The poor mans oj - Keep your eye on the sparrow. - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 04-19-2002

Actor Robert Blake has been arrested in the murder of his wife. Sure he wasn't nearly as famous as OJ but this should be mildly interesting to watch. My question is, what the fuck took them so long.

Detectives say he tried to hire a hitman and failed and wound up pulling the trigger himself.

Edited By Keyser Soze on April 18 2002 at 9:08

- Kid Afrika - 04-19-2002

White people.... :confused: {:o} :confused:

- IkeaBoy - 04-19-2002

Finally! Woo! I heard about it on the Ron and Fez show

- McBourbon - 04-19-2002

White people my ass...the blacks got jealous again because they thought a white man's trial was gonna be more popular than the OJ trial so the black cops tried to shift blame off of Robert Blake onto some other famous black guy. But Jesse already had his illigitimate kid scandal, Rodman was marrying some white girl (again) that weekend, Don King...well...who would fuckin' believe it?, and Sam Jackson had to host the ESPY's. Who's left?

- Kid Afrika - 04-19-2002

eddie murphy did it!

- McBourbon - 04-19-2002

Not Eddie Murphy, he was too busy putting on fat person makeup and telling fart jokes at the dinner table and/or humping transvestites. Any other suspects?

- Maynard - 04-19-2002

What Baretta has to say about the allegations....

[Image: flipoff.jpg]

- Sluggo - 04-19-2002

It really is about fucking time...
I was thinkin they were just gonna let him get away with it.:burnfucker:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-19-2002

he got caught:roflmao:

- Kid Afrika - 04-19-2002

Quote:I was thinkin they were just gonna let him get away with it.
he's not that rich.

- Sluggo - 04-19-2002

Point taken, K1d...

- Cunt-Twat - 04-19-2002

no they just arrested his body guard in connection with the murder. where's johnny cocrine (sp)??

- Ahlexus - 04-19-2002


Edited By Ahlexus on April 18 2002 at 9:44

- Galt - 04-19-2002

Come on. He was inside the restaurant getting his gun for 30 seconds while she was getting killed. Like anyone would make up THAT alibi

- Luna - 04-19-2002

Quote:eddie murphy did it!

Eddie Murphy rulezzzz!!!! Goony Goo Goo :lol:

- Keyser Soze - 04-19-2002


- McBourbon - 04-19-2002

I'm putting my money on Rodney King. He's still bitter about the beating. Found a way to frame "the man".

- Arpikarhu - 04-19-2002

it was fred

- crx girl - 04-19-2002

so, does this mean they'll be picking up gary condit soon, or is he actually that rich?

- Cunt-Twat - 04-19-2002

she was one ugly mother fucker..yech.