the death penalty / moussaoui verdict - Printable Version

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the death penalty / moussaoui verdict - HedCold - 05-04-2006


i never leaned one way or the other on the death penalty, but thinking about it i'm definitly leaning against it. there are some cases when there is no doubt the guy is guilty that i wouldn't be so against it being used, but i think its used far to often and if we never ever used it i think that would be better.

in this situation, its pretty obvious he was involved, and the 9/11 victims family members are looking for someone to get justice on. i never lost someone close to me to something like this, so i don't know how it feels. it must suck. but, i don't think we should let those people take over the justice system. they're not in the mental state to think rationally.

now, i'm fully aware i'm a young wide eyed idealist, and after listening to penn jillettes ideas on this recently i also realize i feel similarly. in my perfect little happy world, i think that as a whole we should be better than "people seeking rightful justice." i don't believe in the whole kill them all and let god sort them out mentality.

i also don't think that means these people should live in a cell that eats up our tax money and stuff. make them live like cattle being prepared for veal for all i care, just don't kill them. yes that will still cost money, but if we didn't have so many people in jail/courts for other things that i feel we shouldn't necessarily punish people for (ie common drug use) then it would free up resources for this. i know it gets more complicated then this as well, but remember, am i happy little idealist.

so, mock me and my thoughts...go!

- GonzoStyle - 05-04-2006

did you actually write that? Why can't you be this articulate on the podcasts fucker?

But I am for the death penalty, but in this case I think it wasn't needed. He's basically the only one I beleive that has been brought to trial for the 9/11 attacks, so it is naturally to want him to die. At the same time, I don't see him as large a participant as he was made out to be, it's more of a "this is the best we could do".

But in any case, wether he got life or the death penalty, it didn't matter much to me. It'd be the equivalent of Alice "Squeaky" Fromme getting the gas chamber and Manson still roaming the streets.

Now on the other hand I do agree that we spend waaaaay too much money on prisoners and need to cut that shit out.

- HedCold - 05-04-2006

GonzoStyle Wrote:did you actually write that? Why can't you be this articulate on the podcasts fucker?
cause i've actually been thinking about this a lot the last few days so i've gone over it in my head a bunch of times

- Arpikarhu - 05-04-2006

i am against the death penalty. i think its hugely hypocritical.

society says that killing is wrong therefore, as punishment, we will kill you.

- GonzoStyle - 05-04-2006

HedCold Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:did you actually write that? Why can't you be this articulate on the podcasts fucker?
cause i've actually been thinking about this a lot the last few days so i've gone over it in my head a bunch of times

Try that more often, it's working out.

- HedCold - 05-04-2006

GonzoStyle Wrote:
HedCold Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:did you actually write that? Why can't you be this articulate on the podcasts fucker?
cause i've actually been thinking about this a lot the last few days so i've gone over it in my head a bunch of times

Try that more often, it's working out.
i'll also admit if you listened to penn's radio show/watched bullshit you'll know it is quite similar to what i felt he was very good at explaining. it wasn't all on my own.
but, its been noted.

- GonzoStyle - 05-04-2006

I don't get showtime anymore and I never get to listen his show because of work. I do think he's spot on most times with his observations. Out justice system is flawed in many ways but also in many ways it's a very good system, it's the corrupt individuals who sully it. But while it is awful as to how long it takes to get things pushed through the system, at the same time it's a good thing, since there's no rushing to judgement.

We do need to lighten the load on the system though by really not filling up the courts and jails with people who don't belong there, as you mentioned.

- Luna - 05-04-2006

Quote:i also don't think that means these people should live in a cell that eats up our tax money and stuff. make them live like cattle being prepared for veal for all i care, just don't kill them. yes that will still cost money, but if we didn't have so many people in jail/courts for other things that i feel we shouldn't necessarily punish people for (ie common drug use) then it would free up resources for this. i know it gets more complicated then this as well, but remember, am i happy little idealist.
I kinda have mixed feelings when it comes to the death penalty mostly because death, in those situations for some, can be (in an odd way) a 'gift.'

And I totally agree about letting them sit in jail and eat up tax payer dollars, too. I think they should be made to clean sewers or some undesirable job like that (kinda like the untouchables in India)..... OR the survivors of the victim should be the ones to torture and kill the murderer/perpetrator... something terrifying.

- Goatweed - 05-04-2006

Im pro in most cases, but I dont think there was enough here to give it to him & I think he actually wanted it to be a martyr of sorts.

- GonzoStyle - 05-04-2006

they should be forced to listen to our kareoke songs, for the rest of their lives.

- Keyser Soze - 05-04-2006

Normally i am against the death penalty because its hypocritical. In this case, he would be getting what he wants, and that is to be a maytyr. Why not let him rot and suffer instead?

- GonzoStyle - 05-05-2006

That's what most peoples thinking was in this case, by giving him death, it'd be playing into his desires to be a martyr.