In 10 minutes I leave for LA - Printable Version

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- The Sleeper - 09-09-2005


- Keyser Soze - 09-09-2005

are you doing stand up with donkey sausage?

- The Sleeper - 09-09-2005


- Keyser Soze - 09-09-2005

good luck to you sir! don't forgot to WOW horny truckers along the way.

- The Sleeper - 09-09-2005

i'll do my best to spot them on the plane

- Keyser Soze - 09-09-2005

oh i guess you arent a true fan like DS.

- Arpikarhu - 09-09-2005

sleeper has a busy week in the Castro.

- diceisgod - 09-09-2005

LA is the edgiest city in the world. It may explode when he gets there.

- Galt - 09-09-2005

Because the Castro is just like a stone's throw from LA

- Mad - 09-09-2005

Good luck and if some savage takes over the plane roll up a Maxim and use to bash the fucks face/throat/groin till he stops breathing, Godspeed.

- Galt - 09-09-2005

Matt Damon beat up someone with a magazine in Bourne Supremecy and I have a hard time believing it.

- Mad - 09-09-2005

They make great improvised weapons, a rubber band or two towards the ends helps out greatly. Maxim, FHM or Stuff can all be used as the spine is quite strong. I use one when practicing knife fighting, one drawback is you only get one session in before people quit.

Edited By Mad on 1126290744

- Galt - 09-09-2005

Are you one of those people who stretches before you get in a bar fight? Cracking your neck and knuckles and what-not?

- Mad - 09-09-2005

I don't get into fights. Smart people avoid them at all costs, but if you have to defend yourself it must be quick and decisive to defeat your enemies.

- diceisgod - 09-09-2005

the kook meter is starting to get full again now that the tragedy is getting further in the past.

- Mad - 09-09-2005

I'm more of a freaky/geek with some psycho tossed in for good measure.

- Galt - 09-09-2005

how many people have you killed?

- Mad - 09-09-2005


One must avoid conflicts, did have a couple of windows busted at one job from disgruntled workers that I shit canned. They never came back though and one spic worker tried to assault me with a pipe, until I stuck a knife towards his throat. He dropped the pipe and ran away.

- HedCold - 09-09-2005

Galt Wrote:Are you one of those people who stretches before you get in a bar fight? Cracking your neck and knuckles and what-not?
he also makes sure a good fighting song is playing on the jukebox

- HollywoodJewMoses - 09-09-2005

...if you like pina coladas

Edited By HollywoodFreddieMitchell on 1126295883