holy christ have mercy - Printable Version

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holy christ have mercy - diceisgod - 11-11-2006

Worst day of traffic foc-king ever on the turnpike today!! Ho-ly sh-it! I remember thinking earlier - like three fucking hours ago - as my work day was coming to an end, that god damn(!) it might be pretty good and empty out on the roads today since tomorrow is a holiday and all and some places were closed. Well forget that shit, hoss! It took 30 god damn minutes to get on the god damn main stretch of the cocksuckin' god damn highway, partner! WHEEEEW WEEE!!!

I was thinking to myself what the fuck are all these assholes doing out here today and going to work and shit? Don't they remember and shit how many niggers and spics died in vietnam like 40 god damn years ago? What's wrong with these god damn assholes? No respect! I also got to thinking, thank god i'm not married cause if I came home to some broad with an attitude after that bullshit, I'd fuck her fat ass up real bad and any of her little fucking god damn kids that happened to be in the room 'a screetchin! Totally understand the domestic abuse thing now, totally.

- GonzoStyle - 11-11-2006

I had some cunt call me today and try to get a discount cause her husband is a vietnam vet. That pissed me off mainly cause this fuckin guy served a tour at least in that awful war and now his fuckin twat bitch wife is flashing his pain to get a fuckin 10 dollar discount, like its a pba card.

domestic violence is no understandable, its a fuckin neccesity. But this poor fuck is probably all shell shocked and cant even feed himself.

- diceisgod - 11-11-2006

if i was a married vietnam vet there woulda been a problem up in here for that bitch

- GonzoStyle - 11-11-2006

I love it when you get all kooky

- diceisgod - 11-11-2006

koo kooka choo!

- GonzoStyle - 11-11-2006

at least with all the traffic, you didnt have a chance for another speeding ticket and a lecture.

- Galt - 11-11-2006

There was a fat spic broad letting her future fat spic daughter play with her speaker phone on the train today on the way home.

It was one of the most obnoxious things I've ever witnessed.

The volume was all the way, the kid was hitting buttons and in spite of the fact I had my headsets on (those nerdy looking Bose ones) I could STILL hear the little bitch playing with the thing.

I couldn't believe that the 80% of the train who didn't have an iPod didn't stomp on the kid and the phone.

- GonzoStyle - 11-11-2006

Cell phones really only should be used in a situation like "I NEED to make this call". If you're just using it to bullshit, thats really not needed. But the worst are the people who fuckin fiddle around with it constantly.

If I use my cell more than 4 times a week outside of work related stuff, that is a lot.