Is it football season yet? - And i don't mean that commie bullshit - Printable Version

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- diceisgod - 06-17-2002

When your baseball team sucks summer is the longest part of the year. I would just like to take the time right now to speculate on the up coming NFL season:

The Giants will suck.
The Cowboys will suck.
The Redskins will be ok.
The Eagles will win the Superbowl.

The rest of the NFC...who fucking cares

The Raiders will lose to the Eagles in the Superbowl

The rest of the AFC...who fucking cares

- Tenbatsuzen - 06-17-2002

Chad Pennington will be the feel-good story of the 2002 NFL Season. Smile

- barch97 - 06-17-2002

I'm wondering how the division realignment is going to effect the playoffs. For instanc, how many wildcards will there be? I guess I could goto and find out but, it would much easier if one of you would go read all that crap and get back to me.

- Galt - 06-17-2002

Patriots should be a .500 team at best, but they will of course, far surpass that mark.

- onehung - 06-18-2002

Bills win the superbowl with Bledsoe at the helm.. Wouldn't that be a kick in the cock.

- Galt - 06-18-2002

That would be quite the story. There's only one problem, Bledsoe is just not that good. He's got 10x the arm that Brady does, but he's just not that good of a QB. And I'm not talking about the BS "intangibles". I mean, he's just makes poor decisions.

He holds onto the ball way too long waiting for that perfect play
He forces balls in because he thinks his arm can make things happen
He telepaths his plays

He will probably put up better numbers than Brady (he's got three great receivers in Moulds, Price, and Riemersma), but it won't matter.

- The Sleeper - 06-18-2002

Quote:I'm wondering how the division realignment is going to effect the playoffs. For instanc, how many wildcards will there be? I guess I could goto and find out but, it would much easier if one of you would go read all that crap and get back to me.
I'm pretty sure it will still be 2 wild cards, 6 teams total. The NFL playoff system is perfect as it is, they shouldn't tinker with it. Giants 11-5, Bengals 12-4. Giants over Bengals in the super bowl. I have spoken.

- barch97 - 06-18-2002

Quote:I'm pretty sure it will still be 2 wild cards, 6 teams total.
So, will they be adding an additional week of playoffs? or will the conference leaders not get the first week off? Or, maybe just a third game? I guess maybe I should go read up on this a bit... I fear I may have knocked over a can o' worms the likes of which we have never seen before or will again. (pretty dramatic, huh?)

Edited By barch97 on June 18 2002 at 10:40

- HedCold - 06-18-2002

i didn't actually read about it, but why can't the 2 top teams still have a bye and the other 4 teams play?

- barch97 - 06-18-2002

Well, 'cause there won't be 4 other teams. The divisions have been <a href=>realigned</a> this year. There are now 4 divisions of 4 teams each in each of the 2 conferences. So, that's 8 first place teams as opposed to last season's 6+4 wildcards. If there are 4 wildcard teams again this year there will need to be another playoff game or eliminate a wildcard spot from each conference.

- Skitchr4u - 06-18-2002

who cares, the rhein fire would kick all your asses

- fbd - 06-18-2002

so arizona is finally not in the east?at least we still have dallas...

- Galt - 06-18-2002

If you people were actual men, you would already own Madden 2002 and know exactly how realignment and the playoffs will work

- HedCold - 06-19-2002

Quote:Well, 'cause there won't be 4 other teams. The divisions have been realigned this year. There are now 4 divisions of 4 teams each in each of the 2 conferences. So, that's 8 first place teams as opposed to last season's 6+4 wildcards. If there are 4 wildcard teams again this year there will need to be another playoff game or eliminate a wildcard spot from each conference.

yea, so now there will be 8+2 [instead of 6+4], and the top 2 in each division getting a bye

again i'm to lazy to actually read about it, but that seems like simple enough of an idea. but, since its so simple, my guess is they totally changed it

- barch97 - 06-19-2002

So, a wildcard spot is elliminated? Only one from each conference istead of two?

- The Sleeper - 06-19-2002

Quote:There are now 4 divisions of 4 teams each in each of the 2 conferences. So, that's 8 first place teams as opposed to last season's 6+4 wildcards. If there are 4 wildcard teams again this year there will need to be another playoff game or eliminate a wildcard spot from each conference.
there were 3 wildcards in each conference last year, not 4. Now there will 2 wildcards in each conference and 1 more division champion. How hard is this to understand?

Edited By The Sleeper on June 18 2002 at 10:36

- Galt - 06-19-2002

because he's a fucking monkey. Does "Daphna wins" ring any bells?

- barch97 - 06-19-2002

Oh... so, now it's racial?
Gotta keep the nigger in his place, huh?

- Galt - 06-20-2002

Who are you kidding Barch. You're not cool enough to be a spook. I thought you were one of those pastywhite dough-boy tubbies

- barch97 - 06-20-2002

Quote:he's a fucking monkey
You were referring to someone else?