The intelligence situation - What do you suggest? - Printable Version

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- AdolescentMasturbator - 06-01-2002

Everyone knows how fucked up the CIA, FBI, etc. are and how they are so fucking disorganized. Wouldn't one large intelligence-gathering organization be more useful. You could have department of foreign intelligence, department of domestic intelligence, etc. What's the answer to solving the fucked up situation?

- Arpikarhu - 06-01-2002

people should read more books

- fbd - 06-01-2002

it woudnt work to unite intell just like it wouldnt work to unite the millitary.both must stay as a loose alliance, they cant be put together.just like how stupid that constitution is.intell and millitary act like states under the articles.putting them together would never work, just like it didnt with the states.think of all the liasons who would lose jobs

- AdolescentMasturbator - 06-01-2002

Well that's true but something needs to be done because the FBI doesn't want to share shit with the CIA and vice-versa.

- LZMF1 - 06-02-2002

i know something i won't tell, i won't tell, i won't tell!!! nya nya nya nya nya!!!

- Cunt-Twat - 06-02-2002

i think we should pay attention to past history so we can figure out what's happening today.

- Arpikarhu - 06-02-2002

i think we should punish the wicked and reward the virtuous

- OAS - 06-02-2002

Suggestions for intelligence? From this group?

- Sluggo - 06-03-2002
