Mtv2's most controversial videos - Printable Version

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- Sir O - 04-16-2002

Well, Cablevision finally decided to carry MTV2. At first I was unimpressed for the most part, but that all changed tonight when they aired their Most Controversial Videos special. I probably missed some of it, as the Mets game went into extra innings, but what I did see fuckin' ruled the world. Did anyone else see it?

A few observations:

The uncensored version of Pearl Jam's "Jeremy" is great. There's only one short clip that's not in the regular MTV version, but that one clip really does make the video. Very good stuff.

Eminem's "Stan" is probably the most powerful video I've seen since Metallica's "One." Something about it just really moved me. The uncensored version is exponentially better than the MTV version, and really showcases music video as an art form, rather than simple entertainment. You need to see this.

Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" is basically a porno. I never thought I'd actually see gash on a regular cable channel, much less one with "MTV" in the name. Great video, great imagery, disturbing yet enthralling.

Ditto Metallica's "Turn The Page." I had never seen the regular version (if there is one), so I can't make a comparison, but this really was excellent. The violent sex scene at the end is just awesome, and tied everything together.

There's so much more, but you need to see for yourself. Does anyone know when they'll air this again? I really need to record it...

- HedCold - 04-16-2002

mtv2 replays stuff just as many times as regular mtv. it'll probably be on all week, most likely at night.

- GonzoStyle - 04-16-2002

This show has been on all week but they played different Video's tonight than they did last night on this show. MTV carried the same program but censored the video's when it came to cursing and such.

I personally loved the uncensored version on NIN 'Closer' and I agree the Eminem 'Stan' video was awesome.

- windowlck - 04-16-2002

I have Cablevision & started getting MTV2 also..... 1 question, Sir O, does your MTV2 sound like the equalization is all fucked up.....The Music & Drums are loud, but the vocals are low.....It's like that on all my tv's

- Sir O - 04-16-2002

Window, MTV2 comes in just fine for me. Nothing different from the audio on most channels.

And Gonz, I still need to see the NIN "Closer" vid. Fuckin bullshit phone calls ruin everything, I only caught the very end (which, unfortunately, only looked like the regular MTV version....)

Still, it's amazing but not surprising, that the only videos that are worth seeing, are banned from MTV...

- Sean Cold - 04-16-2002

Window, I have that same problem with MTV2. I get alot of background noise out of it. I have the same shit on ESPN.

I was hoping MTV would have played another high profile banned video from 89 but they skipped it. It was Motley Crue: All I need. Song was ehh, but the video was fuckin great, very graphic. The vid was about this nut case that couldn't live without his girl so he hacked her up pretty bad. What really made the video was the actual news fotage used in the begining and end of the video. MTV banned it mad quick, never giving it any air time. I missed alot of the show, did it at least get a dishonorable mention?

- Spitfire - 04-16-2002

I also wish they would have played Megadeth's Hanger 18...the video was shown one time on Mtv, I think during Headbanger's Ball, and never heard from wasn't even that bad if I remember correctly