Yet another reason i'm not going to law school.... - Terrorist suing cause he wants a laptop? - Printable Version

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- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-14-2002

I'm not one to post news stories, but this is just insane. Zacarias Mousaoui, the only person arrested in correlation with the 9/11 attacks is suing the government because of his jail cell conditions. If this gets heard in court, I truly have lost all faith in what this country stands for....what a fucking scum bag his lawyer is.

Quote:Moussaoui files suit over jail conditions
April 12, 2002

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Lawyers for accused terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui filed a court motion Friday objecting to his "overly restrictive and oppressive" prison conditions, arguing he needs more space in his prison cell, computer equipment and greater access to legal counsel while he prepares for his criminal trial this fall.

In the filing, Moussaoui attorneys argue his conditions of confinement are "unfair" when compared with those of other federal prisoners.

In addition, they say the conditions "create an insurmountable impediment to Moussaoui, an intelligent and well-educated man professing his innocence, from having any meaningful participation in the defense of his own life and from having full, free, and secure opportunity to communicate with counsel."

There was no immediate reaction from federal officials, including the U.S. Marshals, who have custody of Moussaoui.

Specifically, Moussaoui has requested:

-- A larger cell, with a table and chair

-- Laptop computer, printer, and the right to keep legal materials in his cell

-- Greater telephone access to his lawyers

-- Freedom from random prison searches

-- Freedom from having his phone conversations recorded

-- The right to meet with people besides his counsel

Lead defense attorney Frank Dunham confirmed the filing, but had no further comment.

Moussaoui, a French citizen of Moroccan descent, faces the death penalty. He is charged with four conspiracy counts linking him to Osama bin Laden's terrorist network.

He was taken into custody a month before the September 11 attacks, but some government investigators say he may have been the "20th hijacker," who was to have been aboard one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center, Pentagon or in rural Pennsylvania.

Moussaoui is being held under tight security at the Alexandria Detention Center in suburban Virginia, blocks from the federal courthouse where his trial is to be held.

CNN was shown a typical cell where federal prisoners are held at the facility. The cell measures about 80 square feet, roughly nine by nine feet, just enough room for a concrete slab bed, stainless steel toilet and small sink.

Moussaoui and other high-profile prisoners at the Alexandria jail, including "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh, are kept in their cells all but one or two hours per day, according to prison officials. Their activities and movements are limited, and they are segregated from the rest of the prison population for their safety and that of other inmates, officials said.

- IkeaBoy - 04-14-2002

it's hard to live without freecell. What are they, barbarians?

- crx girl - 04-14-2002

so, he's suing because he's being treated like a prisoner?

- Buttmunch - 04-14-2002

Fucking lawyers.

- OAS - 04-14-2002

Remember, innocent until proven guilty.

Ah fuck the constitution, put him in a cell with Buba and give him some good ol American justice. :fucking: :fucking: :blow: :blow:

- Lord Reefer - 04-14-2002

First of all I’m not surprised by the original story… seems that over night we have found ourselves living in a society of victims….no one is held responsible for what they as individuals do….it’s always someone else’s fault. And I don’t blame the lawyers for suing…. it’s a right that all citizens have….. I blame the idiot jurors who award these frivolous suits with big 4 damages……

…..for instance remember the rap wars a few years back…east coast rappers v. west coast? Well…I saw on the web last week that the survivors of………

....“Notorious B.I.G. have filed a wrongful death and federal civil rights lawsuit against Los Angeles Police Chief Bernard Parks, two former chiefs and the city of Los Angeles, claiming they did not do enough to prevent the rapper's death five years ago in a drive-by shooting”……

Ridicules! … with an LA jury a suit like that doesn’t need any merit to be successful.

- Sephiroth - 04-14-2002

Quote:Fucking lawyers.

Scumbags, all of them.

ALL OF THEM !!!11!!

- JIMMYSNUKA - 04-14-2002

I cant say anything wrong about lawyers. I just may need a very good one some day. :firebounce:

- OAS - 04-14-2002

Snuka, just check the yellow pages under child molestors. There is a wide variety to choose from. Stick with the Jewish firms. Expensive, but is any price too much for freedom?

- Zootybang - 04-14-2002

I won a frivilous lawsuit once. See, i was In this big shoot-out with the police, and I killed 2 of 'em, but then I ran out of bullets. Those bastards actually locked me up. So I sued my boss, claiming that If he had paid me more, I would have been able to afford more bullets, thus then by-passing this whole " Cop-killer" rap I'm facing. With the money i won, i can afford the best lawyer, and i should be free by next week. Wish me luck!

- Sluggo - 04-14-2002

I'm thinking of suing Lord Reefer...He's trying to steal my style...
I don't know who he thinks he is...But it's quite unnerving to see...
You'll be hearing from my counsellor...:crackhead:

- Doc - 04-14-2002

I hope the judge's reaction to this suit is something along the lines of:

<div align="center">GET BENT, MOTHERFUCKER</div>

- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-14-2002

Quote:it’s a right that all citizens have…..

But he's not a citizen. Although he is covered by our Constitution, he is not being treated unfairly. He is getting three meals a day, he is not out in the open, and he has rhe right to counsel which I have a feeling our government is paying for unless the lawyer is working pro bono because it is a high profile case. Maybe for once we need to protect the rights of the dead not the rights of this animal?

- lent - 04-14-2002

dude, does he want a dell?

be lucky you can still breathe getting ass raped by "antoine"

- Arthur Dent - 04-15-2002

Maybe the concrete bed is making him cranking. Is he suing for a Certa mattress too?

- Skitchr4u - 04-15-2002

Actually, I don't blame this one on the attorneys. It is him who wanted this motion filed (if he is as "highly intelligent" as the story says, his attorney's have no way of not filing the motion. If they did, it is grounds for a mistrial which will get him off even if convicted due to poor representation. His attorney's are most definately state appointed, and did not approach him asking to be his lawyer, not with the charges against one wants the rap of getting him off if the court finds him not guilty...