and golfers=niggers, but what's the origin?
First week or so a story about Tiger Woods and his hot wife, Norton chimed in how the girls father must be disappointed because she married a "golfer".

- Arpikarhu - 02-03-2005


- Mad - 02-03-2005


- Arpikarhu - 02-03-2005

are we criminals or are you a fool?

- Hoon - 02-03-2005

Keyser Soze Wrote:no, field why the US doesnt see this as genocide and why this isnt as signifigant as the "huminitarian mission" in iraq to "liberate" iraqis.
You read it wrong.
The US does see it as genocide.

But I think it's amusing that when it's convenient people say we should keep our noses out of peoples business, and when we do, they say we don't give damn.

Liberals leave the US with a lose, lose proposition.
There's no pleasing them so why try?

It's the UN's mission to do something.
It's up to France, Germany and Russia to do something about this genocide under the leadership of the UN.
It's not like they're busy.

But as usual, the UN is finding a way to do absolutely nothing while the US takes the shit for not stepping up.