I hate to get all serious but........ - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

i am going going through this and it sucks. you should check this out. It will save you trouble later, trust me.
Prevent strokes in the young

Edited By Arpikarhu on June 26 2002 at 4:22

- Kid Afrika - 06-26-2002

What's the matter? Get hold of some bad COCK!?!

- GonzoStyle - 06-26-2002

Who woulda thunk someone is such peak physical condition should die in their sleep from clogged arteries of all things. Yet 77 year old Marlon Brando is still alive. This is a really tough topic especially for obese people such as myself. Some people who aren't overweight have a tough time understanding. It's not like people wanna be fat or choose to be so. No more than a crackhead chooses to be a junkie. It's a drug no matter what you say, and the consequences are both very high. I try as do many but it's not fuckin easy. But we do have to look out cause it can happen to anyone, you don't gave to be 300 pounds you could be a 33 year old athlete and die just the same without warning.

Good work arpi.

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

i am far from overweight and yet i just had a stroke at the age of 36. there are alot of factors. besides having a family history of strokes, i also lived the lifestyle they say leads to strokes in young people. smoking and drinking

- Keyser Soze - 06-26-2002

when did you have a stroke?

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

2 weeks ago

- Kid Afrika - 06-26-2002

It took you until this point in your life to realize that nobody knows when or how they're going to die? damn, you daft fuckers really amaze me sometimes.

By the by, thanks for summarizing gs. There was no way in hell I was either:

a. clicking the link
b. reading some long ass story

For me, doctors kind of suck. I've had nothing but bad experiences with them throughout my life. Here I sit, way older than I ever thought I would be, and I still don't want to live forever. I say enjoy your life rather than trying so hard to prolong it. Think about this... there was some runner guy that ran everyday of his life to stay healthy. He died at like 36 of a heart attack. I'm a fat fuck with a beer gut and a pack a day smoking habit, and I'm still here. There is no rhyme or reason. Just fucking enjoy your life while you have it.

- GonzoStyle - 06-26-2002

My cousin who I hadn't seen in years was always the picture of health. The kid ran 5 miles a day, black belt, track and field, baseball, etc. Always ate right and even through all that he liked to drink and have a cigar once in a while. Barring all that he developed a morbidly high cholestorol level and also had a stroke about a year ago and he was 29 at the time.

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

gonzo, i think you are getting confused. high cholesterol doesnt lead to strokes. while it is usually a sign of obesity and obesity can lead to high blood pressure, and therefore a stroke, it is merely one small contributer to the risk of getting a stroke.

- GonzoStyle - 06-26-2002

well Mickey Mantle always said in his later years if he knew he'd live past 40. He woulda taken better care of himself. You can talk all the smack you want but when death comes knocking you won't be so willing. You can say that now but some people want a family and some people wanna see their kids grow. You can't cheat death but you don't have to race towards it at the same time. Just because there is a a miniscule chance that I stay fit and die anyway doesn't mean I'll just cave in. For every Daryl Kile there's millions who don't suffer his fate cause they do care and take care of themselves.

Just like for every George Burns there are thousands who die of lung cancer daily.

- GonzoStyle - 06-26-2002

Quote:gonzo, i think you are getting confused. high cholesterol doesnt lead to strokes. while it is usually a sign of obesity and obesity can lead to high blood pressure, and therefore a stroke, it is merely one small contributer to the risk of getting a stroke.

Sorry to better explain he had the cholestorol many years before hand. Sorry I didn't word it properly as I just re-read it. I pointed that fact out to show that it started with a high cholestorol, not meaning it caused the stroke. That even as healthy as he tried to be he still got high cholestorol, he was about 19 at the time. My bad on that one.

- Kid Afrika - 06-26-2002

Quote:well Mickey Mantle always said in his later years if he knew he'd live past 40. He woulda taken better care of himself. You can talk all the smack you want but when death comes knocking you won't be so willing. You can say that now but some people want a family and some people wanna see their kids grow. You can't cheat death but you don't have to race towards it at the same time. Just because there is a a miniscule chance that I stay fit and die anyway doesn't mean I'll just cave in. For every Daryl Kile there's millions who don't suffer his fate cause they do care and take care of themselves.
Do me a favor, don't think for me.

I'm not afraid to die. I've thoroughly enjoyed most of my life. I feel that the life I've had has truly been a gift. If it was taken from me tomorrow my only regret would be dying before my mother.

I don't run in front of buses or piss off people with guns. But, I don't shelter myself from things in life with some grand idea that I'll live forever.

Human beings are amazing in many aspects. One of which is our resilience(sp?) and our compassion. I've watched two of my grandparents fight cancer for months only to die when they'd had enough fighting. I don't want to fight. I'll go willingly.

- GonzoStyle - 06-26-2002

Quote:I don't piss off people with guns.

Wanna bet?

- Kid Afrika - 06-26-2002

Well, not to their faces anyway.

- diceisgod - 06-27-2002

True story I just made up: The AIDS epidemic began when a bunch of Russain women fucked monkeys. Then the Africans fucked the monkeys and then etc... Just wanted to clear that up for all you health nuts out there.

- Black Lazerus - 06-27-2002

I want to live forever i want to learn how to fly .... high

When I die i just don't want it to be stupid.
yeah i am 27 and a had a bad scare with my heart a few months ago but i have a heart murmer so... oh well fuck it:fuckoff:

- GonzoStyle - 06-27-2002

Quote:True story I just made up: The AIDS epidemic began when a bunch of Russain women fucked monkeys. Then the Africans fucked the monkeys and then etc... Just wanted to clear that up for all you health nuts out there.

Go fuck a monkey.

- Kid Afrika - 06-27-2002

kid-toucher says what?

- GonzoStyle - 06-27-2002

Quote:kid-toucher says what?

I meant a real monkey, not whatever your racist mind read into you silly spook.

Either way ain't no one fuckin you but me, atleast not until someone trades me a carton of kools.

- Kid Afrika - 06-27-2002

what color is the sky in your world? [b]<BURN!!!> :burnfucker: </BURN!!!>