Sunburn!!!! - What's your cure? - Printable Version

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- DGW - 04-15-2002

Ouch!! Since my brother and his bud have to take 5 practice swings before each shot, I end up looking like a lobster. It took us 4 1/2 hours to play one round at Ashbrook!!! My neck and face are a so fucking red. Everyone I see in the hallways at work has asked me what I did this weekend. The worst part is I have to tell them I shot a 106!!!

So what's your cure all for sunburn? And no jizz will be applied to this face.

- Luna - 04-15-2002

Next time put on sun block before you go out there, silly. {:p}

Noxema works for sun-burned skin. It's gotta be true....a doctor told me.

Edited By LunaBabe on April 15 2002 at 10:30

- Skitchr4u - 04-15-2002

luna is right...of course now that it is too late, try avon skin so like a charm at relieving the burn, and it keeps the bugs away

- Hey Ladi - 04-15-2002

cover the sunburn in plain yogurt, let dry, wash off

I haven't tried it yet, but a friend swears by it.

If you're feeling frisky, use the fruit kind {Wink}

- NaughtyAngel - 04-15-2002

that green aloe vera shit
i had the worst sunburn last summer and i bathed in that shit
it cools everything off
it felt so good

- Maynard - 04-15-2002


- Arthur Dent - 04-15-2002

Quote:An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

I've had sunpoisoning more than once. Learned the hard way to use sunblock. The only "cure" is time. Any moisturizer will help.

- Metalfan - 04-15-2002

ride it out ya big pussy!!! i got sunburnt working on my yard yesterday, yet you don't hear me crying like a baby, do ya?

- Kid Afrika - 04-15-2002

Quote:...what's your cure?
Being black. HA HA!!! This is the ONE time where being black is beneficial. We don't get burned, unlike you Mc's with your pale skin. :fuckoff: :roflmao: :fuckoff:

- Luna - 04-15-2002

I used to lay out in the sun covered in baby oil. Confuseduicide:

- LZMF1 - 04-15-2002

from what i understand, the brothers turn white if they get sunburned..........

- NaughtyAngel - 04-15-2002

hey DGW you need me to come over and rub some aloe on ya, ill be more than willing

- DGW - 04-15-2002

Metalfag got the farmers tan!

- Metalfan - 04-15-2002

Quote:I used to lay out in the sun covered in baby oil.

Cooking to a nice golden brown Luna? How many minutes on each side :lol:

- Luna - 04-15-2002

Oh man...if I knew then what I know now. I only turned golden-brown after I got lobsterized red. :ha:

- Metalfan - 04-15-2002

At least you tan....I ONLY burn :firebounce:

- DGW - 04-15-2002

It rubs the lotion on it's skin....

Amy, I only have one thing I want yah to rub aloe on.

- Hey Ladi - 04-15-2002

I used to get tan as a kid, when I spent more time outside, but now I only pretty much burn.

- Metalfan - 04-15-2002

Quote:Metalfag got the farmers tan!

GW, what's the difference between my "farmer's tan" and your golfer's tan? Ain't they in the same place?? Mine didn't cost me any greens fees though :roflmao:

- DGW - 04-15-2002

I had fun getting burned. You were doing yardwork.