Stories from the Tech Department - Printable Version

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Stories from the Tech Department - Jack - 01-26-2006

In this thread I will post stories about stupid customers and their outrageous antics/requests.

Story #1

A customer, we'll call him Mike, comes in to my shop a couple of weeks ago.

He has a computer that is less than a year old. This computer happens to be a laptop.

Now, this customer also has purchased one of the extended warranties for his system. For some reason, he has decided that this extended warranty is a replacement plan, not a repair plan.

So this is how it went down:

*Doorbell rings, signalling that there is a customer at the counter*
Me: Hello, how can I help you today?
Mike: I need my laptop replaced.
Me: (Not catching the replaced... thinking he said repaired) Ok, let me get you checked in and we will see what the problem is.
Mike: How long til I get my new laptop?
Me: I'm Sorry?
Mike: When will I get my new laptop?
Me: I apologize sir, but if you are looking to purchase a new laptop, I can get a sales associate for you.
Mike: No, I purchased your replacement guarantee. My laptop doesn't work, I want a new one.
Me: Again, I apologize sir, but we do not sell replacement guarantee's.
Mike: Yes you do, It's right here on my receipt.
Me: Sir, that is actually a repair contract. We cover all parts and labor for 3 years from the date of purchase.
Mike: I don't want this one repaired, I want a new laptop.
Me: I'm sorry sir, but I cannot give you a new laptop. I can repair this one for you though.
Mike: Let me speak to your manager.
Me: Sir, I am the manager of this department.
Mike: I want to speak to YOUR manager then.
Me: No problem sir. One moment please.

-- I go find my GM, Jeff. --

Jeff: How can I help you today sir?
Mike: I want my new laptop and that jackass there tells me I can't have one.
Jeff: I will be more than happy to help you sort this problem out, but first, I need to ask you to refrain from name calling.
Mike: Just give me my new laptop and I will be on my way.
Jeff: I am sorry sir, but we do not replace laptops, we repair them.
Mike: So you are going to screw me over too. I want to speak to your district manager.
Jeff: No problem sir, his number is posted by the front door. He will be more than happy to explain the repair program to you as well.
Mike: Call him.
Jeff: Again sir, his number is posted by the door. You are more than welcome to contact him at any time.
Mike: Call him now. I am not wasting my cell minutes.
Jeff: No problem sir. You may use our phone to call him.

--Customer picks up phone and dials--

This is Mike's end of the conversation:

- The fucking idiots in your store won't give me my new fucking laptop.
- **Managers Response**
- I will not calm down. I want my new laptop damnit.
- **Managers Response**
- I am sick and tired of this bullshit. Either you give me my new laptop, or I am calling the police.
- **Managers Repsonse** (We assume that he asked on what grounds)
- You won't give me what is mine

--Slams phone down--

Customer begins to dial 911.

Customers end of call:
- I want to report a crime.
- **Dispatcher**
- I am at CompUSA and they will not give me my laptop
- **Dispatcher**
- (Customer provided the address)

--Customer hangs up phone with a look on his face like he just got the better of us--

So Jeff escorts the customer outside and tells him he can wait there. Jeff and I then go about our business.

15 minutes later the police officer comes in to get our side of the story. We tell him how it went down, how we explained that we don't replace laptops, we repair them. We tell him about how the customer was unruly, cost us sales because we were unable to help other customers, and no doubt probably turned off customers who were in the store from buying, and that we were insulted and offended by his language.

So the cop goes out and starts reading the guy his rights. The guy is shocked and asked what he is being arrested for. The cop tells him that he is arresting him for disturbing the peace.

I wanted to laugh at the asshole, but didn't want to get in trouble with the officer so I held it in til I got back into my shop. Had a good 5 minute laugh over the whole thing.

- Tequila - 01-26-2006

Thats a case of what goes around comes around.

- Mad - 01-26-2006

Best Jack story, EVER.

Hope the fuck has to spend a couple of ducats on an attorney to get it all flushed away.

- Galt - 01-26-2006

He should be in jail just for being dumb enough to buy a warranty.

- Keyser Soze - 01-26-2006

don't fuck with the geek squad.

- Mad - 01-26-2006

Buying an extended warranty on a laptop is a wise and prudent thing to do, IMO. Saved me two grand and upgraded my hardware at the same fucking time.

- fbd - 01-26-2006

laptops do tend to break down in a few years...i would never get another one without the longest warranty possible

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 01-27-2006

Quote:GM, Jeff
I must be in DAS GOLDEN mode cause I thought the G was an F.

- Bloody Anus - 01-28-2006

Quote:He should be in jail just for being dumb enough to buy a warranty.
Dumb enough to buy anything at CompUSA is more like it.

A few months ago my mom's friends took their PC into CompUSA because Windows was running super slow. Probably was full of spyware and had a virus or 10. Anyway, CompUSA gives them one bullshit excuse after another, and ends up holding onto the computer for 2 months, not fixing anything and fucking shit up even more.
They told them Windows needed to be reinstalled, that they need to find their Restore disc, that the motherboard is fried, and fuck knows what else.

So I take a look at it, power it on and all it gets is a no OS found error. So I installed XP. And it worked. That's it. What the fuck they were doing for 2 months, I have no idea.

Their prices suck, their service sucks, and their website sucks.

So what was wrong with this guy's laptop anyway??