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- GonzoStyle - 06-14-2005

I got a kitten a couple weeks ago and it's still alive!!!

Anyway, the person I got the kitty from insists it's a boy. I've never owned a cat before nor really known many people who've had them. Anyway, I was checking out my buddies equipment the other day... and he has none. Everyone insists that cats have small cocks and the cock they do have they hide, that seems like a load of horse feathers. Plus he's a fluffy cat so they told me it adds to the fact that it's small plus behind all the fur but my dick is bigger than his and I have a really small dick.

- Buttmunch - 06-14-2005

Check to see if he is one input or she is two inputs.

And really, what the fuck difference does it make?

We all know you pulled its teeth so it couldn't bite your dick.

- GonzoStyle - 06-14-2005

He fuckin bites like a madman, I heard spraying him in the face with water will deter him from biting, I didnt have water so i spit in his face a couple times but he still keeps coming.

But anyway I specifically wanted a boy cat, I checked and there's no vag but theres no cock, theres something there but I dunno if its a hole or a whatever, the fuckin cats the size of a hotdog bun but still a little something.

- Buttmunch - 06-14-2005

You're looking at where the little ballies used to be.

- GonzoStyle - 06-14-2005

mine or his? I haven't seen mine since the reagan administration.

- Danked - 06-14-2005

Ooooooo, pictures!

....of the cat please.

- Buttmunch - 06-14-2005

Have you tried the tuna oil yet?

- crx girl - 06-14-2005

if he's a boy you'll see little balls, eventually. and if you catch him in a particularly pleasurable cleaning moment you might see a teeny weeny little lipstick pop out. but if he's real young and extra fluffy it'll be hard to see...

- diceisgod - 06-14-2005

Remember the time your negligence killed that little defenseless kitten? Good times

- GonzoStyle - 06-14-2005

I think i'm gonna wet him down tonight and part the hair and really check.

- jewdown - 06-14-2005

get him fixed or hes gonna spray. and it fucking stinks

- Goatweed - 06-14-2005

yeah, he's right - I forgot to mention that this weekend. The stink is rancid, especially in the summer.

- HedCold - 06-14-2005

maybe he keeps biting because you keep poking his balls

- GonzoStyle - 06-14-2005

Goatweed Wrote:yeah, he's right - I forgot to mention that this weekend. The stink is rancid, especially in the summer.
by spray you means cum or farts?

If farts, then why would getting him fixed make his farts less stinky? Unless cats fart through their dicks and then I am even more confused.

- crx girl - 06-14-2005

it's how they mark their territory

Spray consists of urine mixed with a viscous, fatty material whose extraordinary pungency has been most charitably characterized as ""musky,'' although more colorful terms have also been used.

- Goatweed - 06-15-2005

the smell is putrid. trust me. and no matter how hard you try, it's impossible to get rid of - I mean you can use industrial strength cleaners, or bleach - but then it smells like those which are even worse.

get him snipped.

- Arpikarhu - 06-15-2005

I have cats. now i have even more in common with snookums!

- diceisgod - 06-15-2005

you guys should share your smack needles

- Arpikarhu - 06-15-2005


- diceisgod - 06-15-2005

awww, don't make me cry now...snookums