True life on mtv - Shorties!!!!!! - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 01-13-2002

I know it is sick and it is wrong on sooooo many fuckin levels, but the other night, I had a chance to check out the special on "Little People". I couldn't stop fuckin laughing the whole time it was on. They were all talking like they were black and had some great battle to overcome. I mean, I guess we were supposed to be impressed, but I think not.

Impressive to me would have been if this one smurf would have taken the job as a stripper. Now that would impress me. She said she wanted to suceed for her talent and not for being a dwarf and I say fuck that, Wee man has it right. Play up the angle you stupid bitch. You can't sing worth crap anyway.

The most pathetic person though had to be the shithead who was a normal sized person dating this bowling ball with feet. The chick looked like a reject from the movie "Basket Case"! And, get this, she dumped him! LMMFAO!

- Sluggo - 01-13-2002

Midgets are always funny...
Getting dumped by a midget...
More friggin pathetic than Ikea... :p

- Sean Cold - 01-13-2002

Dude, I think I have to start taping this show. Whenever I think my life sucks, pop in the tape, check out the lame fucker who is picking up the tiny people, and laugh my fuckin ass off.

I can't wait till they do the new one: True Life:Little People, Hookers at the point 3

- GonzoStyle - 01-14-2002

Yeah but how bad do you wanna fuck a "little person" now? I have never been more attracted to midget ass in my whole life.

Those hands did you see those little vienna sausage attrocities they had.. can you just feel the glorious orgasm from that hand job? I feel like finding me a carnie and have a threesome with one of those bowlegged bitches. It'd be like pedophelia only legal.