Your Favorite Directors - Printable Version

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- Danked - 07-03-2005

I have a lot of DVDs. Not nearly enough to rival Gonzo's massive collection (with a dollar still hidden in one), but enough to make me tabulate how much I've spent on them and rue the day I spent moneys on clunkers such as Final Fantasy: Spirits Within.

I recently purchased Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and loved it. Wes Anderson's visual and narrative style is so unique and fascinating that it's almost like stepping into the landscape of a child's storybook. He's used this approach in every film of his I've seen thus far (Bottle Rocket excluded) and I have not yet been disappointed. It's always a treat to visit his surreal universe.

I also own every P.T. Anderson movie. Yes, even Hard Eight and Punch Drunk Love.

- GonzoStyle - 07-03-2005

whats wrong with punch drunk love?

- diceisgod - 07-03-2005


- drusilla - 07-03-2005

i do really like wes anderson movies. i can't decide if i have a favorite director, but it may be sam raimi. he's nuts. does a lot of wacky things with the camera that seem silly or childish. even way after evil dead it still seems like a group of friends got together to make a movie.

- diceisgod - 07-03-2005

tim burton movies are always cool

- The Sleeper - 07-03-2005

bob sagat

- Galt - 07-03-2005

Life Aquatic couldn't possibly have been a less interesting movie.

And I hold my breath for Arpi's pompous answer of obscure directors he finds on IMDB.

- diceisgod - 07-03-2005

everybody knows that the best directors are queer jews

- GonzoStyle - 07-03-2005

The Sleeper Wrote:scorsese
bob sagat
awesome list

I just watched Rear Window on TCM, Hitchcock is a def choice, one of the most prolific directors ever.

I don't have any cool obscure directors but the directors that I simply must see any movie they make/made

The Masters:

Hitchcock - Vertigo, Rear Window, Spellbound, Notorious

Kubrick - 2001, Dr. Strangelove, Spartacus, Full Metal Jacket

Kurosawa - Rashoman, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Ran

Sergio Leone - Once upon a time in america, Good, Bad, & The Ugly, Once Upon a Time in The West

Welles - Citizen Kane, Touch Of Evil, Macbeth (the saddest waste of talent in movie history)

Wilder: Some Like It Hot, Sunset Blvd, Lost Weekend, Double Indemnity

More Modern:

Coen Brothers - Millers Crossing, Fargo, Blood Simple, Big Lebowski

Steven Speilberg - E.T., Schindlers List, Jaws, Close Encounters

Scorsese - Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Mean Streets, Taxi Driver

Sidney Lumet - 12 Angry Men, Network, Pawnbroker, Serpico

Honorable Mentions:
Milos Forman, David Fincher, John Frankenheimer, William Friedkin.

- The Sleeper - 07-04-2005

he's not that obscure but my favorite "indie" director is probably todd solondz

- GonzoStyle - 07-04-2005

I can't believe I left of Tarantino, I was gonna put him in but for whatever reason forgot. He's definitely a director whose movies I go see mainly cause he's at the helm. Pulp Fiction is pure brilliance. Resevoir Dogs was awesome, both Kill Bills I must admit I didnt like Vol. 1 at first but I have now watched both atleast 20 times each.

Jackie Brown was a let down, it seemed like he went to the well once too much with trying to restore actors careers like he did with Travolta.

He also produced and wrote some other great films most notably was True Romance, some of his best writing.

For a while it seemed he was doomed to repeat Welles history but he's seemed to bounce back and he's still got a lot of years ahead of him.

Fincher also is someone who has a lot to offer, fight club and se7en were both brilliant, The Game was a very good film as well and he's now directing a film about The Zodiac killer which sounds really promising.

- The Sleeper - 07-04-2005

man, how do you watch movies 20 times? I haven't even seen pulp fiction 20 times and it's been my favorite movie for 10 years.

- GonzoStyle - 07-04-2005

I watch it everytime I see it on cable and its on a lot and i've watched the dvds a bunch.

In college we used to watch Scarface an insane amount of times, well over 150 I think.

- Danked - 07-04-2005

I don't know why it's unreasonable to watch a movie 20 times if you appreciate it. It is no different than listening to an album you also love many times. That is if you listen to an album to listen to it and not just throw it on as background music for your day.

- The Sleeper - 07-04-2005

it's not unreasonable but I mean Kill Bill hasn't even been out that long. I don't think the music comparison is completely accurate, also, I'm the type that would rather watch a movie I haven't seen before than one i've seen numerous times.

- drusilla - 07-04-2005

i can watch movies over & over. sometimes more than once in the same day. a lot of times i like to leave on a good movie in the background when i'm cleaning, or cooking, just to have something interesting on that i dont have to pay much attention to.

- diceisgod - 07-05-2005

Some movies can just grab your attention no matter how many times you've seen them. Just like great big beautiful tits.

- Gooch - 07-05-2005

Coen Brothers
David Fincher
Terry Gilliam

- GonzoStyle - 07-05-2005

if you were simply gonna copy my list you could have atleast included scorsese and wilder.

- Gooch - 07-05-2005 to both.

Woody Allen & Sam Peckinpah almost made my list. almost. David Lean also gets Honorable Mention.

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