Life's pleasures - Lets get all serious and such, again - Printable Version

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- HedCold - 04-11-2002

aside from jerking off, what are some of the little things in life that just make you feel good?

some for me are

-in sports being able to shutup the trash talkers. as a pitcher in little league and hs i was never really that good, but to be able to get out some cocky hitter who thought he was going to hit a bomb off of me felt really good

-taking a nice long shower. i spend as much time in there as i can.

-doing something really dumb just to annoy people and then watching them get all pissy, and then knowing that my actions were the cause of it

- Noellevious - 04-11-2002

A hot lunch...uh, bath.

- LZMF1 - 04-11-2002

Quote:-doing something really dumb just to annoy people and then watching them get all pissy, and then knowing that my actions were the cause of it

that just happens to be one of life's greatest pleasures, being fucking irritant! :thumbs-up:

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 04-11-2002

The ones HedCold mentioned I find pleasure in. Also just talking to random people to get reactions. Being on camera weather TV or not. Just hanging with the boys. Making a girl smile especially a hot one. The first kiss with a new person. Sports, especially the shut up thing, sandlot type things are fun. 9 hour phone conversations with someone you enjoy talking to. More to come if I can get my brain working.

- slackjaw - 04-11-2002

Football, in a dozen ways. The feeling you get twenty minutes before kickoff as you're warming up, staring at members of the opposing team. The 20 seconds before kickoff, when you are this raging festering ball of adrenaline, anxious to hurtle your body down the field and decimate the first person you find. The sound of pads colliding and bodies slamming into the frozen turf. The feeling you get when you run the ball and a defender lines you up in his sights, sure to bring you down, until you run him over and leave him wallowing in the dirt. The feeling of cold mud caked onto your skin, mixed with the warm sweat, and if you're lucky, blood trickiling down your arm. The anguished cries of pain from the bottom of a pile. The emmotional surge felt after a score. The feeling of victory as you leave the field a celebrated warrior. The stiffness and pain the day after, when you can barely walk and lifting your arms to your mouth to eat becomes a chore, but you remember how you got so sore, and it all seems worthwhile.

- Metalfan - 04-11-2002

A nice, long, loud wet fart in a crowd......nothing better then letting one rip :fart:

- LZMF1 - 04-11-2002

get some chicken livers and a slingshot.

leave the livers out in the sun for a few days.

get rubber gloves before you handle them cause they're gonna be ripe!!!!

using rubber gloves, launch rotting chicken livers onto your asshole neighbors roof!

one of life's simple pleasures.

ummmmmmmm......maybe this belongs in the methods of mayhem thread.

Edited By LZMF1 on April 11 2002 at 07:42

- OAS - 04-11-2002

That first swig of geritol in the morning. Nice! :bouncer:

- NaughtyAngel - 04-11-2002

didnt i see a thread like this already?

- OAS - 04-11-2002

Quote:didnt i see a thread like this already?
Excuse me missy, aren't you looking for the paranoid thread?
{Big Grin}

- Metalfan - 04-11-2002

What...what do you mean by that? LOL