Wwe raw vs. smackdown - Which one, if any, is doing it for you - Printable Version

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- Gooch - 06-04-2002

RAW's being entrially written by Brian Gerwetz, and the last two have been stellar in my opinion, putting forth new plotlines, new people, etc. In the last two we've seen a new Horsemen grouping, with Beniot as their power-heel. And, as of last night, the NWO has reformed with new leadership and power. BookerT/Golddust combo provides comedy relief, and a new face-turn plotline. Brock still powers his way through the rankings...and RVD is probably going to have a major push for the summer, and his match on last weeks RAW with Guerrero was incredible.

Heyman is being said to write Smackdown...and the only interesting storyline is Kurt Angle's shaved head/wig debacle. There is a serious power outage on Smackdown, which makes me think that WWE is begging to have The Rock back. And no matter how stangant his character was, one can see lately that he is needed just to move plotlines and create dichotemy. And, maybe why they are bending over backwards to get a shot at the overrated, underskilled, Goldberg. Jericho has fallen back to Angle-level, Edge still can't get over the midcard hump, Test isn't rising in stature

What are your thoughts????

- Keyser Soze - 06-04-2002

I think you think way too deeply about wrestling.

Its fake fighting with men in tights.

- Gooch - 06-04-2002

I think you are into cover bands too deeply, my friend.

- Keyser Soze - 06-04-2002

I don't like most of them. Lifespeed and The Benjamins are pretty good tho.

- LZMF1 - 06-04-2002

Quote:Wwe raw vs. smackdown, Which one, if any, is doing it for you?
how about...........neither

- Spitfire - 06-04-2002

they need more good feuds, that will last more than one ppv...that's why the Angle/Edge head-shaving thing is getting a lot of attention...

and they also need to : Shut the Fuck Up and Wrestle!!!!

- Tenbatsuzen - 06-04-2002

I almost never catch Smackdown. Although Raw has sucked majorly before the shakeup, I've been catching it more and more.

Yes, there are still the Vinz Ruzzo "spawtz entertainment" moments (Austin's watersports, Dreamer's vomit) but come on, who DIDN'T fucking mark for the Two Dudes With Attitude Reunion? HBK looked good. The way it was pulled off was perfect - no words, just emotion. I can't wait for HBK getting into Austin's and/or Triple H's face.

Goldust as Coach = funny. I'm shocked that even though he was one of the minor incidents on the "Flight from hell", he's getting a push.

I can sooooo deal with Bradshaw as hardcore champ. That's the level he SHOULD be at.

The tag match was great, kinda sloppy, but give it time.

Austin's puppet moment with Arn was pretty funny too.

BTW, Flair's juicing. Got to be. No way he's in that great shape at his age especially since he WRESTLED IN A T-SHIRT on the last ever Nitro.

- Skitchr4u - 06-06-2002

raw is better. they have more talent, and better workers. smackdown has name people who should retire or be moved to raw like angle and jericho and storm...those 3 are the only reason i put on upn on a thursday night...edge too i guess, but thats it

- McBourbon - 06-11-2002

Too much of what you guys are talking about is old crap rehashed and made new again. The Horsemen? HBK and Nash? C'mon....sure it's a sentimental thing and WWE never had it to explore it (except HBK and Nash)...but running the story lines over again (and, in my opinion, into the ground) is only making for a more disillusioned wrestling fan who's going to begin looking elsewhere for entertainment at a newer, fresher level.
The good thing WWE is doing is their collaboration with MTV and the Tough Enough series. Bringing in the new talent for everyone to see is probably one of the coolest things they've done since I started watching wrestling back in the early 80's.
The fans want newer, fresher, faster and better story lines. And WWE is just not delivering on either the RAW or Smackdown fronts.

- ftard - 06-14-2002

Being that I dont get TNN where I live, thank you Comcast of the Plainfields, I only get to see raw every 2 weeks or so when I go to a buddys house. I have noticed that smackdown has really been lacking, but you do get to see Some good talent, I liked Maven, and expecially Stacy. But I really dont like how the two divisions are split up like this, it really thins out the rosters and all.

- Arthur Dent - 06-18-2002

Reason for the name change? LOL!

- Skitchr4u - 06-18-2002

yep, can you believe that those tough wrestlers lost to a fucking panda? how gay is that? why not stay wwfe anyway like on the ticker? that stinks...

oh, and smackdown sucks balls, raw kicks ass