I'm bored.... - Whats new? - Printable Version

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- Gooch - 03-16-2005

I haven't been to a bar in weeks. Just projects, work, home, family, out to do stuff every so often, playing World of Warcraft, catching up on old Ultimate Fighting DVDs rented from Blockbuster or borrowed from our Ultimate Fighting "queer eye" neighbors", and checking in on boards here and there. The new Beck album and Kings of Leon are great, QOTSA isn't bad...and book-wise, I can't get into the new Tom Robbins book (Invilla Cognito). Instead, I'm reading the new Rolling Stone magazine, which has a TON of info of Hunter S. Thompson's last days, including pieces written by Benicio Del Toro, Jack Nicholson, Sean Penn, Johnny Depp, and Pat Buchannan. Rolling Stone may blow..but that Hunter Thompson issue is top-notch. Other than that, best thing I read was a bunch of Fantasy/Sci Fi shit.

Boards have been, there, was wondering what is up with all of you.

- OAS - 03-16-2005

Chasing women, pissing off Arpi that I'm back here, trying to get Goat hooked up with Trish. Other than that, not much new here. Hell of a snow storm on the way to work this morning if that helps. Supposed to snow every day through Sunday. Looking forward to the start of baseball and the college hockey playoffs. Watched Saw and Exorsist The Begining last weekend.

- Danked - 03-16-2005

Dear Diary,

I've said all I needed to on a message board today. You're dead to me.


- Mad - 03-17-2005


- Gooch - 03-17-2005

I made a huge push to get back into drawing/painting art stuff. I let my art skillz kind of lag for past few, when i basically bought a bunch of art supplies, and try to do more art stuff on paper than on computer these days. Movies i saw: Shaun of the Good idea, but not so enamored with the final result. I bought a bunch of movies on DVD b/c i missed seeing them over the summer: Spidey 2, I, Robot, Dawn of the Dead and Dodgeball...but haven't gotten to them yet. Last movie i saw in the theater was Constantine, which I liked, though it could have been done much better...wasn't bad.

- Goatweed - 03-17-2005

I've been being a dad - so far it's been great.

Work is good, and yeah, the boards are quiet - there just doesn't seem to be much going on.

I'm shopping for a camcorder, been researching like crazy, and I think I'm buying new furniture and/or renovating my bathroom - assuming the IRS comes through.

Spring can't get here too soon, I'm tired of wearing a sweater (non-Cosby) and using a scarf every morning.

- Galt - 03-17-2005

is this what is like?

- fbd - 03-17-2005

i think this is more intelligent, actually

- Gooch - 03-17-2005

pretty much. i never chat there, though.

- Danked - 03-17-2005

I've been collecting plants the past few months. I don't get a lot of light in here so I have been trying to find ones that only need partial light to survive. I started with two bamboo bundles from Shoprite and went on to buy an aloe plant and a spathiphyllum (which is doing a lot better after a couple iffy weeks after I transferred it to a larger pot.) Just last week I purchased a dendrobium and a phalaenopsis orchid. These are right in the window and get most of the light that comes into that room, but I think I will have to invest in a decent growlight that I can leave on when I'm not here for the rest. This on top of my newfound interest in cooking, makes me fear I'm really turning into quite the faggy fag fag fag.
I read Porno a few weeks ago, which is Irvine Welsh's sequel to both Trainspotting and Glue. I loved that he decided to revisit his characters 10 years down the line. If you can accustom yourself to deciphering the scottish dialect written phonetically, particularly Spud and Begbie's, it is a great read. Each chapter is written in the first person by different characters in the story exactly like in Trainspotting. I did pick up Glue as well, but I haven't had a chance to read it.
Also on deck, I have a stack of Chuck Palahniuk books my friend lent to me, Band of Brothers by Ambrose, Kingdom of Fear by HST, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I've never read Hitchhiker's and I figure I should if I ever decide to see the movie. Tim from BBC's The Office is in it, which is awesome.

- Gooch - 03-17-2005

I paid off 3 of 4 creditors. My credit card debt is down to $2000. I had carried a lot of debt for over 6 years. In about a month or two, I'll have zero. I've spent this year just rock and rolling on the changes i've wanted to make...jettisoning some people draggin me down a bit...and plugging along rather nicely. I also need to do my taxes. Prob will do it this weekend. My only things I haven't gotten to is reorganzing my room/stuff...which I want to do soon.

- Gooch - 03-17-2005

Deadwood = great
Bill Maher show = great

oh, and i shaved my head. Weeeeeeee

- Danked - 03-17-2005

I am so glad Deadwood is back. I have high expectations for that show and so far I haven't been let down. What a great season premiere that was.

- Gooch - 03-17-2005

i have been terrible in catching any other shows. Carnivale hasn't held my interest. The Shield...haven't seen yet, but heard great things about this season. Deadwood & Bill Maher, I can catch courtesy of InDemand b/c I an notorious for missing it.

- Danked - 03-17-2005

I rented the first two episodes of Carnivale from netflix and am intrigued enough to catch myself up either to where they are now or until it loses my interest. What season are they up to and how far into it are they?

- Goatweed - 03-17-2005

carnivale is into season 2, but it's a very different season than 1 (to me). Since the departure of Ron Moore as one of the main writers, the plot really took off this season, but in a much more rushed way - seemingly to wrap things up now and, rumor has it, to end the show. I hope not, as I still enjoy it a lot but it seems way too much has happened in this season to justify a third one.

- crx girl - 03-17-2005

i just got back from a week in england, stayed with my sister in the country. discovered it's really hard to sleep in darkness when the only sound is the clock ticking on the wall. also my 2 year old neice was in my bed by 7 pretty much every morning. it was good though, tired, but nice to get away. i'm now bracing for tomorrow night, expecting it to be pretty crazy. as far as anyone getting hooked up with me, i've got dick coming out my ears. thanks though.

for my train riding i picked up da vinci code. was going alright. writing style is a little 5th grade/soap opera, but i guess it fits with the add society. at least they won't have to bother with a screen play for the movie, it's already written. but the end was akin to my 5th grade "stories" when i couldn't figure out how to end it so i made it all a dream... trash

i finally got a dvd player. (parents moved back to england, got free shit. turned down free car, although now summer's coming it woulda been cool to have a convertable but fuck that, insurance.) got donnie darko because it was like 12 bucks. i think i liked it, but i feel like i'm missing the point somehow. got eternal sunshine, loved it, i've watched it a couple times.

and i guess that's about all.

- fbd - 03-17-2005

donnie darko is NOT GOOD. you didnt miss the point, its a stupid point in a stupid movie. oooOOOOooo he sacrificed himself to the timewarp so that everyone else could live better. it was not entertaining

- crx girl - 03-17-2005

i just couldn't figure out why he didn't just go knock on that old lady's door and have a chat over tea.

- fbd - 03-17-2005

because then the movie would have made sense and all the people who think they're depressed and listen to emo wouldnt have a movie to rally behind