today they fucked me - it will be your turn tomorrow. - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 02-27-2005

the fucking zealots strike again!

i was supposed to work this show. it started with stern, went to commercials, now its theater. soon tv execs will be to afraid to show anything but "touched by an angel " episodes. these jesus freaks have been emboldened by the facistic theocracy and they are making their move.
you lazy fucks better got off your fat asses and start fighting this or you will be next!

- diceisgod - 02-27-2005


- Arpikarhu - 02-27-2005

you are a bitter and sad man

- diceisgod - 02-27-2005


- Hoon - 02-27-2005

There were several hundred groups after Jerry Springers head long before the Superbowl nipple show, Shylock.

This is nothing new so stop pretending it is, chicken little.

- Arpikarhu - 02-27-2005

its not jerry springer they are after, you fucking illiterate ninny! learn to read with an iota of comprehension or shut up and let the big people talk.
your complete lack of grasp of the language and your need to insert yourself in a discussion that you are obviously incapapable of understanding proves your incomparable idiocy. you are a cretin of the highest order.

- IrishAlkey - 02-27-2005


- Ronin - 02-27-2005

i would have maybe gone to see this when he was at his prime, when you could see the fights.. but after all the censorship on his show, i don't really care..

- Arpikarhu - 02-27-2005

its not the jerry springer show, you fucking incompetent!!!

you people have the reading skills of a cobblestone!

- Galt - 02-27-2005

Jerry is a sell-out for going Broadway. So weak.

- Arpikarhu - 02-27-2005

at least you are joking, unlike the other mental defects

- Hoon - 02-27-2005

It's a fucking broadway play. That's been established.
But it's based on the fucking Springer show.
That's the real target, Ish.

- Arpikarhu - 02-27-2005

so you finally took the time to read and understand the article before posting. i am astounded that you finally took that step. congratulations!

- Mad - 02-27-2005

Quote:A Broadway run of the musical Jerry Springer - The Opera has been scrapped in the fallout from a Christian fundamentalist group's campaign against the award-winning show.

How many people took extra stupid pills today?

- Arpikarhu - 02-27-2005

seems like most although Hoon seems to have cornered the market on idiocy, as per usual

- GonzoStyle - 02-28-2005

Remember that time when they had that dude on who was cheating on his woman and it turned out the bitch he was fucking was actually a man. Then the dude started beating on the dude who he thought was a chick and then steve ran in to break them up and Jerry was all like "you can't hit a woman!!!" and the dude was like "you can if she has a dick!!!" and then the crowd was all like "woooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" and then they started chanting "JERRY, JERRY, JERRY!!!!!". I thought to myself... "wow, this belongs on broadway!!!". Then this guy with a funny mustache ran up to me and said "BRILLIANT" and offered me a Guiness... thems were some good times.

- Keyser Soze - 02-28-2005

he should start PAC with 2 live crew and settle these injustices.

- Goatweed - 02-28-2005

why on earth would there need to be a production based on The Jerry Springer Show?