Hewlett packards - Posted elsewhere, anger remains - Printable Version

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- IkeaBoy - 05-04-2002

I have an HP Pavilion and have had it for a year and have my share of problems with it.

I've had to deal with it shutting off at random moments. What I mean by this is that you're typing and it just shuts off. No reason, no rhyme, doesn't matter the temperature of the room, how much space it has, whatever, you're typing and it just shuts off as if someone unplugged a PC.

I've had to reformat the harddrive about 3 times since I've gotten it, first time being around the end of my first semester of school because it entered into this sort of permanent safe mode that Safety Restore won't help (now it's the end of the second semester).

And now, the plug just got destroyed. I plugged it in as I always do and the charging light doesn't appear so I look in the back and the little thing to attach the plug to fell into the machine.

I DID NOTHING WRONG AND IT FUCKED ME BIG TIME. WITH A FUCKING PAPER DUE MONDAY. So now I have to conserve energy with 90% of my battery remaining, the aforementioned paper, need to put WHAT I can on disks and bring this sonofabitch in to compUSA to get serviced.

So in conclusion, because it's still on warranty i'll use this waste of a machine and get it fixed as much as possible but heed this as warning- HPs are worthless!

- Kid Afrika - 05-04-2002


HP sucks at teh computars.

- IkeaBoy - 05-04-2002

Quote:HP sucks at teh computars.
HP sucks at teh computars, I'm a failure at life w/ 72%. Time to ration this sonofabitch.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-04-2002

Are you running Windows ME? That could be the cause of it. I had the same problem. I knew it because whenever I was running Linux it would NEVER happen. That's why I went to Windows 2000.

- Jack - 05-04-2002

Well... looks like your choices are getting even slimmer. Compaq is no more. It has merged into HP.

But yeah, I agree, HP computers do suck. As an employee of CompUSA, I recomend that you tell the technician to attempt to get a replacement or a gift card (this assuming that you bought the extended warranty) or to get you a Mexican unit instead of a Taiwan unit. You can tell the difference by the serial number, if it begins with TW then it is a Taiwan unit, if it begins with MX then it is a mexican unit. The mexican units have been proven to be more reliable.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-04-2002

The only major computer manufacturers I trust are Dell, Micron, Sony and Toshiba(only for notebooks), and Apple(don't laugh).

But the best are those specialty manufacturers that build high quality comps. Alienware, Falcon-NW, Hypersonic, VooDooPC.

- IkeaBoy - 05-04-2002

Well yes it's Windows ME And I've cursed them since I realized it was probably a major cause of my problems but now with the plug IN THE FUCKING MACHINE I am uber-screwed, God Bless The Allmighty Sadist and his chosen pawns

- LZMF1 - 05-04-2002

HP makes great peripherals but their actual computers <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>STINK!!!!!!</span>

like AM said i prefer dell and sony products

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-04-2002

I would say Windows ME is what is causing that problem. Because I had the same exact problem too. Seph had/has it as well. Try Windows 2000 or XP it should solve it.

- Galt - 05-05-2002

AM like Dell and Sony? Shouldn't he like small upstart family owned businessess instead of huge conglomerates?

- The Sleeper - 05-05-2002

Which upstart family owned businessess sell quality computers?

- barch97 - 05-05-2002

Has anyone else noticed that Micron is suddenly selling Intel processors again?

I had given up hope on them when for the last 6 months to a year they only had AMD's... Guess there was a bit of a dip in sales?

- Galt - 05-05-2002

Quote:Which upstart family owned businessess sell quality computers?

My point exactly. The essense of capitalism. The companies that are the largest get there because of the fact that more people buy their product. More people buy the product because the majority of people think it's the highest quality.

Why Microsoft is Great by Galt, 2002

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-05-2002

My favorite computer companies are Alienware, Falcon Northwest, VoodooPC, and Hypersonic. I prefer to either build my own computer or buy one from a computer show dirt cheap. Dell and Sony are alright if you have to deal with a large manufacturer but I wouldn't touch Sony desktops.

And Galt don't get me started and make me start quoting Lenin.

- Kid Afrika - 05-05-2002

I like to build my own, too. When you build your own, you get the best upgradability. Plus, you know exactly what you are getting. For instance, at my office I have a new Dell machine. It's pretty fuckin' nice, but it only has one serial port, the AGP slot is actually AGP-Pro, and it only has 4 pci slots. Plus, the video card was supposed to be a good one, but it's shit. The damn thing doesn't even have a heatsink on it.

At home I have two machines which I built myself. Both have full expandability, multiple ports and no proprietary bios bullshit in them.

I say, if you have to buy a complete machine, go with Dell first, then Micron. They offer the best value/performance. If you want a balls out machine, Alienware appears to be pretty good, but are also hella-expensive.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-05-2002

Building your own computer is great because you customize everything. Even the motherboard which even a company like Alienware won't do even though they have the best customizability.

When I need a cheap computer that I won't be using that much for friends or family I'll take them to a computer show since it definitely is a good value.

And Kid to defend Dell those are machines for an office environment. When was the last time you needed 6 pci ports or an amazing graphics card for an office.

At this point if I were going Alienware I would get a laptop from them. Jesus christ those look sweet.

- Arthur Dent - 05-07-2002

First, Ikea, sounds like you've got a bad power supply. It would explain the random shut-offs and the plug falling into the computer. Try having the power supply replaced by the manufacturer and see if that helps.

Second, I haven't built a computer from scratch in two years. Haven't really kept up with the latest tech either, so I would have to do some serious research if I wanted to build my own home PC now. So, I'll probably go with a Dell when I get a new one.

One question, is there a notebook with docking station that is the equal to a high-end desktop in everyway? Always heard the processors and drives are a little slower, more expensive, less expandible, etc.

- Kid Afrika - 05-07-2002

Quote:And Kid to defend Dell those are machines for an office environment. When was the last time you needed 6 pci ports or an amazing graphics card for an office.
Well, considering the fact that I often do graphics and multimedia at my job... I actully do need the performance of a good video card. The slots come in handy for video capture, and extra ports. Since I work for a printer manufacturer, I need to be able to add extra ports through PCI slots, for testing purposes.

You'd be surprised how much of a workout I give this machine. So far, so good.

As for laptops being as good as desktops... NO CHANCE IN hell. Laptops are good for portability. You do not want to try to do all of the things you would do on a desktop, on a laptop. The performance might be there, but connecting peripherals to a laptop can be a nightmare, if you have more than one or 2. Plus, for the money you'll spend on a laptop, docking station and all other accessories, you can probably get two desktops.

I would suggest that one focus on a good desktop first, and then worry about a laptop. Laptops are great for travelling, and transporting your work. But, I can't see having only a laptop.

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

The problem with me is that I need a laptop, i move it around constantly and I like the compactness of it. And I can't think of anyway to home make a laptop.

HP is going to look at my machine and then decide whether the plug got destroyed because of customer abuse (it's not, I swear, when I get angry with my machine I take it out on glass bottles or hookers, not on my equipment) and if they'll fix it for free or whether i'll need to pay.

Edited By IkeaBoy on May 07 2002 at 5:03

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-07-2002

Well then your company shouldn't have gotten those shitty comps. Because Dell has a lot of different categories. Besides for true multimedia work you will get one of those 1000 buck Wildcats :-D.