Low-budget & made for video - Are any worth watching? - Printable Version

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- Arthur Dent - 04-08-2002

We all know about the famous one:

Evil Dead
Attack of the Killer Tomatos
Blair Witch Project
Puppet Master
Demonic Toys
(Why are so many of them horror films?)

Those low budget films by independant film companies or Made-For-Video outlets that became hits or cult classics.

What ones have you seen that were worth the cost of a rental?

- IkeaBoy - 04-08-2002

Dead Alive/Bad Taste/Meet the Feebles- the early work from the man who brought us the Rings.

And they're horror films because they allow for more experimentation than your typical drama or comedy.

Also Clerks counts.

- Paper Boy - 04-08-2002

Brothers McMullen

- Galt - 04-08-2002

I believe that Embrace of the Vampire and Blown Away were straight to video, and they showed me what it was like to be a man.

- Arthur Dent - 04-08-2002


Blown Away = Nicole Eggert (Charle's in Charge & Baywatch) Naked
Embrace of the Vampire = Allysa Milano in a naked lesbian scene!

Thanks you!

- Kid Afrika - 04-08-2002

the entire andy sidaris collection. at least I think that's his name. he made all of the action movies with former playmates. the only name that comes to mind is The Picasso Trigger, but there were a bunch of them. they used to air late nights on Showtime, but I'm sure the videos are available somewhere.

- Lord Reefer - 04-08-2002

To anyone...if you like quirky movies……especially the ones where all the pieces fit together ….check out Darin Aronoskeys (sp) “pi” (you know...the mathematical law governing the ratio of a circle to its diameter)…..sorry….but if I told you what it was about… probably wouldn’t see it.

- Flock of Moosen - 04-09-2002

What, no Toxic Avenger mentions?
Come on, it had one the the best classic lines of all time.

Thug to blind woman: "I want you to meet my friend Ben."
Blind woman: "Ben who?"
Thug: "Ben Dover!" {Big Grin}

- Kid Afrika - 04-09-2002

Simple minds... simple pleasures... Confusedtupid:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-09-2002

I've seen a lot of really good low budget movies as well, usually when I'm just browsing the wall in the video store. One of the best I've ever seen is Kiss Me Guido, I don't know why I liked it so much, but I did.

I wanted to see Pi, but I can never seem to find it.

I also like to rent foreign films that you never really hear about in the US, Romance was really good as was Ma Vie En Rose.

- IkeaBoy - 04-09-2002

I Spit on Your Grave or anything in that ovure.

Maybe it's just me but I don't consider movies like Emrbace of the Vampire or any of the softcore cineporn movies as the same as low budget Evil Dead type movies.

- Maynard - 04-09-2002

Pi is a great flick. Darren Aronofsky also did Requium For A Dream. One of the best movies I've ever seen about addiction. He's also slated to direct Batman: Year One which isn't due till late next year sometime.

Another great flick is Gummo by Harmony Korine. It's about the people of this town who haven't fully recovered mentally from a tornado. Some very weird shit in there. Same director that did Kids. Another must see flick.

Another great flick is something they were showing on IFC. It's a documentary about the people that libe underground in NYC in the old abandoned subways. It's called Dark Days by Marc Singer. You should DEFINATLY check this out.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-09-2002

You know what movie was pretty good, but totally LOW budget? Gravesend. They shot it in my area and "premiered" it at the theater I used to work at.

- Sir O - 04-09-2002

Quote:Another great flick is something they were showing on IFC. It's a documentary about the people that libe underground in NYC in the old abandoned subways. It's called Dark Days by Marc Singer. You should DEFINATLY check this out.
Yeah, I'll second that. Fear the Mole People!

Also, you might want to check out Nowhere and The Doom Generation, both directed by Gregg Araki. Both movies are totally awful, but for some reason you just can't stop watching, even though you'll never forgive yourself for it. Plus Doom Generation features a naked Rose McGowan, which makes it a bit more tolerable. I've heard that the rest of Araki's movies are similar, but I have yet to see them.

- The Sleeper - 04-09-2002

Jack Frost. Not the Keaton one. The one with the killer snowman. Worth the rental just for the scene where he rapes Shannon Elizabeth with his carrot. (no joke) <font color="EEEEEE">

Edited By The Sleeper on April 09 2002 at 02:05