Magazine declares chelsea clinton a sex symbol? - Do you think she is hot? - Printable Version

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- Jack - 05-17-2002

Someone was tipping the bottle a little too high one night I guess.

[Image: 1_21_175_clinton_chelsea.jpg]

Click Here for the article

Quote:LONDON — It's a long road from gawky adolescent to twenty-something sex symbol, but Vanity Fair magazine says Chelsea Clinton has made the transition.

The magazine pronounces the daughter of former President Bill Clinton "the new J.F.K. Jr.," referring to the good-looking son of former President John F. Kennedy, killed when his private plane crashed in 1999.

In an article that exhaustively analyzes Chelsea Clinton's time at Oxford University and her previous, more sheltered life in the White House and the Arkansas governor's mansion, Vanity Fair says she's recently grown more flamboyant and more comfortable with her public profile.

The change "has done what no one would have thought possible years ago, when Chelsea was a girl with braces in billowing Laura Ashley dresses," the article says. "Chelsea Clinton has become a sex symbol."

The story appears in Vanity Fair's June issue, which goes on sale Friday.

"Most presidents' children, they sink like stones once their parent leaves office," Vanity Fair quotes presidential historian Gil Troy as saying. "But this is a different age."

Clinton reportedly had trouble adjusting to British life when she arrived last year, writing in Talk magazine that it was "hard to be abroad" after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and complaining of anti-Americanism.

Since then, she appears to have grown more comfortable, and often is photographed at hip London hangouts or with Hollywood celebrities. Her romance with American Rhodes scholar Ian Klaus is a favorite topic for tabloid newspapers.

The magazine suggested Clinton might be eyeing a future in public life. She declined to be interviewed for the story, and when asked during a photo shoot whether she had political aspirations, she said, "I'm just trying to be a student."

Edited By Jack Meehoff on May 16 2002 at 10:54

- Arpikarhu - 05-17-2002

her pictures make her look horrible, but in person she is really cute. itsa big difference

- Jack - 05-17-2002

The picture above (posted with the article) almost made me vomit. Her big lips and buck teeth just make me sick.

- Arpikarhu - 05-17-2002

i am telling you, she is really cute in person, she just photographs horribly

- Maynard - 05-17-2002


- Arpikarhu - 05-17-2002

you are just asking for more naked froy pics, maynerd

- The Sleeper - 05-17-2002

we are soooooo impressed that you have met Chelsea Clinton. Really we are.

- Arpikarhu - 05-17-2002

Quote:we are soooooo impressed that you have met Chelsea Clinton. Really we are.
not my point at all, shit bag!!!!!!!!!!

- Jack - 05-17-2002

Quote:we are soooooo impressed that you have met Chelsea Clinton. Really we are.

I hope that you aren't talking about me (god I'm terrible at the sarcasm and at deciphering who a message is to) cause I would ruin whatever she was wearing as I spewed vomit.

- LZMF1 - 05-17-2002

she's a hideous, grotesque skank!!!! shit, look at what she's a product of......

- Arpikarhu - 05-17-2002

Quote:she's a hideous, grotesque skank!!!! shit, look at what she's a product of......
i thought that was your excuse?

- Maynard - 05-17-2002

I've only seen one picture in my life that was grosser than that one. :crackhead:

ok, 3 pictures

- LZMF1 - 05-17-2002

c'mon arpi, you know you luuuuuuuuv me!

- Arpikarhu - 05-17-2002

Quote:I've only seen one picture in my life that was grosser than that one.

ok, 3 pictures
1.your high school graduation photo
2. your wedding phot
3. the one on your work i.d.

- Maynard - 05-17-2002

Quote:1.your high school graduation photo
2. your wedding phot
3. the one on your work i.d.
1. high school?
2. Thats cause you were in it
3. Nope, no ID.

- Arpikarhu - 05-17-2002

Quote:1. high school?
2. Thats cause you were in it
3. Nope, no ID.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-17-2002

Well if she's the new JFK Jr. at least we don't have to deal with her horrific pictures for long...wonder when she'll learn to fly...

- Galt - 05-17-2002

She's a fucking troll.

- IkeaBoy - 05-17-2002

There was a time when a sex symbol was someone like Marilyn Monroe and Rita Hayworth. Jesus, the only sex symbol she is is for promoting celibacy.

- Arthur Dent - 05-17-2002

1. She's better looking than some of the women I saw at parties.
B. She's got her mother's plastic smile and dead eyes which just ruins any chance of being hot.
III. In ten years, she'll look exactly like her mother, and who wants to be with that?