Bush's Domestic Spy Scandal..... - Printable Version

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Bush's Domestic Spy Scandal..... - Ken'sPen - 01-25-2006

I wish Hoon was here to explain how this latest example of Bush wiping his ass with our Constitution is great for America.

- Galt - 01-25-2006


- Keyser Soze - 01-25-2006

just to play devils advocate here for a minute, since i would prefer some checks and balances before bush gets to listen in willy nilly to whatever he wishes, from what i understand this only applies to known terrorists calling america or american's calling known terrorists. they're not listening in you calling your aunt in the south of france.

- Ken'sPen - 01-25-2006

you wingnuts are left with nothing these days, huh?

sucks to be you.

- Ken'sPen - 01-25-2006

IF that were the case... why doesn't he get a warrant?
Do you think a warrant would not be issued under the parameters you described?

- Gooch - 01-25-2006

its about the president being unable to properly use the gov't and to get his own agenda thru (a la Reagan) and instead, trying to do it by questionable/illegal/immoral means.

it is a supreme example of how poor this administration really is.

- Mad - 01-25-2006

Impeach the lying law breaking scumbag. Our system of government was designed for checks and balances to prevent such evil from taking root.

The real terrorist are those with pens writing stupid useless laws to protect our freedoms by wand raping us before getting on a plane and other complete and utter crap. It's all just a big show to destroy us.

- Ken'sPen - 01-25-2006

Our system of Government was not designed to give the President limitless power checked only by a hope he doesn't abuse it.......

although I am sure his boy Alito would disagree with me.

- Keyser Soze - 01-25-2006

again, playing devils you think requiring a warrant could impede the ability to twart a terrorist attack?

- Mad - 01-25-2006


- Ken'sPen - 01-25-2006

FISA warrants could be obtained AFTER the fact....

If there were legitimate problems, why not address them through legal means, and change laws to allow for the flexibility needed.... this seems to have been done because the eavesdropping in question would not meet requirements for a legal wire tap... which would suggest "Al Queda" operatives is a bogus claim.

- Gooch - 01-25-2006

its not about a warrant. its putting forth a NSA spy plan without getting Congress to sanction, within closed doors, or in public. Congress, Supreme Court, and the White House is the seat of gov't. They co-exist, and with a proper and organized administration, work together despite political or popular polarizations. And this President didn't want to be told no.

There are hundreds of programs, done on many levels, that are not ok'd or permissable by other avenues of govt...but usually the top seat, like Bush, isn't connected to them with a trail. This moron is connecting, rather embrassingly, with Abrahamoff. The NSA flap, even bigger, doesn't even travel a fine line. It smashes Congress, who already is annoyed with him and the admin, in the face, besides go against the constitution. These are just attributes of a administration of tyranny, secular and narrow vision, and a complete inability to work together with anyone. Its a distrurbing and alarming trend that has blown into something more. Crimes.

- Keyser Soze - 01-25-2006

sometimes jack bauer has to take the law into his own hands to save the world.

- Mad - 01-25-2006

But he doesn't work for CTU anymore, therefore he's a free agent.

- Gooch - 01-25-2006

and you wonder why this show is Rupert Murdoch's, a staunch supporter of Bush, pride and joy on FOX.

Jack is "fair" and "balanced" with the same accuracy as Fox's reporting.

Fiction and heroic tales, do not absolve realities and responsilbity.

- Ken'sPen - 01-25-2006

I knew Jack Bauer,
Jack Bauer was a friend of mine......

- Ken'sPen - 01-25-2006

Actually Goochie... in wierd ways Fox and Fox News are diametrically opposed...

The President in 24 seems to be a subtle parody of Bush and often underscores his numerous short comings....

- Gooch - 01-25-2006

Ken'sPen Wrote:Actually Goochie... in wierd ways Fox and Fox News are diametrically opposed...

The President in 24 seems to be a subtle parody of Bush and often underscores his numerous short comings....

i agree. the 24 creator is niggling at the Bush overbearing prideful admin. 24 was not created by FOX. I was just comparing that 24's "take the matter into your own hands, at any cost" plays into Ruperts pro-Bush philosophy.

- Mad - 01-25-2006

It's all propaganda, IMO.

- Ken'sPen - 01-25-2006

I love when the Pres puffs his chest while saying "killed or captured".....

But the presidents whole bearing....
divorced from the details,
demanding results with no input on direction,
imperious nature,
frightened reliance on subordinates....

the character really gives a bitch slap to Bush.