Board personas - Yet again - Printable Version

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- Ken'sPen - 06-13-2002

There have been a couple threads recently that dealt with peoples board personas. Questions were raised as to why people always post within their comfy confines. Why people refuse to break character.

While I might have a few running TOGs I don't think that my posts are in "character". I think I post as me.

Which is why I find it interesting that many of the people who preach about "just be yourself" were the loudest critics when I do just that. Instead of seeing my posts reflecting a mood or phase I was in, they resorted to the Brian Regan, "this is different I don't like it" reaction.

So are the personas a crutch for the poster, or something to make the reader, more comfortable.

- Metalfan - 06-13-2002

Hmmm....thinking.......nope.....still think you're a tool, but at least you know its not a persona now..... :poke:

- OAS - 06-13-2002

This thread sucks. Confuseduicide:

- Metalfan - 06-13-2002

Was there any doubt OAS?

- Kid Afrika - 06-13-2002

There are many points to the argument of people developing personas online. Some people would say that they are exactly the same online as they are in person. They are liars.

Think of the Matrix, when they are in the "Matrix", they appear differently than they do in real life. I think it was called "residual self-image". The bottom line is, you can be anyone you want on here, and noone is the wiser. The people I've met in person from the Internet have always been quite similar to what I've known of them online. But, there are always subtle differences.

Sean, you shut up! You are exactly the same online as you are in person. You, my friend, are the exception that proves the rule.

- OAS - 06-13-2002

Quote:Some people would say that they are exactly the same online as they are in person. They are liars.
Quote:Sean, you shut up! You are exactly the same online as you are in person.

I rest my case.

- Metalfan - 06-13-2002

Look at that.....all wrapped up before your morning nap. Bravo OAS :lol:

- Kid Afrika - 06-13-2002

Oh shut up and take your Geritol. Your reading comprehension fails you. Every rule has it's exceptions. Sean is just that.

- Cunt-Twat - 06-13-2002

i have boobs

- Sean Cold - 06-13-2002

Ok, it just scares me that Ken's may even be remotely as annoying as he is posting. He doesn't annoy me mind you but the ammount of bitching and crying I see from most peeps is a little overwhelming at times. If he is truely the same when he is not posting, does that make him a sniveling shit who always says sorry to people than constantly ask said people whats wrong and if they are mad at him?

- Sloatsburgh - 06-13-2002

Sean, you're not mad at me, right?

- OAS - 06-13-2002

Quote:does that make him a sniveling shit
In a nutshell, yes. :rofl:
But what do I know, I am the same here as anywhere, so therefore I'm a liar.

- Sephiroth - 06-13-2002

Quote:I rest my case.
Quote:Sean, you shut up! You are exactly the same online as you are in person.You, my friend, are the exception that proves the rule.
So, how are that glaucoma working out for you?
<font color="EEEEEE">Quick! Somebody make a weed joke! It'll be funny, I promise!</font>

- Kid Afrika - 06-13-2002

Quote:But what do I know, I am the same here as anywhere, so therefore I'm a liar.
You are a liar. But, you are only lying to yourself. And that's fine, because you'll only forget anyway. Alzheimer's, nature's answer to uppity old folks.

- Sean Cold - 06-13-2002

Thank you, Seph, I was actually thinking of posting the same thing but didn't want to waste my time looking up the word glaucoma or try and make a witty reply alluding to the fact that he is nothing more than a senile pervert.

- Sephiroth - 06-13-2002

Quote:Thank you, Seph, I was actually thinking of posting the same thing but didn't want to waste my time looking up the word glaucoma or try and make a witty reply alluding to the fact that he is nothing more than a senile pervert

...Y..You're Welcome......?

- OAS - 06-13-2002

Thanks Sean and Seph. I'm in a mood to pick a fight with the colored kid and you two have to attack my selective quoteing.

- Gooch - 06-13-2002

Board Persona: The myth that people can detect personality behind a bunch of text.

- Metalfan - 06-13-2002

So Ken like the beaten dog that still comes back to lick its master's face or what???

- Ken'sPen - 06-13-2002

YOU Like me though....
right Metal, right.....

OK you don't have to say so here....
I'll PM ya.

Can we go to the park and play ball again???
[Image: rspaca_lead.jpg]