Like father... like son... - Are you? - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 04-14-2002

All of my life, people told me they could see my father in me. These days, I catch myself with some of the same creedos(sp?) as my father, with one major exception: I'm not a fuck up!

However, the strictness and non-acceptance of stupidity that he had, I know have. I lack the 3 failed attempts at a family, though. So that's a bonus.

If anything, I'd say I have my mother's intelligence and my father's sensibility.

How much are you like your parents?

- Sephiroth - 04-14-2002

Somebody please say the obligitory "But K1d, did you even know your father ? LOLOLOLOLOLOL KEKEKEKEKEKE /\____/\" and get it out of the way. Thanks.

As for me, nope. I actually have what you humans call "Logic" and "Reason", so I am far superior than the abomniation I was spawned from.

- crx girl - 04-14-2002

i'd say i'm pretty similar to my parents, but i don't mind, they're pretty cool. my mum's an insomniac, my dad's pretty cynical, i dunno

- Sean Cold - 04-14-2002

I am probally the flip side of the coin from my father. We don't talk, I can't stand him actually. A few of the choices I have made in my life have been what I know to be the oppisite of what he has or would have done. I like it this way as well. It's one less card I would have to send out on Christmas and I don't have to partake in inane babble with him about shit I couldn't possibly not give a shit about more than I already don't.

When people ask me about me dad, I either go with I was adopted or I tell peeps he was black and he didn't bother.

- Doc - 04-15-2002

I'd have to say that I am much more like my mother than my father. (Insert guffaw here) Seriously though, my dad is a rather large fuckwad, so I actually have made an effort NOT to be like him.

I have found myself saying the same things my mom used to say to me. One day I'm going to walk past a full length mirror ask, What are you doing in my coat mom?

- Sean Cold - 04-15-2002

Quote:One day I'm going to walk past a full length mirror ask, What are you doing in my coat mom?

Thats is definately a new twist on an old joke. I have to actually give Doc credit for being funny.:hail:

- Sluggo - 04-15-2002

I'm mentally like my dad...
People say they "See" my mom in me though...
The biggest difference between me and dad is...He's an alkie...I'm a stoner.

- TheGMANN - 04-15-2002

I thank god everyday I am NOTHING like my mother and father. My father is old school italian, my mom is old school hispanic. They both stink! I am the black sheep of the family and I like it that way. I dont share their mentallity on life or their racism towards certain races. Ive learned to be the person I am now by watching them and realizing how much I dont wanna be like them! :fuckoff:

- Luna - 04-15-2002

I'm more like my dad was, so, I'd have to say "Like daughter". My mother even tells me this. I think I have my mom's independent spirit, tho.
My parents were actually pretty cool back in the day (of course, I didn't think so at the time) and there were many a weekend and school night where all my friends would be at my house.

So, I would have to say I have my dad's sence of humour and even-keeledness (sp?) along with my mother's fiestiness.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 04-15-2002

I honestly don't know. I really don't want to be like my parents because they got divorced and that's not something I want. My mom can be super bitchy at times and that's something I don't want to be and my dad had a really bad temper that left me thinking that I'd kill myself if I ever became like that. So I guess what I've done so far is look at them and see their mistakes and try to stay away from them. I wouldn't be who I am if not for them and one of the good qualities I get from them is the "tell me I can't do something and I'll prove you wrong" attitude.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-15-2002

I am really nothing like my parents either, thank mother is a rather passive easily abused person, and I tend to have more of a spine, and of course my father is more of the abusive type which thankfully as well I am nothing like. There are other things I could list, but I'll keep things to myself. Smile

- Doc - 04-15-2002

Quote:Thats is definately a new twist on an old joke. I have to actually give Doc credit for being funny.

That's me. Recycling old jokes since 1979.

All this about our parents and their mistakes makes me think of something that my mother used to say:
A wise man learns from his mistakes, a wiser man learns from the mistakes of others.

I guess if we can see a little bit of the fuck ups that our parents did and not do that, then they did their job as a parent in some bizzare How-Not-To-Do-Things way

- Luna - 04-15-2002

Quote:I guess if we can see a little bit of the fuck ups that our parents did and not do that, then they did their job as a parent in some bizzare How-Not-To-Do-Things way

Great perspective.

Edited By LunaBabe on April 14 2002 at 9:42

- fbd - 04-15-2002

honestly, i AM my father.we are practially the same mind.we talk a lot alike, like the same music, and he gave me the sense of humor you all know and suffer mom and i are nothing at all, but i am my dad

- virgingrrl - 04-15-2002

people always tell me that i am my mothers clone, that we act the same and that i look exactly like she did when she was my age. my mother is by far the most compassionate, loving, generous and most beautiful woman i have ever know...if i end up to be even 1/4 of how amazing she is..i will be lucky. i loves my momma:loveya: my dad on the other hand is a an ok guy...he has his moments, but im nothing like him.

- 112-1014160832 - 04-15-2002

I think that as I have gotten older, I have grown to be like my parents in certain ways. I like to joke a lot like my dad. I worry too much like my mom. But I am so different from my father also. For one, I don't cheat on my woman like he does. I am also not cruel, nasty, and indifferent. I like to feel like I can take the best of what they offered me and make it my own.:poopain:

- Sean Cold - 04-15-2002

Quote:honestly, i AM my father

Actually, as much as I hate to admit it, but the truth is I am your father. I know, it's a shock that just fucked your whole life up, but see my point of view. If your son was like you, would you admit to it?:firebounce:

- fbd - 04-15-2002

Quote:Actually, as much as I hate to admit it, but the truth is I am your father.
so AM is my brother now?

Edited By fbdlingfrg on April 15 2002 at 12:22

- Hybrid - 04-15-2002

i am exactly like my dad. i think that's why we fight so much.

- HedCold - 04-15-2002

i'm like my dad in that we're both passive and easy going, but if something is enough to piss us off, we can get pretty angry. but it rarely happens.
but lately i've been kind of more like my mom in that i've been speaking up about certain things that i just find wrong, instead of just going with it.